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This isn't a difficult mod, but do need basic linux/programming knowledge. So if you don't know what the following steps mean, please don't attempt it or ask around for help. I don't provide modified files because I think distributing them are illegal.
The mod is pretty safe. If you break your device (unlikely) or break Drive app (more likely), it's your own responsibility. In the worst case, you can go to terminal and become root, use "apt-get install --reinstall nokia-drive-qml " to restore Drive app.

[ What is this? ]
- So far, there are three hidden features revealed and three community fixes/add-on
  • Hidden Features
    • Live traffic for Drive
    • Live traffic for Maps
    • Automatic day/night (Thanks to nieldk and Arie)
    • Beta Testing: Traffic detail page showing events' starting location and causes.
  • Community Fixes
    • Fix erratic auto day/night switching for some users. (Thanks to mbanck)
    • Fix sticky 'Show Traffic' state. (Thanks to nailwood)
    • Distance/Time-to-arrival toggle button in guidance view. (Thanks to mbanck)
- UPDATE 08/07: Traffic detail page for Drive is in beta testing.
- UPDATE 08/07: Maps traffic patch has been integrated into colin.stephane's unstable patch.
- UPDATE 07/17: There is now all-in-one patches prepared by colin.stephane. There are two versions, stable and unstable. Stable currently doesn't contain community fixes. Unstable contains community fixes, sometimes still under development. They can be downloaded from here.
- Tried on PR1.3. Thanks to Arie, he confirmed that this works on PR1.2 as well.

[ Traffic ]

Thanks to jd4200 and colin.stephane for the initiative of using patch to apply the mods. The easiest and recommended way is to apply the all-in-one patch by colin.stephane:

jd4200's patch can be found here. It is traffic + auto day/night without the community fixes.

[ Automatic Day/Night ]

I. Used the all-in-one patch above (Recommend)

[ Community Fixes/Add-on ]

[ Possible features for community to implement ]

[ FAQ ]
Q. How do I apply a patch?
A. Download to install the patch utility. (If the clicking on the deb file doesn't install, go to terminal in root then type 'dpkg -i [path_to_your_patch_deb]/patch_2.6-2+maemo7+0m6_armel.deb' to install it.)
If you use the all-in-one patch, first download it and save it in a folder of your choice. Launch terminal, login as root , go to the folder where the downloaded patch resides, type:
cp -r /usr/lib/drive-qml /usr/lib/drive-qml-original
patch -p0 -i Patch-to-enable-traffic-and-day-night-autoswitch-in-drive-for-N9-PR1.3.diff
For jd4200's patches, please follow the step in his post.

Q. I applied the patch/modified the codes, but no traffic overlay shows up?
A. Go to San Francisco and see if traffic shows up. If it does, then most likely traffic data re not available at your area. Go to desktop Nokia Map site and see if there is live traffic. No traffic in desktop site = no traffic in Drive.

Q. I totally messed up and Drive doesn't launch. What should I do?
Launch terminal, log in as root (type 'devel-su', then default password is 'rootme')
rm -rf /usr/lib/drive-qml apt-get install --reinstall nokia-drive-qml
[ Credits ]

Thanks to whoever worked on the Drive app, without him/her leaving well-organized traces in the codes we would never know!
Thanks to everyone contributing to this thread!

[ Traffic Screenshot ]



Last edited by sony123; 2012-08-08 at 05:56.

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abuli, accumulator, ajalkane, alephito, arajantie, Arie, BibFortuna, billranton, bingomion, boudjere, Bulfaiter, Camerado, captainofiron, cckwes, cddiede, CepiPerez, ceroberts75, ck2nb, derliebewolf, DJJonosound, dommau, efion, EgyptRocks265, Elleo, et3rnal, Extravaganza, ezameht, F2thaK, Faz, freaksamael, fredson, gde700, godofwar424, Helmuth, hood, HtheB, Iosian, Iryus, isfr21, jalyst, jd4200, jecargo22, jhwan, jimthefly, JosD, Kallela, Kejml, kfahoo, klinglerware, koe, Kozzi, Loginin, lorenzo, MaKenZi, mariusmssj, masen, Matti, mdn, medri, MFaroTusino, mike_shenoda, minimos, MINKIN2, miri, Morpog, N9WB, nailwood, oiv, olcell, OVK, Paul Ortyl, pedroesteban, peterleinchen, qorax, rainisto, ranbaxy, rash.m2k, rooster13, Schturman, shanttu, sillieidiot, slarti, smoothc, solstice88, somedude, stats0, t1nym3, taviman, thedead1440, TNL, toebaer, tomtom, Transcend, turbovomit, uvatbc, Watchmaker, WhitP, WilliePre, Win7Mac, wout.martens, Z3tor, zamorph, zehjotkah
Morpog's Avatar
Posts: 956 | Thanked: 2,628 times | Joined on Nov 2011
Great find! I'm excited about it and wonder if there could be more stuff hidden?
Guest | Posts: n/a | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on
nice finding, probably preparing an update to our device like symbian and Lumia drive app
Posts: 1,539 | Thanked: 1,604 times | Joined on Oct 2011 @ With my N9
Originally Posted by Morpog View Post
Great find! I'm excited about it and wonder if there could be more stuff hidden?
There's a lot of unfinished stuff/secrets hidden in Harmattan, we just have to find it

Edit: modified files here...

I know that sony123 is against this, but some people aren't comfortable making changes like this
Arie||Nokia N9 64GB x2|Nokia N950


Temporary Inception Fix

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Last edited by Arie; 2012-07-09 at 19:01.

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Posts: 151 | Thanked: 158 times | Joined on Apr 2012 @ UK
Originally Posted by nieldk View Post
nice finding, probably preparing an update to our device like symbian and Lumia drive app
hopefully so, it was the final missing feature in drive from symbian ! I think it will be coming in because store may be getting an update as reviews are not working!

The Following User Says Thank You to Nad For This Useful Post:
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Add steps to first post. Please give it a try and enjoy!

The Following User Says Thank You to sony123 For This Useful Post:
Posts: 458 | Thanked: 783 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ France

Please do a backup of your modified files and attach it to the 1st post.

Then I can do a diff file to patch easily ...


Last edited by colin.stephane; 2012-07-09 at 09:19. Reason: Typo's ...

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Posts: 650 | Thanked: 619 times | Joined on Nov 2009
Originally Posted by colin.stephane View Post

Please do a backup of your modified files and attach it to the 1st post.

Then I can do a diff file to patch easily ...

Sorry as I said I don't feel comfortable distributing the modified files, I believe it is illegal from Nokia's term. Maybe someone else will do it eventually.

The Following User Says Thank You to sony123 For This Useful Post:
Posts: 1,539 | Thanked: 1,604 times | Joined on Oct 2011 @ With my N9
Checked 15 times now, it doesn't work on PR1.2 at all.

If someone sends me their files, from PR1.3 I can mod them and post them...

Someone else will have to test them, but I can modify them as was written here.
Arie||Nokia N9 64GB x2|Nokia N950


Temporary Inception Fix

Times Banned from TMO: 4

Last edited by Arie; 2012-07-09 at 09:30.

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Posts: 31 | Thanked: 12 times | Joined on Jan 2012
models/AppSettingsModel.qml: 3 lines, line 23/165/180

You uncomment true and you comment false ?
This is not clear.

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