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Originally Posted by lma View Post
Just an observation: they should really start calling it Mer. MeeGo is somebody else's trademark, is confusing to the general public due to the whole MeeGo-Harmattan fiasco and has mostly negative connotations due to the way all involved partners behaved.
Except that Mer has meaning for even fewer people. Unless you come here and read artices on a regular basis, you probably have no clue what Mer is.

Meanwhile, MeeGo does have name recognition in the industry. While I'm sure they will come up with a name other than MeeGo or Mer (since Jolla != Mer), in the meantime invoking MeeGo is good enough for right now.
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Nokia bridge project???

Janne said:

Jolla was established in Nokia’s Bridge program and the guys at Jolla are very thankful to Nokia for it. For those that don’t know, the Bridge program is a Nokia sponsored entrepreneurship program that aims to encouraging and helping people leaving Nokia to build a business for themselves. Nokia also has a long history of sponsoring entrepreneurship around products and projects that they themselves are not going to continue, apparently now MeeGo falling under this category as well.

This is surprisingly impressive social responsibility from Nokia and the management that thus far has been claimed to be on a killing spree of all things non-Microsoft. Apparently Nokia have now, through this program, actually sponsored the MeeGo spin-off at Jolla.

Kudos to both Nokia and Jolla for this impressive feat!
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Originally Posted by mariusmssj View Post
Nokia bridge project???
Bridge project is basically like a severance package...

usually like three months salary and a month salary for every year worked.

And at least some resources in helping people get new jobs or start companies.
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Originally Posted by quipper8 View Post
Bridge project is basically like a severance package...

usually like three months salary and a month salary for every year worked.

And at least some resources in helping people get new jobs or start companies.
That is really nice of nokia, i think Jolla could achieve a lot with such a great talent that left nokia
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Originally Posted by lma View Post
Just an observation: they should really start calling it Mer. MeeGo is somebody else's trademark, is confusing to the general public due to the whole MeeGo-Harmattan fiasco and has mostly negative connotations due to the way all involved partners behaved.
We dont know what might happen to the MeeGo TM. However i think that the name MeeGo is more suitable than Mer in terms of marketing and name brand establishing. Or will they call the OS Jolla Mobile? Not a good name imho.
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bah, that is pretty standard stuff. What would actually be NICE is if they transferred any asofnow closed code bits to Jolla, like bme or some gsm or gps or wifi drivers.

I haven't looked at mer project lately but there is little use in the wild for a mobile device that can't charge or make calls or connect to wifi...

if there isn't any IP transfer in this bridge then hopefully the same Nokia engineers can do some pretty quick 'engineering' to get a device out. i remain doubtful.

EDIT:Also, not to mention harmattan Swipe UX...

Last edited by quipper8; 2012-07-09 at 20:35.
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Nokia Bridge is just a fancy name for severance package handed out during Elopcalypse. Some idiot mid-level manager propable hired a consulting agency to come up with a fancy name that would have the correct contextual wording for the semantics of life change and new career as understood by the professionals of Web 2.5b generation. And ponies.

Standard Nokia management ********.
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Originally Posted by milanjakob View Post
We dont know what might happen to the MeeGo TM. However i think that the name MeeGo is more suitable than Mer in terms of marketing and name brand establishing. Or will they call the OS Jolla Mobile? Not a good name imho.
It still is MeeGo and many of us know more about MeeGo than Mer. And this phone of theirs is going to be aimed at previous MeeGo phone owners
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Originally Posted by TheLongshot View Post
Except that Mer has meaning for even fewer people. Unless you come here and read artices on a regular basis, you probably have no clue what Mer is.

Meanwhile, MeeGo does have name recognition in the industry. While I'm sure they will come up with a name other than MeeGo or Mer (since Jolla != Mer), in the meantime invoking MeeGo is good enough for right now.
It's good to promote Mer anyway. So using Meego is rather pointless. For the transitional period they can use Mer (Meego's successor) may be.

Originally Posted by mariusmssj View Post
It still is MeeGo and many of us know more about MeeGo than Mer. And this phone of theirs is going to be aimed at previous MeeGo phone owners
If you know about Meego (not Harmattan, real Meego) then you've for sure heard something about Mer.

Last edited by shmerl; 2012-07-09 at 20:42.
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What I think is a bit fishy is that they are looking for people and hiring but isn't looking for investors or atleast have some inormation or phone number.

I really want to know who is pushing the money.
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

jolla, jolla on topic, jollamobile, meego, merproject, nokia, nokian9, professionals, speculations, tizenjolla

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