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Originally Posted by Scorpius View Post
I have this idea about "Smart sync" to optimize that a little bit. Something like sync your whole address book once a day, and every hour sync just confirmed Whatsapp users (so people's status would be refreshed every hour). Maybe code a GUI to configure it even more. There are some people that just don't care about people's status and could turn that off or set it like once a day or something like that.

Other people just LOVE reading people's status like every minute and would love to sync even more often than an hour. That's why the option "Sync Now" was added, for those status freaks
Nice idea Scorpius. Although I'm (still) a very passive user of Yappari, I find version 0.0.17 to be just fine for my purposes.

Regarding the smart sync: now with 0.0.17 I've discovered that some of my "inactive" contacts (stored just for reference but not "friends" as such) actually use Whatsapp (or Yappari, who knows

I'd like to have full sync when starting Yappari (or every 24h, because I keep it always open), and then a selective sync every X hours or on-demand.

The selective sync would allow me to mark confirmed contacts with whom I expect to actually have contact, i.e. those from whom I might be interested in having an updates status of.

Keep up the good work!

PS: I guess I'm a very passive user, but I haven't noticed any lags or undue memory consumption with this release.

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Originally Posted by Scorpius View Post
I have this idea about "Smart sync" to optimize that a little bit. Something like sync your whole address book once a day, and every hour sync just confirmed Whatsapp users (so people's status would be refreshed every hour). Maybe code a GUI to configure it even more. There are some people that just don't care about people's status and could turn that off or set it like once a day or something like that.
that would be great, I was about to suggest almost the same, I care about bw and battery usage and I can care less about people's statuses. If it were for me, I could live with just manual sync, or maybe automatic updates once a week in case I added some contacts and forgot to sync manually.

Last edited by llucax; 2012-07-24 at 07:21. Reason: added battery
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reinob I also was suprised when I sync'd my contacts. I would expected it from my close friends, but what amazed me is that people from work and customers with very high positions in several companies use it. I think it's replacing Blackberry Messenger, which is very used in my country in corporations.

Also I found that around 98% of my contacts use Whatsapp, even older people that I wouldn't even imagined they knew how to use a cell phone...
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Originally Posted by Scorpius View Post
I also use OpenSSH-server and it never closes when I click Create Chat. I have around 100 contacts though. How many contacts do you have approx?
I have 167 contacts
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Originally Posted by tonypower88 View Post
I have 167 contacts
Can you run Yappari manually (type in terminal: /usr/bin/Yappari) and then click on Create Chat and paste me the last few lines? Because it's very weird that it crashes like that.
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Originally Posted by Scorpius View Post
Very weird you don't know this: Even if you haven't heard of somebody who has paid for Whatsapp service (you must be surrounded of linux/opensource people), it already has sold millions of dollars. MILLIONS. *MILLIONS* (read it again).
Yes i have a lot of "free (as in freedom) software" contacts but most of them don't use whatsapp. The friends who use it don't care if the Android of his phones is GNU/linux or whatever and none of them paid anything yet (some of them won't do because they refuse to pay a cent for a service worse than others free).

Originally Posted by Scorpius View Post
It was the top selling application in several countries with revenues even bigger than Angry Birds! YES: PEOPLE PAID FOR IT.

There are 2 billion of Whatsapp messages PER DAY, Whatsapp Inc never reveals the number of users
You can download a list of all users and their status. Whoever cans without needing to be a whatsapp user. In Spain at 2012 February the 9th there was 9.832.654 users.

Originally Posted by Scorpius View Post
In conclusion, they don't need to sell your number to anyone. They are already millionaires.
Their cost must be high too. They accepted some investors so maybe they are not rich yet. One of them gave whatsapp 8 million dolars:

Facebook makes tons of money in ads but they also give your data to facebook apps.

Last edited by malkavian; 2012-07-24 at 09:14.

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"Security by Default" queried all Spanish numbers, it's not like you can download a user list. It's not the same.

But it's safe to say that 1/4 of your WHOLE country uses Whatsapp, and the smartphone penetration of your country is like 44%. That means about half of the people that have a smartphone in your country uses Whatsapp.

And that's just your country. Actually more than half of the people in the world that have a smartphone uses Whatsapp. A lot of people have paid. Maybe spanish people don't like to pay, but a lot of people paid.

I know you're afraid to query, but I bet you: +90% of your (mobile) contacts use Whatsapp.

And yeah this is turning a little bit off topic here.
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Originally Posted by Scorpius View Post
Acurus_ like somebody said before, registration is broken in 0.0.17. You have to install 0.0.16, register, and then upgrade to 0.0.17.
If registration is broken in 0.0.17, where can i get the 0.0.16 deb file?
The download link of 0.0.16 is failed in the first post, it shown 404 not found
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The 0.0.16 link in the first post works for me...
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Originally Posted by Scorpius View Post
Can you run Yappari manually (type in terminal: /usr/bin/Yappari) and then click on Create Chat and paste me the last few lines? Because it's very weird that it crashes like that.
it crashes only if sync is not finished ( only few seconds after being logged in during synchroization ) so I have to wait
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