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I recently meet with a problem with the camera on N900. I have developed some app running the camera. However, if I keep running it for a long while, the camera will fail to work. Sometimes the hue of the capture seems unnormal (a little bit yellow), and sometimes the camera function cant be opened. And I have to restart it.

Does the problem do anything with cache memory? Is there any way to sovle this?

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Very hard to say without knowing more about your app, e.g. how you are accessing the camera. If it's open source maybe you could post your source code somewhere.
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Originally Posted by pelago View Post
Very hard to say without knowing more about your app, e.g. how you are accessing the camera. If it's open source maybe you could post your source code somewhere.
I use OpenCV library to access the camera. Here is the code:
int main(int argc,char** argv)
    CvCapture* capture = 0;
    if( argc == 1 || (argc == 2 && strlen(argv[1]) == 1 && isdigit(argv[1][0]))){
        capture = cvCaptureFromCAM( argc == 2 ? argv[1][0] - '0' : 0 );

	g_image = cvQueryFrame( capture );

Posts: 34 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Apr 2012
hey guys i just completely change my broken usbport. now my camera shows a strange blurry image. i hope its not related. i attached an image taken with it. pls help.
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is this an hardware problem or software?
Community Council | Posts: 691 | Thanked: 1,240 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Mbabane
most likely you burned the camera sensor while soldering the usb port on.
check to see all connections are ok. if all is fine, then replace the sensor

Last edited by sicelo; 2012-09-08 at 11:58.
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Originally Posted by qhubekela View Post
most likely you burned the camera sensor while soldering the usb port on.
check to see all connections are ok. if all is fine, then replace the sensor
okay but what do u mean by connections?
Community Council | Posts: 691 | Thanked: 1,240 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Mbabane
eg, reseat the camera module in case you moved it accidentally, and the other connections, such as ribbon. on N900 seemingly unrelated components exert a great influence on others. that said, more likely than not you need a new camera module.

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