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The N9 kernel currently used with various Mer images is based on old 2.6.32 maemo kernel. This page collects needed info for any developers who might want to help in updating that kernel to latest linux-stable version.
Note for N950 users: the N950 support is there but it's not tested very well as we develop with N9 mostly, so issues may appear. N950 patches also very welcome though.

Contact info:
IRC: #mer and #nemomobile
Mailing list:
CC mer-general if you send patches to upstream lists like linux-omap

Links and further project information:
N9 Kernel update project Wiki Page
Chat on IRC connect to #mer and #nemomobile channels
Mer N9 Kernel - Kernel update project for N9 running on Mer

TO DO list for kernel update:

USB networking ------------------------> phdeswert DONE
Display drivers -------------------------> jnikula DONE
PowerVR 3D drivers missing---------> jnikula DONE
Touch driver board configuration----> jnikula DONE
WLAN driver fixing---------------------->Tieto DONE
CPU frequency tables missing-------->Tieto DONE

Nokia H4P bluetooth driver missing-> tieto
Audio driver parts missing------------> free for taking!
CMT (cellular modem) drivers-------> free for taking!
Volume buttons board config--------> free for taking!
RM-680 / RM-696 Board configs / device tree--------> free for taking!
[ There is a LOT of board configs missing, not sure though if we should actually use device tree instead these days. Someone (tm) should investigate. ]
Port needed Mer specific patches from old N950 kernel OBS pack--------> deztructor
[Yes, all 100+ patches there should be checked :P ]

NOTE: Kernel tree moved from bitbucket to github starting 1st of October 2012!

If you would like to contribute in any way please do so through the Wiki or IRC #mer and #nemomobile

I'll update this page with more information and better formatting (I am not responsible for this project, I'll just try to provide latest information to keep everyone up to date)

Last edited by mariusmssj; 2013-03-23 at 16:20.

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ivo777's Avatar
Posts: 39 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on Sep 2012
Thanks +1 added
We will waiting for news and updates.
Nokia N9 Black 16GB FW 40.2012.21.3 PR1.3
QT 5.0 Beta Tester
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That's really neat. I haven't had time IRL to work on kernel-plus, so this is a start.

Looking at the commit logs, a lot of the work for Harmattan's kernel has been put into mainline, with the obvious exception of the PowerVR driver, which is a massive patch.

Looking at the Nokia Harmattan patch (~16MB in size), there's a lot of board-specific code strewn around that needs to be patched in.

May I suggest simply running patch -p1 < nokia-harmattan.diff and catching the (extremely large) number of rejects?
N9 PR 1.3 Open Mode + kernel-plus for Harmattan
@kenweknot, working on Glacier for Nemo.

Last edited by Hurrian; 2012-09-22 at 14:09.
Stskeeps's Avatar
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Might also interest some, as it helps show Jolla's interest in being a good open source citizen. And no, sadly, it doesn't mean that Jolla's OS would come to N9 - there are conditions in the licensing of the hardware adaptation bits that make it impossible. But the N9s make great development devices for many.

Check out the e-mail domain used in commits (hint, starts with j and ends with .com)

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Posts: 951 | Thanked: 2,344 times | Joined on Jan 2012 @ UK
Originally Posted by Stskeeps View Post
Might also interest some, as it helps show Jolla's interest in being a good open source citizen. And no, sadly, it doesn't mean that Jolla's OS would come to N9 - there are conditions in the licensing of the hardware adaptation bits that make it impossible. But the N9s make great development devices for many.

Check out the e-mail domain used in commits (hint, starts with j and ends with .com)
Thank you first post updated! Also I would like to inform that on the Wiki Page the link to
git clone
is not working, givers 404. It Seems like .git at the end is not needed. Just to let you know

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To do List updated. Help with 6 subjects still needed
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Noob question: Will a new kernel make the N9 better?
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Originally Posted by ZiiimZooon View Post
Noob question: Will a new kernel make the N9 better?
these are just a screens from a benchmarks on a PC

N9 is using 2.6.32 kernel while current stable kernel release is 3.5.4.

A simple answer is yes and no. It all depends on how it's done. It does have a potential of bringing great benefits and even features to N9/950

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another to do list will be IPtables NAT module without it, is imposible to do pentesting with N9

The Following User Says Thank You to -Tyler- For This Useful Post:
Posts: 951 | Thanked: 2,344 times | Joined on Jan 2012 @ UK
Originally Posted by -Tyler- View Post
another to do list will be IPtables NAT module without it, is imposible to do pentesting with N9
is "# CONFIG_IP_NF_IPTABLES is not set" was that what you asked for? It's actually enabled as module for IPv6, but not for IPv4..

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