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misterc's Avatar
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is there a way to get someone banned permanently?
information is a necessary though no sufficient condition to rationality...

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mohi2k7's Avatar
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okay like seriously guys/girls what is going on with community everyone take a chill pill, breath deep and relax... what is up with the brewhaahaa if the winners are Ivan Galvez Junquera (ivgalvez), Randall Arnold (Texrat), and Tim Samoff (timsamoff)... they are now the B.o.D and thus the handover of from nokia can commence right...
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Agreed - we need to hear more from Board, and less for those, who were filtered *out* during last election.

I've started "Ask the Board" thread, for direct communication between Board and Community:

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I'm more than willing to hear from everyone who feels "filtered out". I'd like to filter them back in.
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
I'm more than willing to hear from everyone who feels "filtered out". I'd like to filter them back in.

your gesture is chivalrous but you need to keep in mind that Estel has been a pariah by his own choice for most of the last Council's tenure.
he is accusing still members of the last Council, namely Woody, but whenever he is confronted (by Woody or others) about an accusation, he comes up with something else, like a kid caught in a lie.
the reason why he is accusing Woody all the time is because Woody took it on himself to debunk Estel's accusation against the whole Council after his eviction.

rather then removing filter, what's needed here is to ban Estel permanently...
information is a necessary though no sufficient condition to rationality...

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Everyone, please keep your posts on-topic and refrain from posting insults, personal attacks, and attempts at character assassination. Thank you.

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Originally Posted by Estel View Post
Also, it's big lack of respect for other candidates - it's like saying "I'm so awesome, that I could replace any of elected candidates, but I didn't want to, so don't vote for me". In all democracies suggestions of having "licensed opposition" (fake opposition, without real will to win, so other candidate can win) is real insult, and many times, invalidate whole election.

C'mon Ivan, be a man. Either you're in and want to win, or revoke your candidacy - what you're trying to do now, being "half virgin, half pregnant" is very, very bad practice, for any election.

Question for moderation : the above behaviour of Estel will be tolerated ??? He has no limits ofending people during this year.
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Originally Posted by sjgadsby View Post
Everyone, please keep your posts on-topic and refrain from posting insults, personal attacks, and attempts at character assassination. Thank you.

my previous post is apart from the "conclusion" a mere listing of facts.
would you like me to put links to all those things?
as Estel kidnaps practically every "Council" thread to post his lies, that wouldn't be much of a feat, really
information is a necessary though no sufficient condition to rationality...
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Congrats from me too!
If you are looking for help you know where to find the right people.

For those who are seeking for justice... I won't delete posts here so everyone can read the whole story. For the several requests to give infractions or permanently ban someone: I will look into it and discuss with Administration.

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