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Originally Posted by pichlo View Post
That's not what anthonie said. He said it was a demo for a board meeting about capabilities of mobile devices. How better to demonstrate said capabilities than by pulling a mobile device out of his pocket?
For my work (TD of a telecom company), during a board meeting, we were discussing the production costs of personalized audio messages on telecom products. At some point, I pulled out my phone to demonstrate the possibility of converting audio files on the fly by utilizing ffmpeg to create asterisk files. Simply using my terminal it took me a couple of minutes to create a personalized asterisk message from an audio recording I had taken during the meeting. I saved my own job during that meeting and saved the company a lot of money.
Are you reading the same post I am?
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Originally Posted by xxxxts View Post
You just proved my point, you had your laptop with you - but you just wanted to show off what you could do with your mobile device. Cool. Could it have been done if an iPhone/Android was there instead of an N900? Yes. Could it have been done quicker on your laptop? Most likely. You just wanted to show off.
I don't know; does ffmpeg for iPhone allow you to run the following from the command line?

ffmpeg -i "[original_audio]" -ar 8000 -ac 1 -acodec pcm_s16le -f s16le "[converted_audio].sln"
If so, good, but it's not the point for me. The only reason why I chose the phone over the laptop is simple; I wanted to proof that paying a lot of money for the service we were looking for was a waste of money.

To proof that, my phone not only sufficed, but actually was more convincing than if I would have used my highly customized laptop, as it showed that relatively cheap hardware with the right kind of software was able to achieve the same goals.

This proofs nothing about iOS or it's usablity or non-usability. It just proofs the N900 can be a sufficient device for some.

Why do you insist on "proper usage" while all these devices are derived from what we used to call "personal computers"?
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Originally Posted by xxxxts View Post
I think javispedro is wrong in most of his assertions, I think mobile application quality is great, on EVERY platform; Maemo, WebOS, Android, iOS.

A great deal of people have ditched their laptop/netbook for a tablet. iPad/Android. That's a fact, you can look at the market, you can see what people are buying and not buying.
That doesn't mean laptops are out? My 2009 Macbook can last another 5 years for sure before I find it too slow.

Doing the same work on a 2012 tablet would render me mad.

The N900's ergonomics (user interface + hw keyboard availability) is best fit to to make me forget I am not using a Desktop / Laptop
Even if it lags like a 2001 Windows XP PC

I have the iPad laying next to me but it makes me just tired from just looking at it. I always grabe the N900 even for couch surrfing.

Originally Posted by xxxxts View Post
There's so many things you can attach to an iPhone that give it such a wider range of abilities, from processing credit card transactions to a Geiger counter. And the platform your using hasn't even accomplished spellcheck yet (one of my long running criticisms of Maemo 5).
Geiger counter. Now you are talking. I am demanding a Geiger Muller tube built into telephones for many phone generations since I discovered the invisible little gifts of our atomic past and future are virtually everywhere.

Too bad, if only this guy below had targeted the right platform , he might have raised his funds.

Originally Posted by xxxxts View Post
I never attempted to record calls on my iPhone but from my quick Google search it appears to be possible.
Don't underestimate this demand... From a quick Google search I have learned that most iOS apps have severe bugs and limitations towards business - spy grade call recording.

Keep on the debate

Last edited by ste-phan; 2012-11-13 at 15:04.

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I found this thread and saw some talk about MyPaint and I'm really surprised to see other fellow n900 users having some problems I've never really had because of a simple fix!

1. in MyPaint, go to help ---> "Change the Keyboard shortcuts?" that part says: move your mouse over a menu entry, then press the key to assign.

so for this:

Originally Posted by Wikiwide View Post
how do I exit fullscreen, after entering it accidentally?
press view, then press the down arrow so it highlights at the fullscreen option, like this:

and press a key to assign a shortcut for it, now you can toggle between fullscreen and normal mode easily (I have mine set as 'm')

I have used MyPaint for more than a year now and it has served me really well, I have used a galaxy note and a 4s with a stylus and the N900 is still the best and cheapest solution for drawing in a 3-4" screen. here is why :

Originally Posted by xxxxts View Post
but it can't really be used in that form factor functionally.
I know you already mentioned it is still better compared to an iphone, but I disagree that it can't be used functionally in that form factor, the n900 is actually the best form factor for a 3-4 inch screen device

I hold it like this:

having the keyboard open is a comfortable hold and it lets me do all the things I need to do (change brush size, opacity, zoom in/out,, layer solo, and every single option in the menu) without having to get out of full screen thanks to the key shortcuts.

I have assigned all my most use functions on this side of the keyboard

so as you can see I can effortlessly change my settings without changing the position of my drawing hand. yes, I can use multitouch with a Note or 4S to change the zoom level and pan around, but that is all, and this means constantly changing the position of my drawing hand to navigate to change size, or use a color picker, this makes a big difference in the flow and because of that can produce art much faster than the other two devices, and even faster than a ipad or note 10.1

it also has an advantage over the Note because the Note relies on a penabled stylus, if you lose it is expensive to replace, I can use any stylus or even make my own with the n900

I've made commissions using the n900 and I can resize/crop them with imagemagick and then upload the images via imgur with imgur-cli on the command line (heck, I could even upload them via FaceBook or any video screencast I made to YouTube with mailcmd )

so for the price I got it for (I sold the iphone 3gs my brother gave me for £180 and got my n900 on ebay for £165) it is by far the best small art mobile device I can ever get and does exactly what I need it to do, it's like a portable cintiq (but if you know of a better "portable cintiq" out there, do let me know)

I feel that this thread is no different than going to the openPandora forum and telling them they are wrong to get these devices because everyone has a DS or a PSP

edit: oh yea, and those drawings were quick sketches from the n900 of course , i love this device!

Last edited by lonk; 2012-11-13 at 17:43.

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The OP has always been just a power user, and there's nothing wrong with that. But for him to not fully understand how excellent the n900 is, and then to use an iPhone and iOS to solidify his ignorance, is just sad. Jesus wept.

The vanilla iPhone is a dependent device; it needs an OS X machine (or an app store) to be enhanced. The n900 is a stand-alone personal computer; the link in my signature is just one reason why.

Please stop comparing apples to oranges. And insulting this community only makes you look more foolish.
N9: Go white or go home

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brothers lonk , and daperl :
you just waste your time ... iphones users will not listen to you because they don't want to listen ... they only love apple without noticeable reason . I think apple uses the black magic to makes people love thier devices, because I don't see anything in those devices that deserve the huge amount of money I have to pay, I can't understand what the benfit of getting an iphone ?? if I have to get another phone to use apps that n900 cannot support like tango ,I will buy android phone such as galaxy or htc ,, they're not better than N900 , but very much better than I phone ..
look at the big different between the first android version and the new 4.1 android ,, there are huge differents in options and look . but iphone is just the same boring options and look since the first iphone until now ..
why I have to spend more than $500 on a device that :
- didn't send anything by bluetooth while most of others can ? even if there are apps for that , but it's not free and not working like built-in sending .
- didn't have files and folders explorer .. and no usb mass-storage ability.
- no options for video rec resolution, specially when u have little space and u need long time rec .
- no hw keyboard with useful pc shortcut like (ctrl-a ctrl-c ctrl-v ) .. there is so different between (copy-paste-select) in iphone and simple kbd shortcut in N900 .
- no free useful apps ( all good and useful always not free )
- no radio receiver or transmitter ( some 2003 or oldest phones let u listen to fm radio , but the 2012 iphone doesn't ) .
- no real desktop apps like what we have in N900 .
- no simple AV out to use in all available TV on every house .. ( Iphone has AV out but u need the special cable that only work on iphone and u can see videos only so if u close the video the TV screen stop displaying , while N900 uses cable that many other cameras and devices use , and u get full view to see menus, browser net and games. even if u boot the phone u can see boot screen in the TV .. ).

ooh My God . I'm wasting my time too ^_^ . there many things i hate in Ishit and I need long time to write about them all..
what the people love in Ishit ??????
I don't know.

Last edited by adelalgomai; 2012-11-13 at 17:43.
daperl's Avatar
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Originally Posted by adelalgomai View Post
iphones users will not listen to you because they don't want to listen
Maybe, but he'll keep reading. He can't help himself; he's psycho. I wonder if Masterbateman here has a watermark on his iPhone. Best scene ever:
N9: Go white or go home

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Dousan's Avatar
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you just waste your time ... iphones users will not listen to you because they don't want to listen ... they only love apple without noticeable reason
What a load of BS and for that matter you could exchange 'iPhone' with anything else you like and that equation will fitt when talking about biased fanboys. Could easily fit you @adelalgomai.

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Originally Posted by daperl View Post
Maybe, but he'll keep reading. He can't help himself; he's psycho. I wonder if Masterbateman here has a watermark on his iPhone. Best scene ever:
this is actually the best scene that can discribe iphone and it's lovers .. iphone is just iphone since it's start until now , but it's lovers always see it different and most beatiful in each generation ,,, in my opinion , the curves in the first generation was better than new rough design . but they didn't notice that because apple spread a magic spell over them ...loool
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Originally Posted by Dousan View Post
What a load of BS and for that matter you could exchange 'iPhone' with anything else you like and that equation will fitt when talking about biased fanboys. Could easily fit you @adelalgomai.

you are right .. I know I was fanatic .. but I said that because I used almost all kinds of phones before... I allready have nokia N73, N95, N97 , blackberry bold, htc G1 , sonyericson , htc HD , galaxy 1 , iphone 2g , iphone 4g ,samsung with windows phone , Motorolla droid 2 global and some other old phones .... comparing all of them ,,, no one can rock N900 ,, all phones are in the shelf now since I got my N900 .. I didn't use any of them except if I need to use Tango .. I really loved N900 and I hate Nokia so much cause it made the best phone ever then simply killed it ,.. can u imagine what will N900 do if nokia improved it with stronger hardwares like cpu, ram , camera ,,,etc with the same maemo operation system ???

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bateman v nerds, clueless ii, iphone doucher, neckbeards pwnd

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