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Posts: 109 | Thanked: 150 times | Joined on May 2012
I would like to be able to link against the c++ classes behind QML Elements wrapping Qt Mobility.

I was thinking that i could try to compile the whole qtmobility 1.2.0, and then include those headers, and link against the compiled library.
But i dont know how to set up qmake in order to use the madde that ships with QtSDK. Does anybody know a link to a step-by-step tutorial to do that?

Alternately, is there any other approach to use (or rather create) qtmobility QML elements in C++?
I just need few stuff.. basically Coordinate, Polyline and a few other elements from QtMobility Location

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Originally Posted by paoletto View Post
But i dont know how to set up qmake in order to use the madde that ships with QtSDK. Does anybody know a link to a step-by-step tutorial to do that?
Madde has it's own qmake that you should use. Put it into your PATH so that it's the default qmake used and you should be ready to try.

I don't remember where it's located, but search under QtSDK/Madde and you should find the correct one.
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check QGeoPositionInfoSource for finding location from C++ code.
for sample C++ code see attachment

class for polyline QGeoMapPolylineObject

entire list of C++ classes from QtMobility Location can be found here
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Last edited by student4life; 2012-11-26 at 14:18.
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Yes, my problem is that i want to use these as QML Map Polyline element, and the like.

I know that these elements are in practice backed by these QtMobility c++ objects, but there's one thin layer missing.

Anyway, i tried this:

./configure -release -examples -demos -maemo6 -qmake-exec /local/paolo/QtSDK12/Madde/madbin/qmake

and i get:

Running /local/paolo/QtSDK12/Madde/madbin/qmake...

/local/paolo/QtSDK12/Madde/madbin/qmake: 42: mad: not found
Command 'qmake' is not available for this target ().

Enter '/local/paolo/QtSDK12/Madde/madbin/qmake -v' for more information.

configure failed.

do i have to set up madde somehow? i never used it outside qtcreator
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try adding /local/paolo/QtSDK12/Madde/madbin to your PATH env variable
if you are using bash, the command is
export PATH= /local/paolo/QtSDK12/Madde/madbin:$PATH
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Originally Posted by student4life View Post
try adding /local/paolo/QtSDK12/Madde/madbin to your PATH env variable
if you are using bash, the command is
export PATH= /local/paolo/QtSDK12/Madde/madbin:$PATH
Tried, i get the same problem, in addition i think some binaries inside madbin are now prioritized over the others, and uname for instance gets called in its wrong version..

Probably some other MADDE environment var?
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the build environment in the QtCreator indicated following PATH env variable


other environment var in QtCreator for harmattan project can be checked in Projects->Targets->Harmattan->Build Settings->Build Environment->Details

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