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Posts: 329 | Thanked: 422 times | Joined on Feb 2011 @ derpton
But guys.

I don't understand how can you say it works perfectly on the n950 - what we saw is that it can open and close apps, play music, and nothing more.

They didn't show phone calls, web browsing or anything else that might be related to the hardware capabilities, so we can assume wifi, phone, bluetooth and all that huzzahh does not work in Sailfish on the n950.
Posts: 177 | Thanked: 152 times | Joined on Oct 2011
Let the sdk be released first...
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Yeah, where are the binaries???

Jolla has updated the sailfish OS. Org with this. Delay delay delay... Error and danger!

Instead of coming soon we now read:

SDK Binaries
We are improving based on the feedback we have got from the community and the SDK will be available for download in early Q1 2013. Stay tuned on these shores."

What feed back? I want to give feedback. Closed source feedback! It's not open if it's not open and available to everyone.
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

Last edited by Dave999; 2012-12-08 at 10:50.

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Originally Posted by rcolistete View Post
The Jolla presentation has shown a Raspberry Pi device, so it seems Sailfish OS is RAM efficient.
really? i didn't see... but there is also a 512mb rpi version
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