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I installed Qt Creator from the Ubuntu repos. Is there any way to add some of the other components e.g. Harmattan target or the Harmattan simulator files?

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marxian's Avatar
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Does your Qt Creator have the updater/maintenance tool (should be listed in the 'Help' menu)? If you have it, you can usually add the target from there, though I'm not sure what the status of the applicable repository is right now.
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Originally Posted by marxian View Post
Does your Qt Creator have the updater/maintenance tool (should be listed in the 'Help' menu)? If you have it, you can usually add the target from there, though I'm not sure what the status of the applicable repository is right now.
Nope, the deb version doesn't have this. If I knew where the tarballs that the maintenance tool downloads are stored, I could download them manually..
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Originally Posted by coderus View Post
you need this:
And is there any way to download only some modules? Deb is much more convenient that .run
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At the moment, I'm using 2 Creators, because of Symbian.
1 from Nokia SDK and other is 2.6.1 to cover Harmattan and Blackberry.
Source code tree is setup so it has shared files.
I would like to add Ubuntu too but naturally there is none for Windows.
Any hints?
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The solution is, to fire up the online installer, and in /tmp/remoterepo* there are folders, e.g. or. There you can find the wanted 7z archive.
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