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Mine to be ordered today!!!! Thanks Quimn, Nokia and MAEMO!
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Originally Posted by rcadden View Post
Same here, should be here by Thursday! (The warehouse is here in Fort Worth, so I may actually get it quicker.
Oh, see... I had to go Next Day. And, I was told it will be here tomorrow!

Posts: 48 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Jul 2007
Did y'all check your order status??
When I clicked on the email link to check for status it stated that they
needed extra contact with the customer, to check for fraud.
So you may want to check so that there is not a delay in shipping if you
too got tagged for extra special treatment.

Actually this delay I don't mind since it is to verify valid identity.
They say they are only going to need the last 4 on my SSN.
(hmm... ya like that isn't on every CC receipt you throw in the trash.

Almost done.

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Because the N810 is being sold without a airtime contract (duh!) Letstalk's crazy internal process makes EVERYONE that buys a N810 to verify their personal and bank details. Your order will be canceled if you do not call in and go though their laborious process.

Word to the wise.
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Looks like it is working in the US, but I'll reserve my excitement for when I have it in my hand.

Oddly enough the letstalk page wouldn't accept payment by Visa... It had an option for it, but both my visa CC and my visa badged debit card wouldn't submit. I had to fish out my emergency credit card (Mastercard) which worked fine.

I'm not sure why nokia has chosen letstalk as their US distributor, but I guess that discussion is for a different forum.
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Originally Posted by dfn_doe View Post
Looks like it is working in the US, but I'll reserve my excitement for when I have it in my hand.

Oddly enough the letstalk page wouldn't accept payment by Visa... It had an option for it, but both my visa CC and my visa badged debit card wouldn't submit. I had to fish out my emergency credit card (Mastercard) which worked fine.

I'm not sure why nokia has chosen letstalk as their US distributor, but I guess that discussion is for a different forum.
That's wierd, I used a Visa for mine with no issues. You have to have ALL the information matching what your statement shows before it'll let it go through.
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They canceled my order. I called and they said that my CC didn't work for some reason and I have to resubmit my order. I tried to resubmit my order, but it said the discount code had already been used. Now I called customer service and talked to someone there, who says they have to put my order into "order review" status, and they will email me once my order has been reviewed. This has to be one of the most frustrating developer programs I have ever been involved in. Yes, I am using a VISA check card.
01/22/08 11:26 AM - just checked and now my order is in "picking and packing" status. Hopefully they won't cancel it again.

Last edited by spiderx; 2008-01-22 at 18:32.
Posts: 25 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Minneapolis, MN USA
Originally Posted by spiderx View Post
They canceled my order. I called and they said that my CC didn't work for some reason and I have to resubmit my order. I tried to resubmit my order, but it said the discount code had already been used. Now I called customer service and talked to someone there, who says they have to put my order into "order review" status, and they will email me once my order has been reviewed. This has to be one of the most frustrating developer programs I have ever been involved in.
Try and call them on the phone, and give them your ORIGINAL order number, and ask them to re-instate it. You should be passed to customer service that will verify all your personal details (how old is your mom, etc)

I just got an email saying mine shipped, so fingers crossed!
timsamoff's Avatar
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Originally Posted by sfitz View Post
Did y'all check your order status??
When I clicked on the email link to check for status it stated that they
needed extra contact with the customer, to check for fraud.
So you may want to check so that there is not a delay in shipping if you
too got tagged for extra special treatment.

Actually this delay I don't mind since it is to verify valid identity.
They say they are only going to need the last 4 on my SSN.
(hmm... ya like that isn't on every CC receipt you throw in the trash.

Almost done.
This is important everyone. Since I couldn't specify a shipping address that was different from my billing address when I ordered, I called... And, that's when I found out about the (very annoying) verification process. It took me about 20 minutes to get through all of it (including being on hold).

But, don't forget to call!

(I should have mine in my hands tomorrow morning!)


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Now I got a "customer contact required". *sigh* calling...

01/22/08 12:56 PM - after verifying counties of places I lived in 7 years ago, the last 4 of my social, and "have i been associated with soandso" they verified my ID and said it should ship today.

That was the pop quiz from hell.... lol.

Last edited by spiderx; 2008-01-22 at 19:58.

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