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The US$145 that we were charged for the device corresponds to today's exchange rate of EUR100. Happily, the dollar has not fallen much in the last 30 days, so we got the same price we would have gotten in December. Small favors!
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Holy cow! Just went through the verification process "Color of your car", "Age group of Mr. X"... but now it's READY to SHIP !
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My god, just how incompetent is LetsTalk? Nokia if your listening please, please, please find a new US distributer. These people are awful.

I have NEVER had to deal with this much crazyness in placing an order. Including 20k+ online orders for much larger systems. Why in the world do these people need my SSN? It's $145! Not to mention according to my bank they had already run the transaction.

Ugh... dealing with these people has left a very dirty taste in my mouth.
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Originally Posted by gcarothers View Post
My god, just how incompetent is LetsTalk? Nokia if your listening please, please, please find a new US distributer. These people are awful.....
Ugh... dealing with these people has left a very dirty taste in my mouth.
First, on the other end of the line, you can barely hear the question, then the question, "public record", go figure out, have you been associate with ABC county, DEF county, hij......., if you are 30yrs old, graduate from college and has been moving around for job employment, very likely, you will flunck those security questions. anyway, I agree 120 % with you, they are awful...............
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LetsTalk has a very negative reputation in the cellphone industry, as well, yet many many major retailers use them (Sam's Club, RadioShack, Best Buy, Fry's, etc.)
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Just FYI, the phone number to call to get your order rolling is 800-980-0936, they asked a variety of multiple choice questions about addresses I've lived at and it was generally a pain in the arse. Even weirder is that they didn't email me or anything to notify me that my order was being held up. I would not have even known to call them had it not been for the helpful posts here on the forums. Here is my favorite excerpt from our conversation:

me: This seems like sort of a hassle, I mean I could have bought this anywhere and I'm sure I wouldn't have to jump through this many hoops.
phone rep: Well, I'm sure you /could/ have bought this anywhere else, but since we gave you a 340 dollar discount I'm sure you're not going to do that.
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Originally Posted by dfn_doe View Post
me: This seems like sort of a hassle, I mean I could have bought this anywhere and I'm sure I wouldn't have to jump through this many hoops.
phone rep: Well, I'm sure you /could/ have bought this anywhere else, but since we gave you a 340 dollar discount I'm sure you're not going to do that.
What a mess. You just know their harvesting your information for some nefarious purpose or another.

Personally, I'd end it telling them that I'll be directing the business of all my friends and family away from their company.
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Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles View Post
I'd end it telling them that I'll be directing the business of all my friends and family away from their company.
Telling? No, no, adding host file redirects and dns blocks to in OpenDNS.

Also happily reported the violation of merchant agreement to both my bank and Mastercard. In case you were wondering they -can't- legally ask for all the extra information.

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Originally Posted by gcarothers View Post
......In case you were wondering they -can't- legally ask for all the extra information.
I do not like the harassment is one thing, the way what they are doing is totally legal, and those extra information, ANYBODY can get it from inet for $9.95. Check it out, what people can find out about you for a little $10 is chilling...........

Those f(@*#(#*&($^king rediculous questions they are asking is from "public record" and the way they conduct the question is 100% what your credit card company would do if you flagged a 'security check'. My credit card company told me that I DO have a choice/right to choose my security questions, which I did, to prevent similar harassment in the future. Those questions are the same when one set up inet accts, like, they are "maiden name of your mother", "name of your first pet" etc....

What I dont understand about, is I have correctly answered those questions, my DOB, SSN, mother maiden name, first pets name etc, they still decided to throw me into those absurd strange addresses, paris, hk, bolivia....and, 'I am sorry to tell you, you have unsuccessful finished our security test, and we will have to cancel your order and ....." I pleaded/begged/demanded to talk to the one in charge and finally got it thru. Pew, talking about jump hoops... That is a total of 65 min on the phone!

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Originally Posted by bunanson View Post
I do not like the harassment is one thing, the way what they are doing is totally legal, and those extra information, ANYBODY can get it from inet for $9.95. Check it out, what people can find out about you for a little $10 is chilling...........

It's terrible for me, a non-US resident.
I just want to buy it and send it to a global shipment co. to forward to me.

But ... based on your experience, I wonder whether it is worthy.

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