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Based on the awesome work by romaxa, freemangordon, CODeRUS, Marxian et al. I have a first taste of a specific fremantle UI for embedlite.

only for CSSU-thumb
It will obliterate your rootfs with over 40mb worth of things going to /usr

The actual application (~1mb) is still not optified but the big bulk (xulrunner) is optified.

Now it shouldn't take anything significant in rootfs (about 200kb)

There are some known bugs like the fact that links that open in new windows do not work (empty windows open) and that performance takes a hit when used in non-fullscreen. In general this is a very early preview and very few things work, but you can generally browse without big problems.

Enough with the prologue, here it is:

Install all the deb files there. They have dependencies between them so best way is to download them all in one directory and
dpkg -i *.deb
so that you let apt decide the right order for installation.

Sources are available at
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Last edited by qwazix; 2013-03-17 at 20:56.

The Following 81 Users Say Thank You to qwazix For This Useful Post:
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Nice initiative, hope it works out to be a good or even better alternative to the other browers.

However, I am hitting a dependency issue:

Package libqjson is not installed.

The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to ade For This Useful Post:
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Originally Posted by ade View Post
Nice initiative, hope it works out to be a good or even better alternative to the other browers.

However, I am hitting a dependency issue:

Package libqjson is not installed.
I also had to apt-get libqjson before installing

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The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to sixwheeledbeast For This Useful Post:
Posts: 107 | Thanked: 173 times | Joined on Feb 2011
Thanks so much for this !
Although I try very hard to swipe from the bottom of the screen,I can't manage to make the url bar appears
But running from cli with the -url option works fine

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Originally Posted by pierrem View Post
Thanks so much for this !
Although I try very hard to swipe from the bottom of the screen,I can't manage to make the url bar appears
But running from cli with the -url option works fine
It is a bit tricky, try using your finger nail to swipe from off the screen up or try in portrait as this seems more successful to get the URL bar to come up.

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The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to sixwheeledbeast For This Useful Post:
Posts: 107 | Thanked: 173 times | Joined on Feb 2011
@sixwheeledbeast: it works thanks

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Two more things:
- It would be more clear to put Alopex package in the network group (now it ends up in others)
- The virtual keyboard is almost unusable, as there is no "go" button after entering an url

The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to ade For This Useful Post:
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got to be one of the most professional splash images i've seen for an open source project for a while

on a side note, do you plan to support fennec/firefox extensions? eg. adblock

Last edited by Android_808; 2013-03-17 at 23:13.

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Estel's Avatar
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Looks absolutely ingenious and promising. After following it's development since early ideas, I can just say big "thank you!".

I'm just little sad, that UI have to be in QT, with all it's keyboard input problems, like ignoring half of hardware keymap, and generally, having xkb in "high regard".

When we're at it, is there any cursor mode planned, or at least some modifier to allow hovering without clicking? Is right/middle mouse button (achievable on N900 via xbindkeys and xdotool, but again, I'm not sure if QT doesn't ignore it...) planned to be supported? How it perform with USB or bluetooth mouse connected?

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Is there any chance to get this in the cssu thumb repo soonish?

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gecko browser, maemo 5

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