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Originally Posted by HtheB View Post
The last step could be easily done by pressing on the screen.

So when you hold down the volume button, after the focus, if you press on the screen, it will cancel the "focus" and you need to press the volume button again to focus.
Who needs Nokia when we have brilliant people

Might be a bit hard to implement but the idea is nice

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I apologize for the delay. Work and real life issues but 0.0.4 is out with the ability to use zoom keys for capturing (Just enable from settings)

It's attached to the first post as usual.

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It's nice you're doing this. The builtin camera app has an annoying, loud shutter sound when you take a picture, that seems impossible to turn off, some requirement of European phone cameras I think. Does cameraplus have a way to turn off that sound? I'm looking at the code a little and see an m_muted flag, but am not sure. It looks like the app mostly makes calls on a QtCamera object that I've found some docs for but whose capabilities are a little bit hard to figure out. This looks really cool though. I hadn't looked into the camera programming interface before now. You've got me wanting to hack on camera code.

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In silent profile the camera sounds in stock app are turned off. If you want to turn it off in all profiles use Tweak U-2 from N9QTweak...

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Originally Posted by phr View Post
The builtin camera app has an annoying, loud shutter sound when you take a picture, that seems impossible to turn off
You sure about that? Try setting the ringing profile to silent. There's no shutter sound then.

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Originally Posted by Janitor X View Post
You sure about that? Try setting the ringing profile to silent. There's no shutter sound then.
I knew about that from my E63 so it's the first thing I tried. The shutter sound didn't stop.

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Originally Posted by phr View Post
It's nice you're doing this. The builtin camera app has an annoying, loud shutter sound when you take a picture, that seems impossible to turn off, some requirement of European phone cameras I think. Does cameraplus have a way to turn off that sound? I'm looking at the code a little and see an m_muted flag, but am not sure. It looks like the app mostly makes calls on a QtCamera object that I've found some docs for but whose capabilities are a little bit hard to figure out. This looks really cool though. I hadn't looked into the camera programming interface before now. You've got me wanting to hack on camera code.
Stock camera app plays the shutter sound because it's a requirement in some countries but you can switch that off by removing the sound file completely ;-)

As for camera+, there is an option in settings (tap the bottom left arrow to expose the toolbar then tap the menu icon on the right) and deactivate "enable camera sounds".

There is unfortunately no way to selectively enable and disable sounds. It's either all or none.

QtCamera is part of the C++ library I've created and unfortunately there is not much documentation. I can however help you to get started. The library and QML bindings are also meant to be usable by others to create applications.

It's still incomplete but I am enhancing it over time

I'm now working on front camera support.
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Originally Posted by thedead1440 View Post

In silent profile the camera sounds in stock app are turned off. If you want to turn it off in all profiles use Tweak U-2 from N9QTweak...
in middle east and ( asia ? ) firmwares silent does not remove the beep .only in europe and 001 firmware silent will work . This is how it works in all nokia phones . Only the tweak would silent the beep .
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Originally Posted by myname24 View Post
in middle east and ( asia ? ) firmwares silent does not remove the beep .only in europe and 001 firmware silent will work . This is how it works in all nokia phones . Only the tweak would silent the beep .
Very strange maybe it is not firmware dependent but country dependent based on your telco? I've used mea 006 legacy till pr1.2 with silent sounds and currently Asia 005 legacy also with silent sounds...
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Resource policy IIRC should handle silencing the stock camera sounds.

006 is ME so it should not silence the sounds. It could be that it has been implemented only in PR 1.3? I don't know.

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?where is nemo?, thank you!

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