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, 10:35
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Funny. I read ivgalvez's suggestion as, "this should replace osso-chess in CSSU". Not that it should be exclusively for CSSU users only.
, 12:02
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@ india, indore
, 13:14
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Funny. I read ivgalvez's suggestion as, "this should replace osso-chess in CSSU". Not that it should be exclusively for CSSU users only.
, 14:20
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@ Poland
Hmm. Alright, in that case, I still disagree. Mainly, because Libre Chess is not osso-chess. Two points:
(a) If the CSSU is intended to provide bug fixes and upgrades for code that was previously supplied by Nokia, then by removing one of those packages from CSSU, you ensure that it never receives any more fixes... (And heck, if osso-chess really is unnecessary, wouldn't it be better to just kick it out of the CSSU entirely, freeing up space and time for work on other code?)
(b) If Libre Chess is already going into the standard Maemo app repository, why go through the extra maintenance effort of adding it to a second distribution channel? (And it's a distribution channel that touches all the same users as the standard repository, for that matter.)
I'm not trying to stop anybody from actually pushing Libre Chess into the CSSU, I'm just saying that it seems unnecessary...
The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to marmistrz For This Useful Post: | ||
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, 02:57
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Why would a chess game be included in CSSU? If people want chess can't they just install it from the repos?
I understand why Nokia included some games in their image, but with the way the system is supported now, why would we (the community?)
, 04:21
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It is chess FFS. It does not need to pause, if I turn away I am not going to miss any of the action.