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gidzzz's Avatar
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Why, oh why?

I think that the default calendar application is quite good, but the alarm which is always set to 15 minutes when creating an event had been increasingly driving me mad, up to the point when I decided to rewrite the whole thing.

General notes

As you might have already guessed, the application is called Qalendar because it is written in Qt/C++. It is a full replacement for the stock Maemo 5 calendar application.

There is a multitude of subtle differences and additions, many of them are listed on Qalendar's wiki page:

There are also some minor bugs and shortcomings like uninformative value text on the "Repeat" button, blinking details in the date picker, some keyboard shortcuts and gestures are missing, etc. If you find anything strange, you can let me know.

Portrait mode

Implementing a nice portrait mode for month and week is not a trivial thing, so they're locked to landscape, but the rest of the application can be used in any orientation.

Untested parts

The two most significant things that were not tested are synchronization and switching time zones, so I'm looking forward for feedback from people use them.

Recurrence editor

Qalendar has a powerful recurrence editor for events. It might look scary at first glance, but I think it's pretty easy to use for what it offers. For example, to set the recurrence to Friday 13th, configure it like on the screenshot below.

Name:  1.jpg
Views: 4134
Size:  24.3 KB

Another example: every third year, all Fridays in May and June and second to last Monday of each of those months.

Name:  2.jpg
Views: 4066
Size:  27.7 KB

How to get it?

You can download Qalendar from extras-devel. The name of the package is qalendar.

From my experience the application is safe to use, but don't trust me -- better make a backup if you don't want to lose your calendar.
My Thumb mini-repository:

Last edited by chemist; 2014-06-13 at 16:19.

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May I be the first to thank you for your Qt Calender
Looks very good. I'll give it a go on my testing device.
Autobuilder should work AFAIK but it can take a while for it to come through.

Have you seen this project/thread it may help

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mailcomx's Avatar
Posts: 94 | Thanked: 33 times | Joined on Sep 2010
Great!! It is possible to backup?
N900, 64gigas, xlv 250 - 805mhz, CSSU testing Kernel Power.

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It's not really Autobuilder, it's a package in extras-devel causing some issues.

See for a work-around:

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panjgoori's Avatar
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looks nice. will give this a try.

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Posts: 1,100 | Thanked: 2,797 times | Joined on Apr 2011 @ Netherlands
Excellent initiative, thanks!
I really hope you can create a portrait month/week view. When portrait locked, the screen now flips from landscape to portrait and vice versa while using the different parts. But I can imagine that would indeed be a troublesome task.

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Originally Posted by gidzzz View Post
Why, oh why?

I think that the default calendar application is quite good, but the alarm which is always set to 15 minutes when creating an event had been increasingly driving me mad, up to the point when I decided to rewrite the whole thing.
YES! I'll print this post and store it securely as 100% evidence that I'm not (completely) (going) nuts. Thank you gidzzz.

The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to reinob For This Useful Post:
Posts: 250 | Thanked: 126 times | Joined on Dec 2010
Originally Posted by mailcomx View Post
Great!! It is possible to backup?
Yes please an easy backup on pc or cloud is a must that we don`t have with the stock calendar

The Following User Says Thank You to guilledoc For This Useful Post:
Posts: 110 | Thanked: 127 times | Joined on May 2010
The recurring events feature makes this worth trying even if there are bugs. Thanks so much for writing this, and for all your other reimplementation projects over the years!

Hopefully I'll be able to test this with Radicale at some point too.

The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to wumpwoast For This Useful Post:
Posts: 77 | Thanked: 76 times | Joined on Feb 2010
Thanks gidzzz, I was hoping someone would do this. The alarm choices for the stock calendar always bother me.

@guilledoc: This appears to use the stock calendar database, so I would assume that any exsiting calendar backup/sync options would still be possible. I think that there is syncevolution and someone was working on a caldav file export.

The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to rfeese For This Useful Post:

calendar, fremantle

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