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On book 6 after the archery contest I lost 1 discipline(pathman..)and my combat skill reduce to a minimum 15/0 when it was 32/28 before, also after the magician gues of the boy and girl although I´ve won 10 crows all my money desapeare
so on page 253 I have only c.skill:15, End.:20 and o g. crowns
I´ve never finish it like this

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Originally Posted by Estel View Post
And what about the bug battle with undead spawn? That was a blocker for me, preventing me from bug-testing later.
Found the bug, it is not during the combat, but before. Fixed in the book.

Also, I'm surprised you can't replicate my bug with tournament.
Because I always lost. Now fixed in the book.

@guilledoc: Thanks, fixed in the book (apart for the lost discipline, I can't replicate this).
Please upgrade package and book.

Last edited by sakya; 2013-08-27 at 07:47.

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When I begin a new book I have the option to choose a new skill, then I have the oppertunity to add new equipment and weapons. If I choose the back arrow before accepting the new gear in the top left my whole system locks and I need to remove my battery to restart.

Great game, a real story rather than random stuff in nethack, also works better/faster than guessing syntax in Zork or HGG.

Last edited by biketool; 2013-08-28 at 07:37.

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Originally Posted by biketool View Post
If I choose the back arrow before accepting the new gear in the top left my whole system locks and I need to remove my battery to restart.
Looks liek you have been hit by latest CSSU's "topmost in background" bug. Instead of removing battery, just lock your device via slider, use power-key to bring lockscreen, then, unlock device. you should be able to minimize window and kill it from within Maemo.

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Uploaded version 0.1.23
* Changed status window layout
* Fixed crash in ShopWindow
* Added limit to special items (12)
* Some code refactoring

Due to the new limit on special items when loading your save game you'll be asked to discard any special item exceeding this maximum.

I also uploaded book 8 (now I'm working on book 9).

Last edited by sakya; 2013-09-01 at 14:15.

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Well, I'm still sitting on bug book 6, due to maniacally hunting for last of the bugs

Seriously though, most of issues have been fixed and now are working flawlessly - great work, sakya!. I have spotted few minor-to-medium issues:

1. Numbering of backpack and special items got somehow messed up - if item contain description 2nd line, like "restores x of endurance" or "adds y to your combat strength", that description line is counted as another item. So, we end with something like this:

Backpack items:
1. Potion of MEDPACK
    Restores 4 ENDURANCE points
3. Rope
As said, same apply for special items. Fortunately, it's only cosmetic/convenience bug, as it does *not* affect number of items that we may carry. It just makes it harder to check how many items we really have (i.e. how close we're for 8 backpack/12 special items limit), as we need to count manually.

2. Thing that is bugged since dawns of time but I always forget to write about it (sorry...) - re-equipping endurance-affecting items actually *change* percent of endurance points we have. So, if we got 33 endurance points, decide to unequip our chained mail waistcoat, and equip it again, we end up with 29/33 health points, i.e. equivalent of taking 4 points damage.

3. You're gonna hate me for saying it, but tournament still doesn't work 100% as it should :P Following our recent brainstorm, you've removed combat skill bonus of weaponmastery, leaving only +3 to roll. Sadly, it makes player negatively handicapped in tournament. Rationale:

During normal plot-related situations, where player rolls with +n modifier to result, higher roll always mean higher results. As bow is used - normally - only in such plot situations, there is a rule of +3 for bow rolls due to weapon-mastery.

Hoever, tournament is played using rules for combat. There is a reason why weaponmastery for combat weapons add to combat skill, instead of (more simple) adding to roll result (BTW, for same reason, negative modifiers for battle affect CS, not simply roll) - in fight, a 0 roll is the best we can get! It makes enemy lose max HP it can, given combat skill difference, while ensuring that player loses no HP (no matter of CS diff.)

Now, due to adding +3 to roll roll during tournament, player is "robbed" of best roll. Only possible results are 3-9, now. Surprisingly, in practice, it means that player have *lower* chance of winning tournament, than if we would ignore +3 *at all*, even in combat skill. During such long fight (both parties have 50 endurance points), single roll of 0 turned into 3, means difference of 15-20+ Endurance (that is, having 0, enemy would lose ~17 endurance, given our hero is fighting-capable, instead, we get enemy losing 0 or 1, while our hero loses 7-8 END.)

Excuse long explanation, but I wanted to highlight, that this - theoretically minor difference - greatly affect tournament outcome. "Losing" even single (best) 0-roll can ruin the "fight", losing two almost ensures defeat. and thats for my ridiculously OP character - I suspect that weaker fighters could suffer even worse.

Solution: Get rid of +3 to roll during tournament, it doesn't have a place in fight-engine events. Apply +3 to Combat Skill due to weaponmastery in bow, as for tournament, it is "normal" weapon.

Also, mindblast is still applied to tournament Combat balance.


// Edit

BTW, since book 6, rope no longer takes up two slots in equipment (nor any other item does). Is it intentional rule change, or bug?

Frankly, it always irritated me, that we can carry xyz chainmails as special items for no weight, but rope is so "pricey" on space - so, I wasn't worried when rope become normal item again - but, rules are rules...
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Last edited by Estel; 2013-09-01 at 22:48.

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Another bug in torunament:
"Jakal broke" (3th option) doesn't work as intended, if I understand it correctly as a draw. From my understanding, it should happen, if both participants die on the same round (with message "Altan was killed. You were killed." - for fighting mechanics, same round is "same time" (there is no player round followed by opponent's round, etc.).

Now, it seems to me, that in such case, script choose person with most endurance lost as loser, so "jakan broke" option is available only in the unlikely case, that both participants lost same amount of endurance points.

As you may presume, I wasn't able to report it earlier, as it was first time I managed to get "draw" as result.


// Edit

Page 253: According to text, we should have option to pay for room only (and eat from backpack) or room and a meal, freely. Hoever, if we have enough crowns, only second choice is available.
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Last edited by Estel; 2013-09-02 at 05:37.
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Lone Wolf v.0.1.23; Book #1 v.1.12, page 156:
using first choice "If you wish to dive into the water (...)" terminates program instantly (segfault?).

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Uploaded version 0.1.24:
* Fixed crash in script function Player.SetHasBackpack()
* Fixed random number label alignment when using bonus
* Fixed script function FightWindow.GetLastRandomNumber()
* Fixed ChooseItemWindow focus when closed
* Fixed item count in status window

Originally Posted by Estel View Post
1. Numbering of backpack and special items got somehow messed up
Ops, I didn't notice. Fixed in version 0.1.24

2. Thing that is bugged since dawns of time but I always forget to write about it (sorry...) - re-equipping endurance-affecting items actually *change* percent of endurance points we have. So, if we got 33 endurance points, decide to unequip our chained mail waistcoat, and equip it again, we end up with 29/33 health points, i.e. equivalent of taking 4 points damage.
I'm not sure this is a bug: objects add values to your maximum endurance points (don't actually cure you) so if you unequip such an item is correct to lose the maximum bonus.
If you re-equip it the item will just raise your maximum value, not restore endurance point.
Btw it makes no sense that by unequipping and equipping the same armor you lose endurance points. If the sense of an armor is "you can get more damage in combat" then we should do as you say: raise the current endurance when it is equipped. I'll think about it, thanks.

3. You're gonna hate me for saying it, but tournament still doesn't work 100% as it should :P Following our recent brainstorm, you've removed combat skill bonus of weaponmastery, leaving only +3 to roll. Sadly, it makes player negatively handicapped in tournament.
You're right. I disabled the bonus in the book (update book 6).
Or maybe "0 + 3" should be considered as "10 + 3" (in combat 0 == 10 but every value > 10 is considered 10).

Also, mindblast is still applied to tournament Combat balance.
The text does not say that you cannot use your mindblast/psi-surge discipline. I'm not sure it is actually correct to disable them.

BTW, since book 6, rope no longer takes up two slots in equipment (nor any other item does). Is it intentional rule change, or bug?
I only make the rope take two slots where the text says so. I don't know if it is an error in the text or not.

Another bug in torunament:
"Jakal broke" (3th option) doesn't work as intended, if I understand it correctly as a draw. From my understanding, it should happen, if both participants die on the same round (with message "Altan was killed. You were killed." - for fighting mechanics, same round is "same time" (there is no player round followed by opponent's round, etc.).
The Jakan breaks as the text say:
if at any time you should pick a 0 from the Random Number Table when using the bow, the Jakan will break.
Lone Wolf v.0.1.23; Book #1 v.1.12, page 156:
using first choice "If you wish to dive into the water (...)" terminates program instantly (segfault?).
Fixed in version 0.1.24

Many thanks for your feedback.

Last edited by sakya; 2013-09-02 at 15:58.

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Originally Posted by sakya View Post
Fixed in version 0.1.24
I can confirm that - it`s fine now, thanks

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