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Small chance for a Jolla. Finnish mobile site is having a competion. Prize is a Jolla phone.

To enter:

1. Register here

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Salasana = Password
Vahvista salasana = Confirm password

Sähköpostiosoite = Email adress
Vahvista sähköpostiosoite = Confirm email address

Puhelinmalli = Your phone(s)

Rest of the fileds are optional

-Hit the box next to "Olen lukenut, ja suostun noudattamaan Matkapuhelinfoorumi - Suosituin matkapuhelinpalsta vuodesta 1999:n sääntöjä." to confirm that you follow forum rules.

-Then press "Suorita rekisteröityminen loppuun" to confirm your registration. Its at the bottom of page.

2. Make a post in this thread Doesn't matter what you write. For example, Osalllistun kilpailuun

Winner will be chosen randomly from the posts on 1.1.2014.

Last edited by Rauha; 2013-11-27 at 19:51.

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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
This feels too close to the Nokia N9 release. Awesome product from Finland deemed too good to be released in a market where I unfortunately live and no clear communication about when/if it will arrive.
Returning from TMO exile to post that this echoes exactly how I feel.

Jolla: why on earth did you let me get a €40 pre-order option if you had no firm plans to make the device available to me?

I bought my N900 from a slightly shady business in an industrial estate the next town over, and I imported my N9 from Singapore, which is on the other side of the planet.

I was so excited at finally having my primary device not be a grey-market import with no support or warranty. Now I ask Jolla why I heard nothing from them (not even a form email) 24 hours after launch, and they just reply "sorry there is no news for non-EU markets".

That's just awful PR and lousy communication. I'm still going to get a Jolla because I am excited about the technology and the pedigree and because I'm a determined and tech-obsessed individual, but it has left a bad taste in my mouth.

At least Jolla could suggest that I order via the EU, but all they could offer me was a shrug.

At least Jolla could send me an auto-mail to say "We're sorry, but due to regulatory/pipline/whatever issues, we can't sell the device directly to you at this time, but we're working to figure something out." but I had to chase them down to make them even tell me that that they had nothing to tell me.

...and so we come full circle back to what Gerbick said:

Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
This feels too close to the Nokia N9 release.
Edit: just noticed my own TMO signature. Hah. A New Hope indeed, but only if you live in the right place.

Edit2: not going to get Jolla hardware any more. Total lack of communication/respect for those of us outside the EU who put money down and got just a T-shirt + probable lack of 3G/LTE support + my N9 still works = no thanks Jolla
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Last edited by shallimus; 2014-01-03 at 16:55.

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Originally Posted by shallimus View Post
Returning from TMO exile to post that this echoes exactly how I feel.

Jolla: why on earth did you let me get a €40 pre-order option if you had no firm plans to make the device available to me?

I bought my N900 from a slightly shady business in an industrial estate the next town over, and I imported my N9 from Singapore, which is on the other side of the planet.

I was so excited at finally having my primary device not be a grey-market import with no support or warranty. Now I ask Jolla why I heard nothing from them (not even a form email) 24 hours after launch, and they just reply "sorry there is no news for non-EU markets".

That's just awful PR and lousy communication. I'm still going to get a Jolla because I am excited about the technology and the pedigree and because I'm a determined and tech-obsessed individual, but it has left a bad taste in my mouth.

At least Jolla could suggest that I order via the EU, but all they could offer me was a shrug.

At least Jolla could send me an auto-mail to say "We're sorry, but due to regulatory/pipline/whatever issues, we can't sell the device directly to you at this time, but we're working to figure something out." but I had to chase them down to make them even tell me that that they had nothing to tell me.

...and so we come full circle back to what Gerbick said:

Edit: just noticed my own TMO signature. Hah. A New Hope indeed, but only if you live in the right place.
I think gerbick found the zen way, his posts are much less bitter. EU guys also feel a bit bitter because Finland has priority. Why not come to visit the land of the free (and regulated carriers) and pick one up?

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I completely agree the Jolla should be more forthcoming with availability (or otherwise) information. At the very least, it'll help (potential) customers decide whether to wait, not buy, or get a friend to order it and courier it over, or whatever other options there are.

Living in Malaysia however, I've come to accept that besides the N9, it's highly unlikely we'll ever get anything remotely close to the international launch date (if at all). We ended up getting the N900 about 9 months after the international launch date (I imported mine from Dubai about a week after launch because I assumed Nokia Malaysia were a bunch of nitwits)... and an educated guess says that Jolla will likely never set foot here. So, I've chosen the order it shipped to a relative and get it couriered back to me route.

I'd say just do what I do, and consider anything more an enormous bonus
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Reading the user experience thread, my confidence in Jolla starts to budge!

The launch feels so much like a dejavu - missing features abound. I cannot believe when I read 4G is not enabled in the current release. They would be sued if the phone launched in US!

I didn't expect the SW to be complete in anyway, but the status is much worse than I would ever imagine. I am not talking about features like MMS; I am talking about small things here are there that add up quickly. For example the lack of FB/Twitter/RSS feeds in notification, no share UI, no video talk for Android runtime, stability issues, etc. I also think Jolla should not launch until the browser is more mature. Browser is so important when the ecosystem is non-exist!

I know Jolla need to hit the release milestone badly to show they are real. But launching the device in such immature state only gets them bad reviews (from sites that only understand iOS/Android). That doesn't help them attract new users outside of Maemo/Meego/Qt/hard-core Nokia!

I once again wish Harmattan/Meltemi were not abandoned.....
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Originally Posted by szopin View Post
I think gerbick found the zen way, his posts are much less bitter.
I see your point, but I stand by my post. The way I see it, the bare minimum Jolla should have done is communicated to non-EU people: "Hey, sorry, we can't currently sell you a phone."

As it stands, all I have a €40 T-shirt. I've been proudly and regularly wearing it for the last little while and explaining the backstory to people who ask, but how should I feel good about wearing it now? All my tech friends here are asking me when I'll get the device I've been talking up for the last 18 months, and all I can say is: "It's released, but I don't know when or if I'll be able to get one."

Originally Posted by szopin View Post
EU guys also feel a bit bitter because Finland has priority.
I have limited sympathy for non-Finland EU people, because at least they got an e-mail and have some chance of buying the device [without going through the usual agonising & expensive büllshït of the grey-market import process].

Originally Posted by szopin View Post
Why not come to visit the land of the free (and regulated carriers) and pick one up?
I live in Canada. I have been to Finland more than once in the past and hope to visit again in the future. I wish I could afford the time/money for a trip to Finland just to buy a Jolla phone, but that's really not on the cards for me right now. I'm sure you have the best intentions, but this isn't really that helpful of a suggestion.
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Last edited by shallimus; 2013-12-02 at 17:02.
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Originally Posted by sony123 View Post
Reading the user experience thread, my confidence in Jolla starts to budge!
Well, there are good and bad points, some folks actually like the phone so much that they claim they are using it as a main phone already, which is a lot considering that Sailfish OS is Beta. I don't recall any other company delivering their mobile OS at Beta stage, well, big-search-giant does it all the time, they just have a different concept of Beta = v4.0, v5.0, you name it :-)

I ordered the phone and can read about a lot of rough edges, but am betting that Jolla will react accordingly. Even with the N9 their releases where miles better than any competitor in terms of bug fixing and features.

Patience is not my friend, though, and I want the device right now! :-)
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Originally Posted by shallimus View Post
As it stands, all I have a €40 T-shirt. I've been proudly and regularly wearing it for the last little while and explaining the backstory to people who ask, but how should I feel good about wearing it now? All my tech friends here are asking me when I'll get the device I've been talking up for the last 18 months, and all I can say is: "It's released, but I don't know when or if I'll be able to get one."
I wondered what would with folks like you who paid money and are in an "yet unsupported" country - I thought that that wasn't possible, but clearly it is. The preorder is good until mid next year, so hopefully you'll get the device before that or a refund?

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Just checking in as a €40 non-EU pre-order (US specifically). Let us hope that they have info for us 'soon'.

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Originally Posted by FiSHBoY View Post
Just checking in as a €40 non-EU pre-order (US specifically). Let us hope that they have info for us 'soon'.
What did your PDF receipt say it was for? Mine said "Limited ed. Jolla preorder number + T-Shirt"

I got the second item; still waiting for news on the first...
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