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I finally got N810 and was very excited until i found out that my sweet T-Mobile Dash (bluetooth PAN profile) with WM5 does not work with N810 (bluetooth DUN profile).

I am begging you guys to help me here.....maybe somebody has a solution ?

This is what i have found so far:

i dont know if it makes a difference since that patch was used with WM6 and laptops. I have WM5 and N810.
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the 810 has better PAN support than DUN support

Do you tether your tablet to a blackberry? Vote for Nokia to fix the DUN bug so your mobile connectivity experience improves.
HumanPenguin's Avatar
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T-Mobile has a free upgrade to WM6 that supports DUN as well as PAN on the Dash

And this link will help with PAN

Last edited by HumanPenguin; 2008-02-08 at 10:00.
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Originally Posted by HumanPenguin View Post
T-Mobile has a free upgrade to WM6 that supports DUN as well as PAN on the Dash
Mmmm I am not sure where you got this information. AFAIK the T-Mobile Dash in both its WM5 and WM6 incarnations does *NOT* support DUN. PAN, yes. DUN, no. This is why there are so many threads about getting PAN connectivity to work.

There are DUN hacks written by the Windows Mobile community, but their functionality is less than ideal. Now if you personally own a T-Mobile Dash that is running WM6 with DUN support, please prove me wrong.
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Originally Posted by dubiousmike View Post
the 810 has better PAN support than DUN support
I'm confused by this comment, since the default dbus based networking setup on the 810 doesn't have any support for pan at all, at least not exposed through the UI. AND out of the box DUN works fine between the 810 and the one phone I've had a chance to try it it with. Heck even the preconfigured DUN info for my cellular carrier worked correctly on the first try.
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The Nokia N810 does not have good PAN support (at least on the UI level.)
Hence all the scripting (fanoush's script being the base it seems)

On the Wm5/6 devices there is no DUN support (official as yet). Hence we have to connect using PAN.

So on IT there is DUN support, on WM devices (phones there is PAN support). This is why all these connectivity headaches arises.

So to be able to use PAN (which is good on WM5 phones) and the IT, you have to use the scripts and the connectivity methods from terminal as a hack for now.

Last edited by nilchak; 2008-02-08 at 18:57.
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Originally Posted by calador View Post
Mmmm I am not sure where you got this information. AFAIK the T-Mobile Dash in both its WM5 and WM6 incarnations does *NOT* support DUN. PAN, yes. DUN, no. This is why there are so many threads about getting PAN connectivity to work.

There are DUN hacks written by the Windows Mobile community, but their functionality is less than ideal. Now if you personally own a T-Mobile Dash that is running WM6 with DUN support, please prove me wrong.
Hmm OK looks Like I was wrong. Yes I own a Dash with WM6 I upgraded originally for this reason. I have not gotten a N800 yet decided to wait a while when the N810 came out ( getting one next week and upgrading the phone to a N95 so WM6 was a waste)

Anyway at the time I had issues connecting my Palm TX to the dash. And read that WM6 would fix the issue. Since the up grade I have never tried it. Got fed up with the TX. Looks like the upgrade was a waste of time.
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When I first got my 810, the DUN support for my phone was broken on the IT level. when I upgraded from .49 to .52, there were new fields added to the wizard. The default info filled in some of them were not what I needed (for my t-mobile BB with the enterprise plan) but from the info I had researched online to get OS X and WinXP to work, I was able to edit the info in the wizard and it works.

Slower than XP and OS X, but it works.

Do you tether your tablet to a blackberry? Vote for Nokia to fix the DUN bug so your mobile connectivity experience improves.
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This may help. I have a Samsung i730 with WM5. I use a program that creates a BT DUN profile on the phone. When I first got my n810 I fired it up, I set up my phone under control panel and it recognized the BT DUN profile on my phone. It works great for me. Whenever I am not around WiFi, I set it to the verizon profile and it dials my phone and sets up a connection automatically.

Here is a link to the program I use. It is on under the i730 forum. I don't know if this will work with your phone, I am not sure if it is phone model specific, or if it will work with all WM5 devices.

Good luck!

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