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Yes, I thought of appending segments but I am planning a long trip from UK to Italy so it would take quite some effort to get my route right. I think one of my PCs in the past came with Microsoft Route Planner (or something similar) which gave such control. If such a program existed now and it could export in GPX format then it would massively improve the usability of Maemo-mapper.
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Originally Posted by runestone
Hi Gnuite, I can translate into Swedish.

May I also suggest that we have a look at, the Swedish yellow pages with options to have route planning and also photos and maps or hybrid mode. Dont know if it is possible to "harvest" maps from there. Let me know if I can help beta test some settings.

Best regards, Rune
I know for a fact that it is possible to harvest maps from I have made a Perl script that is a bit shabby but does the job. It also has the ability to download a square area if you specify the length in meters. One thing about, they are not using the WGS84 system used in a gps device. They use the official Swedish RT90 2-dimensional system, There are ways to transpose between RT90 and SWEREF99 which is almost precisely applicable on WGS84. But i haven't yet been able to do so, to much school at the moment . But i have used Lantmäteriets web-converter to cheat . It checks the WGS84 coordinates and gives the RT90 coordinates back.

My script works with GpsDrive, it should be possible to adapt it to maemo-mapper but i don't know if it should be integrated with maemo-mapper because of the small number of users in Sweden and the extra conversion between RT90 and WGS84. Just a lot of code not really used by so many people.

Maybe the map-downloading part of maemo-mapper could be lifted out in to a small separate replaceable executable?

EDIT: Lantmäteriet -> Swedish geographic survey office

Last edited by HardCoder; 2006-05-26 at 22:05.
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Posts: 43 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2006
Well HardCoder, since I believe there are some Nokia 770 per capita in Sweden I dont think it would be a total waste of bytes... but good idea to separate it though.

Originally Posted by HardCoder
I know for a fact that it is possible to harvest maps from I have made a Perl script that is a bit shabby but does the job. It also has the ability to download a square area if you specify the length in meters. One thing about, they are not using the WGS84 system used in a gps device. They use the official Swedish RT90 2-dimensional system, There are ways to transpose between RT90 and SWEREF99 which is almost precisely applicable on WGS84. But i haven't yet been able to do so, to much school at the moment . But i have used Lantmäteriets web-converter to cheat . It checks the WGS84 coordinates and gives the RT90 coordinates back.

My script works with GpsDrive, it should be possible to adapt it to maemo-mapper but i don't know if it should be integrated with maemo-mapper because of the small number of users in Sweden and the extra conversion between RT90 and WGS84. Just a lot of code not really used by so many people.

Maybe the map-downloading part of maemo-mapper could be lifted out in to a small separate replaceable executable?

EDIT: Lantmäteriet -> Swedish geographic survey office
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Posts: 78 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Sep 2005 @ San Francisco, CA
First, MANY thanks to gnuite for this awesome program! I've donated $20 (mkrueger), and I recommend everyone that is using this program consider its value and send some cash if you can. There's no question this program makes the 770 much more valuable.

I'm having a strange problem using my Socket BT GPS with Maemo Mapper. When I use it with Maemo Mapper, it seems to leave the "Establishing GPS fix" window up forever, and the bar appears empty. It does put the dot at my correct location on the map, but it won't move from there. The application is otherwise working perfectly, and I've used it to download routes and get around town (LOVE it!). It has never locked up on me (.1 or .2).

The other odd thing is that my Socket GPS seems to get goofed up after 5 minutes of running Maemo Mapper. The sattellite fix light will go out. This doesn't happen when using any other applications with it. Could Maemo Mapper be somehow trying to put my GPS in a different mode? I have to power cycle it to get it back to normal operation.

The Socket GPS works fine with GpsDrive on the same 770, so I guess I can just wait until gpsd is supported, but I'd love to start using it on the road without having to manually tell it where I am :-)
Nokia N800, 4GB ADATA SD (Class 6)
Nokia 770, 1GB Sandisk RS-MMC
LG CU500 for 3G data service (uses my iPhone SIM)
gnuite's Avatar
Posts: 1,245 | Thanked: 421 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Originally Posted by mk500
I'm having a strange problem using my Socket BT GPS with Maemo Mapper. When I use it with Maemo Mapper, it seems to leave the "Establishing GPS fix" window up forever, and the bar appears empty. It does put the dot at my correct location on the map, but it won't move from there. The application is otherwise working perfectly, and I've used it to download routes and get around town (LOVE it!). It has never locked up on me (.1 or .2).
This is peculiar. The fact that it stays in "Establishing GPS fix" mode implies that Maemo Mapper is not getting an RMC sentence with a "valid" position. Even if the positions it got were "invalid", Maemo Mapper would still plot the dot, although it would be grayed out.

Can you send me the NMEA output from your receiver (using GPSD or direct rfcomm/cat)? This would help me determine the nature of your problem.

Originally Posted by mk500
The other odd thing is that my Socket GPS seems to get goofed up after 5 minutes of running Maemo Mapper. The sattellite fix light will go out. This doesn't happen when using any other applications with it. Could Maemo Mapper be somehow trying to put my GPS in a different mode? I have to power cycle it to get it back to normal operation.
Maemo Mapper never sends any data to your receiver - it opens the bluetooth connection strictly for read-only access. What model of receiver do you have? Does it have a auto-power-save feature that would cause it to stop emitting NMEA data after 5 minutes of being disconnected?

The combination of the two of your problems might imply that the connection is getting dropped soon after it is established. The next time that Maemo Mapper seems to get stuck at "Establishing GPS fix", try disabling the GPS receiver (in the menu) and re-enabling it, and see what happens.

Did this change with v0.2? That is, did things work fine in v0.1?

Thanks for the donation, and for the feedback.
Posts: 3 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jan 2006

I like your program, If You want, I can translate to Spanish your application.

Best Regards,
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I've released Maemo Mapper v0.2.1 to address the "Invalid NMEA input from receiver!" message. I was unaware that some receivers don't output speed or heading (particularly if your receiver is in "static navigation" mode) - you guys are missing out! Anyway, I've changed the code to accept empty values instead of flagging them as invalid data.

I updated the first post in this thread (and the name of the thread) to reflect the new version number and to update the links. Or, you can use these handy links right here:

Device-Installable .DEB File
Source Code
penguinbait's Avatar
Posts: 3,096 | Thanked: 1,525 times | Joined on Jan 2006 @ Michigan, USA
Google maps are awesome, but there satellite maps kind of suck. Microsoft Terraserver has way better resolution, it usually only black and white but way better maps, any chance it will work with Terraserver?
Posts: 1 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on May 2006

Maemo-mapper now seems to work even if my Globalstar BT is in static navigation mode.

There's a 'gps data valid' flag available in many of the nmea sentences. Why not use it instead of figuring out the validity of the fix by our self?

Please see this page for more:

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Posts: 78 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Sep 2005 @ San Francisco, CA
Originally Posted by gnuite
Can you send me the NMEA output from your receiver (using GPSD or direct rfcomm/cat)? This would help me determine the nature of your problem.
I'm having trouble figuring out how to output the NMEA data to a text file. Can you give me an example command that would work from xterm? I have root enabled.

Originally Posted by gnuite
Maemo Mapper never sends any data to your receiver - it opens the bluetooth connection strictly for read-only access. What model of receiver do you have? Does it have a auto-power-save feature that would cause it to stop emitting NMEA data after 5 minutes of being disconnected?
I thought that was the case. I bet you are right about the 5 minute thing. Here is the info on my receiver:

Socket Bluetooth GPS

Originally Posted by gnuite
The combination of the two of your problems might imply that the connection is getting dropped soon after it is established. The next time that Maemo Mapper seems to get stuck at "Establishing GPS fix", try disabling the GPS receiver (in the menu) and re-enabling it, and see what happens.
Disabling and enabling the GPS receiver (in the menu) just leaves me showing the empty "Establishing GPS fix" bar again. So basically nothing changes. The dot IS gray, as you suspected. However, using my Mac and a program called GPSUtility, I'm seeing a fix and 11 satellites. I've PM'd you some text output from GPSUtility, but I'm not sure if it's a direct feed off the GPS unit or if it is cleaned up.

Originally Posted by gnuite
Did this change with v0.2? That is, did things work fine in v0.1?
Nothing seemed to change as far as the GPS problem between .1 and .2.
Nokia N800, 4GB ADATA SD (Class 6)
Nokia 770, 1GB Sandisk RS-MMC
LG CU500 for 3G data service (uses my iPhone SIM)

Last edited by mk500; 2006-05-27 at 09:23.

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