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Originally Posted by salkos73 View Post
I installed sailfish with multirom. How do I upgrade to version sailfish? I know that via ota having multirom can't update.

And you're wrong, update through OTA works well.
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is there a way to operate the haptic feedback sound on the keyboard? a guide?
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Hi. Has anybody had trouble with Bluetooth headsets or car system?
On a Nexus 5, tried and

When I make or receive a call I hear an ugly noise (rain noise) all the time over the voice from the other people. If I play music, everything is just fine. I have it installed with multirom, so I also tried from Android and again everything is working ok. In Firefox Os works fine too.
It also has some problems to connect to the car-system in Sailfish. Sometimes connects sometimes not.

EDIT: Bluetooth headsets and carsystem are unusable...

Anyone can help me on this?

Nokia 2160 > Nokia 5120 > Nokia 3595 > Nokia 3600 > Nokia 7710 > Nokia N95/N800 > Nokia N900 > Nokia N9 > LG Nexus 5 (Multirom: Sailfish/Cyanogenmod/MIUI) > Sony Xperia Z2 (MIUI) > Sony Xperia X (SailfishX)...but N900 still rockin'!!!

Last edited by jem555; 2015-11-30 at 13:17.
Posts: 1,746 | Thanked: 1,832 times | Joined on Dec 2010
ive tried my xbox wireless headset that has bluetooth and never had any trouble? just had to fiddle about with using phone speaker and headset till it worked.
Posts: 58 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on Aug 2007 @ Buenos Aires, Argentina
Originally Posted by m4r0v3r View Post
ive tried my xbox wireless headset that has bluetooth and never had any trouble? just had to fiddle about with using phone speaker and headset till it worked.
Hi. Thanks for your reply. You've tried this with a nexus 5 and SailfishOS?

it's so rare, it makes the same noise with a headset and carsystem. I've changed bluetooth connection mode to car system, headset and so on...and still the same.

I'm sure it's not the hardware of my nexus (works excellent with android or firefox os) or the devices (they work ok with other phones).
And the noise is only on my side, so the voice of the caller is too hard to hear because of that.

I think it's the codec that compress the voice when sending it to the device. I'll dig on pulseaudio 6.

Please try to test it with another device if you can, and let me know the results.

Nokia 2160 > Nokia 5120 > Nokia 3595 > Nokia 3600 > Nokia 7710 > Nokia N95/N800 > Nokia N900 > Nokia N9 > LG Nexus 5 (Multirom: Sailfish/Cyanogenmod/MIUI) > Sony Xperia Z2 (MIUI) > Sony Xperia X (SailfishX)...but N900 still rockin'!!!
Posts: 1,746 | Thanked: 1,832 times | Joined on Dec 2010
Originally Posted by jem555 View Post
Hi. Thanks for your reply. You've tried this with a nexus 5 and SailfishOS?

it's so rare, it makes the same noise with a headset and carsystem. I've changed bluetooth connection mode to car system, headset and so on...and still the same.

I'm sure it's not the hardware of my nexus (works excellent with android or firefox os) or the devices (they work ok with other phones).
And the noise is only on my side, so the voice of the caller is too hard to hear because of that.

I think it's the codec that compress the voice when sending it to the device. I'll dig on pulseaudio 6.

Please try to test it with another device if you can, and let me know the results.

yes latest updates,

I've recently smashed my nexus 5 screen, and on replacement, my device worked for a bit then now is complete dead.

so :'(
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hi guys

regarding android apps on sailfishos on the Nexus 5:
nh1402 has managed to start some of the android processes which are required for running android apps on his Nexus 5 while sailfishos is running.
Now we have worked on a solution to run surfaceflinger, the process which gives you android video output too. First we have succeeded in running surfaceflinger while lipstick is running, this meant surfaceflinger drew to the screen while lipstick was also drawing (which resulted in funny screen contents) this lead to the idea of pausing lipstick or surfaceflinger and thus we were able to switch between android and sailfishos without much delay, which is kind of a solution but not very convenient. In the last 3 days we managed to patch surfaceflinger such that it does not draw over lipstick and today we have been able to copy the graphic buffers composited by surfaceflinger into a shared memory location, this was very easy thanks to the work thp has done with his harmattandroid project. We are currently working on a renderer app which displays this buffer in a window in sailfishos (based on thp's work). Stay tuned! Unfortunately i don't have an android device which i can test on so i always have to send nh1402 my compiled files and need him to try, thing is nh1402 will be unavailable for some time beginning tomorrow. So if anyone with a little terminal experience wants to do the same with me as nh1402 did while he is unavailable, this would be greatly appreciated, otherwise you will have to wait a while to see the result :P.

this sounds way too gooey :/

"we can (soon) start android apps in sailfishos" or rather "we can (soon) have a full android installation displayed inside a sailfishos window"

EDIT: instructions


Last edited by liar; 2015-12-08 at 17:06.

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so i don't need to stop lipstick before starting surfaceflinger anymore?

i just tried the steps you wrote and get an "Stopped ./surfaceflinger"
on the terminal. is that supposed to happen?
Posts: 210 | Thanked: 841 times | Joined on Feb 2013
Originally Posted by breiti_oi View Post
so i don't need to stop lipstick before starting surfaceflinger anymore?

i just tried the steps you wrote and get an "Stopped ./surfaceflinger"
on the terminal. is that supposed to happen?
no need to stop lipstick anymore, in fact it has to be running now (for the sfdroid binary to work/display stuff)

thats probably a crash, i put this tutorial together without nh1402 having a look over it first so it might be incomplete

you could try running
strace -fF -o log /system/bin/surfaceflinger
and then paste the resulting log file somewhere

in the meantime i have been working on sharing the buffer handle instead of the whole buffer (but this is probably not going to work as it is implemented now, because i somehow have to share the fds properly) via shared memory although i cannot test it. when i will be able to test depends on when nh1402 returns or when my nexus 4 arrives or when somebody shows up in irc who likes to try

Last edited by liar; 2015-12-07 at 16:42.

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