, 15:04
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The (intel) tablet being a project with lower prestige level than releasing a Jolla II in all aspects superior to the original Jolla should not have made it to mass production unless there was real profit to be made.
My conclusion is, that they should have stayed startup long enough to finish Saiflish 1.0 and be open about it. If they would have told me they needed 199 USD to perfect Sailfish on Jolla phone so that potential partners would start drooling to have it on their device unconditionally, I would have happily contributed.
, 15:04
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@ Dayton, Ohio
That's quite a short list though (and even then I don't think some are full bindings), compare it to GTK+. I think the reason GTK+ has so many more is because it's plain C.
, 15:28
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@ UK
Simple. Jolla leaders were depending on receiving a round of funding in November. They essentially bet the entire company on it. If they had received it, the most logical thing to do would be to maximize the Tablet output, to get as many devices in the hands of users as possible, and encourage new apps to be written by developers. This would in turn provide more advertising for Sailfish, which would boost their ability to encourage manufacturers to become licensees.
But, of course, everything was dependent on getting that additional funding.
It was probably a decent bet for a startup to make. If that funding had come through, Jolla would have had one of the few alternative OSs this year that was still ascendent. That alone might have made manufacturers more interested in Sailfish...
, 15:36
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, 15:44
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@ Israel
Simple. Jolla leaders were depending on receiving a round of funding in November. They essentially bet the entire company on it. If they had received it, the most logical thing to do would be to maximize the Tablet output, to get as many devices in the hands of users as possible, and encourage new apps to be written by developers. This would in turn provide more advertising for Sailfish, which would boost their ability to encourage manufacturers to become licensees.
But, of course, everything was dependent on getting that additional funding.
It was probably a decent bet for a startup to make. If that funding had come through, Jolla would have had one of the few alternative OSs this year that was still ascendent. That alone might have made manufacturers more interested in Sailfish...
, 15:50
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@ beautiful cave
Another thing worth mentioning is that it was really the only way startup can function. Take the money, make a bet and try to make most out of it in order to advance enough to get another round of financing until you have steady revenue streams. In the end the situation would have been exactly the same even without Tablet, as they would still be dependent on external financing. They needed a product to shown and Tablet was a logical step to demonstrate the adaptability of the UI paradigm. It was also successful as there is (or was) the Intex deal.
, 15:53
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@ North Potomac MD
You still miss the point that November was 3rd or 4th delay from promised May.
It's like every delay they somehow have the "reason" that justify the delay. But on other hand it's weird that every time it takes them at least month and a lot of customers noise to explain what happened.
It seems to me more as excuses. As well It reminds me the story of the boy and a wolf. Who shout wolf several times when there was no wolf, but when wolf came no one came to help.
This is happening when you are not straight with customers/investors.
, 15:53
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@ Dayton, Ohio
, 16:01
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Joined on Dec 2010
@ Dayton, Ohio
But what I never understood, was that they never really tried to open other income channels.
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But, of course, everything was dependent on getting that additional funding.
It was probably a decent bet for a startup to make. If that funding had come through, Jolla would have had one of the few alternative OSs this year that was still ascendent. That alone might have made manufacturers more interested in Sailfish...
Last edited by Copernicus; 2015-12-10 at 15:12.