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The thing here is that, what I assume since Grigory Berezkin(guy who saved Jolla from bankruptcy and owns OMP) owns majority of Jolla and is just "puppet millionaire", will give (has given) SFOS to Rostec.

This is just my opinion but since Jolla haven't got any investor money(at least haven't announced) since 12/2015, their moneys are ending. If Jolla, who is majority owner of Sailfish Holdings LTD, will go to bankrupt Sailfish Holdings will be fully controlled by Rostec. I hope that Rostec won't totally close the source of Sailfish.

This is just my opinion what I have heard and I wish all the best for Jolla & SFOS.

@coderus Is the full disk encryption also coming for all SFOS devices?
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Last edited by eekkelund; 2017-09-15 at 14:43. Reason: given->give

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eekkelund, that's so sad. i hope you are wrong..anyway the closed part is only silica UI and some minor parts, but a community driven ui (like nemo) could be still an option

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Originally Posted by eekkelund View Post
The thing here is that, what I assume since Grigory Berezkin(guy who saved Jolla from bankruptcy and owns OMP) owns majority of Jolla and is just puppet millionaire, will given (has given) SFOS to Rostec.

This is just my opinion but since Jolla haven't got any investor money(at least haven't announced) since 12/2015, their moneys are ending. If Jolla, who is majority owner of Sailfish Holdings LTD, will go to bankrupt Sailfish Holdings will be fully controlled by Rostec. I hope that Rostec won't totally close the source of Sailfish.

This is just my opinion what I have heard and I wish all the best for Jolla & SFOS.

@coderus Is the full disk encryption also coming for all SFOS devices?

Under about you can read:

The Rostec Corporation is governed by its supervisory group, executive board, and general director, who is appointed by the President of the Russian Federation
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Originally Posted by NX500 View Post
Tor is only secure as long as its entry/exit -nodes haven't been compromised/aren't run by GOV-agencies.

And btw, these tools won't stop anyone from spying from you on the hardware-level. If the data your spied on before it's encrypted the encryption is of no use.
Well, of course, and someone could also simply be looking over my shoulder at what I'm typing. That's why I only made a comment about the controlled internet part.

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@eekkelund who is Rostec? Never heard of it here

"Jolla haven't got any investor money" - ???
Also partnering with Jala and other manufactures coming, so you TOTALLY wrong

" Is the full disk encryption also coming for all SFOS devices?" of course
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Originally Posted by coderus View Post
@eekkelund who is Rostec? Never heard of it here

"Jolla haven't got any investor money" - ???
Also partnering with Jala and other manufactures coming, so you TOTALLY wrong

" Is the full disk encryption also coming for all SFOS devices?" of course
It doesnt say anything about investments. But sure its good if jolla got some money, but still scepticial until products appears. We dont know how the deal looks like.

Refund would be a good exemple jolla got some money. Hiring LOTs of people would be another. So far we have no indication of jolla got money from Russia or China lately.
Do something for the climate today! Anything!

I don't trust poeple without a Nokia n900...

Last edited by Dave999; 2017-04-23 at 18:18.
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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post

Refund would be a good exemple jolla got some money.
Arghh... - well it won't be Dave if not...

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Originally Posted by nthn View Post
Well, of course, and someone could also simply be looking over my shoulder at what I'm typing. That's why I only made a comment about the controlled internet part.

10 chars.
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Originally Posted by coderus View Post
@eekkelund who is Rostec? Never heard of it here

"Jolla haven't got any investor money" - ???
Also partnering with Jala and other manufactures coming, so you TOTALLY wrong

" Is the full disk encryption also coming for all SFOS devices?" of course
Well it doesn't affect OMP's work who owns it, Pavel and guys just get told what to do, right?

The Sailfish consortium targets to invest 250 million
USD to the Sailfish ecosystem development in China
Not to Jolla, Sailfish ecosystem development in China. So China could hire Chinese(?) companies to develop SFOS with that 250 million, they won't give it to Jolla. There has been always announcements if financing round has been successfully closed, nothing after round C. "Other manufactures coming" So you are saying that Inoi + OtherRussianPhoneCompanyThatMakesEInkPhones is paying only for Jolla, not to OMP?
But as I said just my thoughts..

Awesome! Can't wait for that feature!
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So is there any interest in US Open Mobile development based on SFOS. Or is future totally bleak here in US?

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