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Originally Posted by chenliangchen View Post
I hope they are IMEI based instead of tied to the account...
I would hope for generic image with no ties at all.
Actually, if they release it with any ties and phone-home stuff inside, I'll pass.

Any android phone with lineageos would be a better option for me.

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i hope they achieve something, full stop.

i'm now at the end of my second android phone post n9, i don't want to have to use** a third!

** buying a third is obviously fine...

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Originally Posted by salamisami View Post
Well damn, I guess I'm gonna get me a Xperia X Compact and play the wait game for Sailfish OS. Maybe I can learn to live with Android for the time being. Really don't want a big phone, IMO N9 was the perfect size.
Beware, the 'Compact' part of the name is a big lie!

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You all wrapped up nicely, thanks for the read and your thoughts.
I am happy. Not only because i kind of predicted a paid image and now will get an organic benefit in form of an image where i previously simply wanted to donate the refund for no direct return.
But i had fear jolla would not stay true to the new "we are a software company" alignment and cause havok for themselves by having to cover or forward any kind of HW support again

Next rumor, what better timing to finally start a paid store and sell "Jolla Propriatary Bits" package?
It would have many benefits over setting up the payment via ex Jolla Hardware shop and sending out either activation keys or individual images, would'nt it?

But we have a potential grime factor if they make whatever they sell too expensive.
Exactly covering the amount of the refund would smell like a cheap cop out to many people, so i hope they will keep the price at around 50€ so you can have at least two licenses for one 2nd refund amount.

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I like the idea of paying for SFOS closed parts, that makes a lot of sense.

One question though; would you prefer a single package that contains all the functionality or being able to purchase them feature-by-feature?

For example, I'd like to leave out the android compability layer, and prefer not to pay for that. Heck, I'd even pay a bit more for being able to leave it off my device!

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ITT: people guessing what the technical details of the implementation might be and then freaking out about it as if it's true and confirmed . Such a frustrating read.

Nobody knows how they will implement this, but here's a more likely scenario:

Jolla creates a PC tool to help non-technical people flash their Sony phone with a Sailfish image. This tool may be proprietary, and may require payment before it downloads and flashes the Sailfish image.

That's it. No need to freak out.

It doesn't mean that experienced users would have to use the proprietary tool, or that once installed the images will be tied to a specific account, or that they will include a load of DRM to prevent unlicensed copying.

Jolla only has to make it easier to pay, and most people will pay. This community has enough technical know-how to dump an image from one device and share it if we want, but I think most people here recognise that it's worth paying to support the company.

Jolla will also want to make it possible for as many people as possible to try Sailfish, and not everyone knows how to flash a phone.

My theoretical scenario ^ would fit with what we know about how Jolla has handled similar issues so far. As others have mentioned, the 3rd party proprietary packages shipped with official devices (text prediction library, Microsoft exchange support, alien dalvik etc.) are contained in a separate repository. If you're using a community port it's currently possible to add the repository and install these components (although AD won't work because it needs kernel modifications IIRC). It's "not allowed" but it's not impossible either because making it impossible has implications on privacy, takes time and effort, and people would inevitably find a way around it if they wanted.

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Trying Sailfishos for about maybe 100 bucks? No one will do that outside of our core community and a lot of them are frustrated about the tablet desaster.

They should make the base image free to download and one should pay for everything else like Aliendalvik as you and others proposed here.

Let's see with what Jolla will suprise us again in future:-)

Last edited by BluesLee; 2017-06-30 at 07:21.

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Yes, I would also welcome a minimal (open source?) image for getting used to Sailfish OS. And if its nice you have the option to pay for closed source parts like Android support, Exchange support...and maybe full hardware support. But people should have the possibility to test it for free.

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Originally Posted by juiceme View Post
For example, I'd like to leave out the android compability layer, and prefer not to pay for that. Heck, I'd even pay a bit more for being able to leave it off my device!
Yes! I agree completely.
But it's necessary to create native messengers etc. How?..

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i'd pay $100/£80 for a sailfish image to run on an xperia X, but i'm not sure many other people will.

by "many" I don't mean the hardcore maemo community, i mean usefully growing the demographic so sailfish attains some visibility.

make it an impulse purchase, let's say $25/£20. Low enough that I can try it on a whim, free to write it off as an interesting experiement if it doesn't work out.

and make that payment for the convenience of the installer and the proprietary addons, not the image itself.

Last edited by Jedibeeftrix; 2017-06-30 at 08:59.

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sailfish os, sony xperia x

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