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Originally Posted by yakko View Post
I am positive about the price. I can't say how beyond the e-mailed I received.

If the website doesn't update call 1-888-665-4228 select the sales option and ask for Jackie.
Verified @ 888-665-4228. The sale will start later today.
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Originally Posted by dkwatts View Post
Verified @ 888-665-4228. The sale will start later today.
- the Nokia web site still lists the n810 at $479 as of 18:04 DST...

- i call BS...

- *HOWEVER*, newegg has the n810 for $400+change, so mebbe there's some movement afoot, eh?


Last edited by linux_author; 2008-03-10 at 22:12.
Posts: 21 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jul 2006 @ Here
Originally Posted by linux_author View Post
- i call BS...
Your call cannot be completed as dialed.

I forgot one detail, this is only supposed to be until the end of March.

@ dblank

It is 100% legit.
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Posts: 282 | Thanked: 69 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Penniless Park, Fla.
Originally Posted by yakko View Post
Your call cannot be completed as dialed.

I forgot one detail, this is only supposed to be until the end of March.

@ dblank

It is 100% legit.
- so why would Nokia have a 'special' deal only via 888 while other retailers both brick-and-mortar and on-line have the same units at a much higher cost?

(although by all indications, the 888 number is indeed, at Nokia USA)

[sigh] do i have to pick up the phone and call?

Posts: 118 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Mississauga, ON Canada
Originally Posted by linux_author View Post
- so why would Nokia have a 'special' deal only via 888

[sigh] do i have to pick up the phone and call?

I got the impression that it would also be on their web store.

Sure, call 'em. Ask them what time they're going to change the web store price while you're at it
Posts: 186 | Thanked: 56 times | Joined on Mar 2008
Originally Posted by linux_author View Post
- so why would Nokia have a 'special' deal only via 888 while other retailers both brick-and-mortar and on-line have the same units at a much higher cost?

(although by all indications, the 888 number is indeed, at Nokia USA)

[sigh] do i have to pick up the phone and call?

To rescue me from going crazy with regret, of course! I'd just plonked down a few hundred dollars for an N800 because it's cheaper (now have to wait for it to come in...), and then this happens! If it was a complete permanent price drop across North America (granted, I'm in Canada) at every sales outlet, I would be very bothered right now. I, for one, am relieved that it is not so I can return to a state of blissful ignorance as to the true cost of these things.

Last edited by Picklesworth; 2008-03-11 at 00:08.
Posts: 8 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Mar 2008 @ Los Angeles, CA
Alright I called them and spoke with Adrian. First he gave me the price of $289.99, but then when I gave him my zip code he said that my price has changed to $404.99 because I live in California. I asked him "which regions would qualify for the $289.99 price?" He then put me on hold to find out. He comes back 1 minute later and tells me the price was a "misprint" and should be $404.99. I told him I did not want to buy it and he kindly offered to give me a call back if the price does drop in the future. So there you go. I know I'm a new member, but you'll have to take my word for it. ;-)

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I've been reading this thread with utter amazement, and I still don't know what/who to believe. I've seen writers literally fighting/grumbling over a $3-$5 difference in prices between N800s and N810s; others willing to pay significantly more on EBay for a used unit, rather than buying new at or
What I'd like to know is why would one spend even $50 more for a N810 new, rather than save yourself $50, for a wireless keyboard or a couple cases of beer, and get a N800 new?
From all I've read the two machines are largely identical, guts-wise The N800 has two slots, which I view as a plus. I haven't read anywhere where the N810 keyboard is really worth $179 or even $50 more. What am I missing???

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Posts: 118 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Mississauga, ON Canada
Originally Posted by trackerge View Post
I've been reading this thread with utter amazement, and I still don't know what/who to believe. I've seen writers literally fighting/grumbling over a $3-$5 difference in prices between N800s and N810s; others willing to pay significantly more on EBay for a used unit, rather than buying new at or
What I'd like to know is why would one spend even $50 more for a N810 new, rather than save yourself $50, for a wireless keyboard or a couple cases of beer, and get a N800 new?
From all I've read the two machines are largely identical, guts-wise The N800 has two slots, which I view as a plus. I haven't read anywhere where the N810 keyboard is really worth $179 or even $50 more. What am I missing???
Built in GPS for one...
Posts: 21 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Jul 2006 @ Here

I take your word for it. Ask to speak with someone on the Sales Team between 9am and 7pm Eastern M-F.

The website was supposed to reflect the price change this morning. I have been waiting to order mine all day along with a couple other people I work with. I could just call but then I may be accused of playing favourites because they get commission.

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