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Originally Posted by shaihkritzer View Post
if you had released your device in time, that wouldn't happen. you broke your promises - you get the critics.
I think the word you wanted to use is not "critics" but "bashing"

Originally Posted by shaihkritzer View Post
I may have lied in this thread same as Chen lied about shipping dates.
Actually, he didn't lie about shipping date. There weren't never given any official shipping date, only some wishes which can change regarding to the project status.


It looks like you have some difficulties to understand and exprime yourself in English. Do you need some help ? I can put you in touch with someone which usually provides English lessons to not native English speakers

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Originally Posted by deutch1976 View Post
Is member banning allowed in this forum? 1 vote from me

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In the event Maemo Community e.V. deems, at its exclusive discretion, that you are in breach of these Site Terms, Maemo Community e.V. shall take any action as it may deem at its exclusive discretion appropriate, to address your breach, including without limitation removal of Content, termination of membership (where applicable), prevention of access and any legal action in any competent authority or court. The operator of this Site has the right to terminate your right to use the Site without notice at any time for any reason at the operators' sole discretion and in particular, if you breach these Site Terms or use the Site illegally or in a way that Maemo Community e.V. deems inappropriate. In the event that you are aware of a user that breaches these Site Terms by for example, but not limited to, stalking or harassing other users on a Public Forum, please report such conduct by emailing

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Originally Posted by deutch1976 View Post
Is member banning allowed in this forum? 1 vote from me
If you go back in this thread ( you will see me making a BIG mistake. I told, that banning is horribly wrong. Today I have to recognize, that I was horribly wrong and I should have believed some wiser guys. Sorry for this misjudgement!

Yes please...

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Originally Posted by shaihkritzer View Post

how can you be 100% I haven't preordered? I may have lied in this thread same as Chen lied about shipping dates. and if I'm really a preorder customer, that freaking hilarious that startup CEO is thretening me with legal action for not being satisfied with my money taken and nothing given back.

please shut up, you are so ridiculous!
A liar which is complaining about someone lied to him, even though that never happened.....

... that's what I call a real genius


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Easy solution - stop feeding the troll you idiots. Use the forum block feature, for the third time

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I took civil and criminal law back in the day during my "what do I want to grow up to be phase" of university and college days..
and for what its worth ..

That is really stretching referring to the "maemo terms of use" to justify your stance DDark

Suing for libellous statements is tricky, and even if it looks like an ironclad win, it doesn't mean it will be.
Many cases that look like a sure win, surprisingly don't.
And even winning a libel suit is a matter of viewpoint. From the moment the suit is underway and long after it is finished , it becomes a visible public issue that can take on a life of its own with many people who haven't even heard of the people involved before, drawn in to view and make up their own minds in support of either individual. The spin on this is uncontrollable, and the resulting "win" or "loss" for either of the parties may descend into a loss far greater than anyone anticipated.

On the one hand, people should not ruin others' lives by telling lies about them; but on the other hand, people should be able to speak freely without fear of litigation over every insult, disagreement, or mistake. Political and social disagreement is important in a free society, and we obviously don't all share the same opinions or beliefs. For instance, political opponents often reach opposite conclusions from the same facts, and editorial cartoonists often exaggerate facts to make their point.

Third and a half.
Considering we don't all share the same opinions and beliefs as I just mentioned previously...
Personally speaking ..
Frustration, anger, a rant here and there, and as a result the odd bit of confusion over facts is a given under circumstances such as this.
Hell, I've been there done that myself, I think everyone has.
And that is the point, glass houses and thrown rocks don't mix.

But I do suggest that freedom of speech here in the forum be not threatened with litigation and silenced.
Go down that road folks and this place just will not survive.

In fact, if either of the 2 individuals (or anyone else in the future wishes to do so in this forum, whether related or unrelated to this particular discussion or not) here wish to pursue legal action over statements made here, or threaten legal action with the sole intention to gag freedom of speech, I would then see it as a necessity to be a very vocal individual in the lifetime banning of both individuals from TMO, and insist all related threads of theirs be immediately archived to preserve for the courts, to prevent their editing and alteration, and to curtail any further undermining of the right to freedom of speech here.
And bluntly put, if either or both wish to pursue the undermining of this forum's freedom of speech and it results in the destruction of this forum, I will look for any possible way to sue the freakin' shirts off of both of you.
(he said with a very very big grin with cold eyes)

Best to reiterate the facts, even if it is clicking and pasting the facts over and over to combat a confused narrative, the moment it is written.

and lastly...
from a purely personal point of view..
from my remote island ...
far far far from the madness most folks live in...

chillax Chen..
no point in getting wound up ..
at this moment shaihkritzer's angst is getting the better of him and he is just being an [fill in blank here] ..

chillax shaihkritzer...
no point in getting wound up...
at this moment Chen's work related stress levels are threatening to turn him into a [fill in blank here]

Best thing for all here is:
1- respect the right to freedom of speech.
2- respect each other.
3- tolerance for a rant or counter-rant
4- allow for the folks to cool down and for apologies, kiss and make up, flowers, and chocolates...(please remember everyone, my personal favourite is Lindt chocolates for when my turn comes around again...)
Lurker since 2007, Member since 2013, Certifiable since 1972

Owner of :
1-n770 (in retirement), 3-n800's / 3-n810's (still in daily use), 5-n900's ((3 are flawless, 1 loose usb ( parts), 1 has no telephony (parts))
3-nexus 5's : 1 w/ Floko Pie 9.1 (running beautifully) waiting for Stable Droid 10 rom, 1 w/ ̶Ubuntu Touch, 1 with Maru OS (intend maemo leste when ready)

1/2 - neo900 pre- "purchased" in 2013. N̶o̶w̶ ̶A̶w̶a̶i̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶r̶e̶f̶u̶n̶d̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶c̶e̶s̶s̶ ̶l̶a̶s̶t̶ ̶f̶e̶w̶ ̶y̶e̶a̶r̶s̶ - neo900 start up declared officially dead -
Lost invested funds.

PIMP MY N8X0 (Idiot's Guide and a video walkthrough)
242gb ON N800

Meateo balloons now available @ Dave999's Meateo Emporium

Last edited by endsormeans; 2019-10-03 at 12:50.

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Posts: 701 | Thanked: 1,984 times | Joined on Jun 2015 @ Lisbon - Portugal
Damn!!! I could cancel my order to keep the money for another toy but as Chen as Fx Tec team compromised with us to deliver a dream toy i will not let them down. But the toy i'm talking is awesome

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Posts: 205 | Thanked: 856 times | Joined on Jan 2019
Originally Posted by deutch1976 View Post
Damn!!! I could cancel my order to keep the money for another toy but as Chen as Fx Tec team compromised with us to deliver a dream toy i will not let them down. But the toy i'm talking is awesome
Ugly bezel in the middle, not interested.
Personally I'd take the Galaxy fold over that

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Originally Posted by shaihkritzer View Post
wow what a huge amount of hysterical teen girls on their period here! Never thought I could drive so many people crazy with my humble posts.

for clearing things up, please make sure of the following:
1. did I break any law? if yes, feel free to call police, if unsure - consult your local lawyer.
2. did I break TMO / ToS or forum rules? if yes - call moderator. if unsure - re-read them, since not having same-as-yours point of view or not having same-as-majority point of view is NOT a violation of ToS / forum rules.
3. if you are against freedom of speech, you should migrate to North Korea or travel in time to 1939 USSR, both options will keep you out of this forum and you'll do fine.
4. why do you call me liar? should I sue everyone for that? as already been told, not having same-as-yours point of view cannot be called a lie.
5. is this some kind of religious cult forum? if yes, I feel sorry for not converting to your cult and abusing your beliefs.

quit hiding behind this "not official release date" and so on. they did collect money, oficially or not - doesn't matter. it was all fun and jokes BEFORE money are taken from customers. after that point, there's RESPONSIBILITY. you can't take money _NOW_ and promise goods _SOME DAY_. there SHOULD be an "official" release date and if there's no such - any "unofficial" will do. if the seller is unsure about the date, he SHOULDN'T tell any dates at all to evade misunderstanding! not official, not unofficial. it's NOT customer's problem to identify when seller is announcing a shipping date or announcing his favourite month! that's not how MARKET works!
promising ANY date and breaking it is NOT okay! the only thing keeping the team alive is uniqueness of the product. but that is NOT their achievement BUT current smartphone market flaw! so Chen's reply in sense of "make your own slider" is totally wrong, because he's not first on the planet to make slider, just first in 2017-2019 to REMAKE already invented design! if whoever copies that design fast enough - Fxtec is dead. so the only appropriate way is to shut up and focus on releasing the device BEFORE someone else might. instead, he's getting hysterical at the forum blaming and threatening CUSTOMERS for HIS MISTAKES! that's total nonsence. maybe in Chinese mentality it's totally okay but I haven't heard this device won't go global. and if one's targeting to global market, please ensure you have global level of customer care, PR and marketing. refusing to do so will not do anything good for the future sales or aftermarket relations (for example: "can I have a screen replacement" - "oh yes I will send it to you maybe some day when I'm in a good mood. and if you're pissed off with that - STFU or I will sue you!").

peace folks. less Stockholm sydrome since it's your money being held as hostage, not mine :P
"humble posts"?!?! Let us all laugh out loud !!! You made my day with this post. My stomache hurts from laughing that much
Posts: 14 | Thanked: 83 times | Joined on Feb 2017
Trolls crave attention.
shaihkritzer is obviously prides himself on the feedback he's getting:
Just use the ignore list if it offends you.

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a good rabbit, fxtec, hwkbd, keyboard, livermorium, n950 revival, never gives up, qwerty, readyfx, silly rabbit

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