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I posted the following over at Brighthand, maybe there's some interest here too so I'll post a slightly edited version. It's a bit oriented at PalmOS users but should fit here as well. Here goes:

I suspected it would be possible to launch directly into a specific PalmOS application from the Nokia user interface, and this turns out to be correct - you can.

I looked around a bit on the installed garnet vm, and it's possible to bypass the GVM launcher altogether. That's good, because it's a bit slow to start and it gets slower the more applications you add. But you actually only need it to install new applictions, and for hotsync (or possibly, not even for that. Will experiment more later). And as a convenient way of configuring the resources for each PalmOS application (as already mentioned you can configure the device type (Treo xxx, T3, TX..) and heap memory for each application).

But the Garnet VM consists of two applications: The above-mentioned GVM launcher (gvm-launcher) as well as the actual Garnet virtual machine (gvm). The latter can be executed directly, and then it'll start as quick as any Nokia app, that is, in less than 2 seconds. Then it takes another two-three seconds to initialize itself and show you the default application (Preferences) or the one you specified. Because you can specify one.. along with a list of other parameters, including your hotsync name and hotsync id for the session. Example (this all has to be done from the Nokia xterm command line for now, but it's easy enough to script this and make it into an icon that can be executed by clicking in the Nokia UI):

Note that you can skip the 'cd /usr/bin/gvm' step and instead access the gvm binary with the absolute path '/usr/bin/gvm/gvm', it'll work fine.

$ cd /usr/bin/gvm
$ ./gvm --help
Garnet (tm) VM v1.0 (Prod-Release) - Build 564139 (Nov 12 2007-17:46:49)
  gvm [OPTION...] [ROM filename]

  Settings are first loaded from gvm.conf.
  Command line parameters override config file.
  If the -S option is specified, command line parameters will be saved to gvm.conf file.

Help Options:
  -?, --help                                                                                                   Show help options

Application Options:
  -s, --screensize=160x160|160x220|240x240|...|320x480                                                         Screen size
  -O, --rotated=yes|no                                                                                         Rotate display by 90? clockwise
  -B, --bgimage=An absoute path to an image file                                                               Background image
  -L, --bgcolor=RGB triplet as 0xrrrr,0xgggg,0xbbbb                                                            Background color
  -b, --bitdepth=1|2|4|8|16                                                                                    Screen bit depth
  -f, --fullscreen=yes|no                                                                                      Fullscreen mode (no graffiti area nor status bar)
  -q, --qvgascaling=yes|no                                                                                     Rescale 1x or 2x density screen to a QVGA display
  -j, --siafile=filename|none                                                                                  Specify a Static Input Area configuration file
  -h, --storageheap=1|2|4|...|64                                                                               Storage heap size (in Mbytes)
  -d, --dynheap=256|512|1024|2048|4096|8192                                                                    Dynamic heap size (in Kbytes)
  -g, --storagefilename=filename                                                                               A filename to load/save storage from/to.
  -c, --companyid=ABCD                                                                                         Company ID (e.g. Palm)
  -i, --deviceid=abcd                                                                                          Device ID (e.g. Arz1)
  -l, --locale=enUS|frFR|...|default                                                                           local language and country (e.g. enUS)
  -o, --sound=yes|no                                                                                           Enable/Disable sound
  -m, --virtualmouse=yes|active|no                                                                             Enable, Enable and Activate or Disable virtual mouse
  -t, --traces=all|none|12,15,0xab,...                                                                         Trace filters
  -k, --keymap=GDK_KeyCode:vchrPalmOS,...                                                                      Key Mapping (e.g.: 0xFF91:vchrHard1
  -a, --appcreator=ABCD|default                                                                                default application creator to launch at startup (e.g. memo)
  -H, --starthidden                                                                                            Hide window at startup
  -n, --serialnum                                                                                              Device Serial Number (12 characters)
  -u, --hotsyncid=(e.g.: TestUser:9669)                                                                        HotSync User ID (string:id)
  -w, --wpath                                                                                                  Writable path to save persistent information (settings,...)
  -I, --hotsyncip=aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd                                                                              HotSync Desktop IP
  -G, --gras                                                                                                   Start the GRAS server at launch
  -p, --pimdb=yes|no                                                                                           Use direct PIM Apps Db access
  -6, --68kdbg=Bit Mask: 0x2(Break On App Start)|0x4(Trace Traps)|0x8(Start Console)|0x10(Enable GDB Stub)     68K debugger flags
  -A, --alsa=none|default|name                                                                                 ALSA device name
  -T, --transient                                                                                              Use transient storage
EDIT: The May 2008 version added the following option:
  -z, --zoomFactor=1|1.5|2
where 1.5 will start in the new, larger fullscreen (720x480?) mode. 2 behaves like 1, i.e. the old smaller size.

So, to just start it and end up with the Preferences screen (from where you could just click Home to get to the home screen), just enter
This gives a white background. To get an image/coloured background you would have to specify that too, together with fullscreen and any other non-default option.

To start with Google Maps directly, use the application ID (which you can get from FileZ, running on the GVM itself, for example). And non-rotated, fullscreen:
./gvm -a GLM. -f
EDIT: Info from user burmashave: (edit 2008-07-28: This is for when you want to use an alternative storage file (the default is, you could use it as a separate virtual Palm.)
./gvm --storagefilename=filename
'filename' must be a file in the /home/user/.gvm/ directory.

Tested this one and it works perfectly:
./gvm --hotsyncid="My HotSync Name:1234"
As you can see there are lots of other options. From that video-link that was posted earlier [posted on Brighthand by the user PinCushionQueen, the link is]] it looked like maybe there's a newer version around - I have to look again, but it seemed to me that one could specify more heap memory than for the one I have. Although in the above list you can see it can take 8MB as heap space although the gvm launcher will only let you specify up to 4MB. In my version, at least.
EDIT: That (what I saw in the video) turned out to be another option - there's still (Jan. 2008) only that one version of GVM. 8MB heap space is currently max.

There's a bunch of files in that /usr/bin/gvm/ directory, including a ROM image. From the names etc. of other files it looks like it'll only be able to run m68k apps (in this version at least), although that could change. Some of the options (see above) also suggest there may be more features later, the -O (rotate) option, for example, doesn't do anything in practice (the screen rotatation depends on the -f (fullscreen) option).

Oh, and I got to see what really happens when it refused to run AvantGo.. by starting it from the command line I got a Segment Violation message and a large backtrace, which I could presumably email to Access. But I guess AvantGo is a major application they would test themselves sooner or later anyway (and I've already reported to Access that it doesn't run).
-- Metalayer-crawler delenda est.
-- Current state: Fed up with everything MeeGo.

Last edited by TA-t3; 2008-07-28 at 10:17. Reason: Added the -z option for the second beta.

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Looks like they touch up on the help file too, slight editing, only on the heading,.... interesting.

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ____________________
Garnet (tm) VM v1.0 (Prod-Release) - Build 588891 (May 26 2008-19:27:54)

gvm [OPTION...] [ROM filename]

Settings are first loaded from gvm.conf.
Command line parameters override config file.
If the -S option is specified, command line parameters will be saved to gvm.conf file.

Help Options:
-?, --help Show help options

Application Options:
-s, --screensize=160x160|160x220|240x240|...|320x480 Screen size
-O, --rotated=yes|no Rotate display by 90? clockwise
-z, --zoomFactor=1|1.5|2 Dsiplay zoom factor
-B, --bgimage=An absoute path to an image file Background image
-L, --bgcolor=RGB triplet as 0xrrrr,0xgggg,0xbbbb Background color
-b, --bitdepth=1|2|4|8|16 Screen bit depth
-f, --fullscreen=yes|no Fullscreen mode (no graffiti area nor status bar)
-q, --qvgascaling=yes|no Rescale 1x or 2x density screen to a QVGA display
-j, --siafile=filename|none Specify a Static Input Area configuration file
-h, --storageheap=1|2|4|...|64 Storage heap size (in Mbytes)
-d, --dynheap=256|512|1024|2048|4096|8192 Dynamic heap size (in Kbytes)
-g, --storagefilename=filename A filename to load/save storage from/to.
-c, --companyid=ABCD Company ID (e.g. Palm)
-i, --deviceid=abcd Device ID (e.g. Arz1)
-l, --locale=enUS|frFR|...|default local language and country (e.g. enUS)
-o, --sound=yes|no Enable/Disable sound
-m, --virtualmouse=yes|active|no Enable, Enable and Activate or Disable virtual mouse
-t, --traces=all|none|12,15,0xab,... Trace filters
-k, --keymap=GDK_KeyCode:vchrPalmOS,... Key Mapping (e.g.: 0xFF91:vchrHard1
-a, --appcreator=ABCD|default default application creator to launch at startup (e.g. memo)
-H, --starthidden Hide window at startup
-n, --serialnum Device Serial Number (12 characters)
-u, --hotsyncid=(e.g.: TestUser:9669) HotSync User ID (string:id)
-w, --wpath Writable path to save persistent information (settings,...)
-I, --hotsyncip=aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd HotSync Desktop IP
-G, --gras Start the GRAS server at launch
-p, --pimdb=yes|no Use direct PIM Apps Db access
-6, --68kdbg=Bit Mask: 0x2(Break On App Start)|0x4(Trace Traps)|0x8(Start Console)|0x10(Enable GDB Stub) 68K debugger flags
-A, --alsa=none|default|name ALSA device name
-T, --transient Use transient storage
Attached Files
File Type: txt gvmb2.txt (4.6 KB, 414 views)

Last edited by bunanson; 2008-06-01 at 02:53.

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BrentDC's Avatar
Posts: 903 | Thanked: 632 times | Joined on Apr 2008
Thanks for the info guys. Personal Menu allows you to enter commands, so an example of an entry would be like "/usr/bin/gvm/gvm -a GLM. -z 1.5", and that works really well.

Author of TouchSearch -- web searching software for Maemo 5.

Mobile Device lineage: Palm Z22 -> Palm TX -> Nokia N800 -> Nokia N900

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PinCushionQueen's Avatar
Posts: 538 | Thanked: 168 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Seattle
FWIW, this also works great running from KDE I've already made several shortcuts to directly launch some long missed Palm apps.

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Posts: 155 | Thanked: 20 times | Joined on Nov 2007
Where do I find the installed Palm apps so I know what to give -a? I installed ListPro from Illum software, I know where the .prc file is but can't find anything else that seems to belong to it. The .prc is an installer, at least that's what it is called.
Posts: 4,030 | Thanked: 1,633 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ nd usa
Originally Posted by Zebee View Post
Where do I find the installed Palm apps so I know what to give -a? I installed ListPro from Illum software, I know where the .prc file is but can't find anything else that seems to belong to it. The .prc is an installer, at least that's what it is called.
Under FileZ, View and Edit File>Internal (ROM)>Creator will list the ID of the file. Maybe ListPro can do the same.

Epocrates /usr/bin/gvm/gvm -a ep25 -z 1.5 Run in terminal checked
Zlauncher same as above and -a ZLCR
stopwatch -a J_SW
SC-123PU -a Rec4
Converter -a CNvt

To increase storageheap, I use -h and this "somehow" erase ALL my apps and I have to end up re install all of the above. What am I doing now? Glue to the desk like an idiot and re-install the apps one by one........

Post back if question


Last edited by bunanson; 2008-06-02 at 02:16.

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PinCushionQueen's Avatar
Posts: 538 | Thanked: 168 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Seattle
Originally Posted by bunanson View Post
Under FileZ, View and Edit File>Internal (ROM)>Creator will list the ID of the file. Maybe ListPro can do the same.

Epocrates /usr/bin/gvm/gvm -a ep25 -z 1.5 Run in terminal checked
Zlauncher same as above and -a ZLCR
stopwatch -a J_SW
SC-123PU -a Rec4
Converter -a CNvt

To increase storageheap, I use -h and this "somehow" erase ALL my apps and I have to end up re install all of the above. What am I doing now? Glue to the desk like an ideot and re-install the apps one by one........

Post back if question

So the above means that you got ePocrates installed and working? Did you have to hotsync to get installed?

Does anybody know of a way to hotsync with a Linux box?

Also, as for the -h wiping all of your installed apps... Yes that will happen. When you try to adjust the storage heap from gvmlauncher it gives you a Warning dialog that lets you know you're going to wipe everything you've installed.
When you wish upon a star, your dreams really can come true... Unless it's an asteroid hurtling towards earth that will destroy all life.

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Originally Posted by PinCushionQueen View Post
So the above means that you got ePocrates installed and working? Did you have to hotsync to get installed?

Does anybody know of a way to hotsync with a Linux box?

Also, as for the -h wiping all of your installed apps... Yes that will happen. When you try to adjust the storage heap from gvmlauncher it gives you a Warning dialog that lets you know you're going to wipe everything you've installed.
I did it under personal menu, so I probably missed the warning. Oh well, I finished recovering from my own stupidity, and all is well now, a total of 47 min of my life.

Well, epocrates is up and running, even on my 770/2008He. No, they sync with the epocrates web server, not your linux box yet.
To get epocrates: go to their website, open a brand new account, FREE, and choose palmOS and wireless install. Your old account will dl a version that search for SD disk and fail. The new account registration will get a link, you have to dl to a palm or any palm device, Treo. and transfer the install file to your tablet. You need your account username and password to do the installation.

Post back if questions,


Last edited by bunanson; 2009-06-07 at 01:10.

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Originally Posted by PinCushionQueen View Post
So the above means that you got ePocrates installed and working? Did you have to hotsync to get installed?

Does anybody know of a way to hotsync with a Linux box?

Also, as for the -h wiping all of your installed apps... Yes that will happen. When you try to adjust the storage heap from gvmlauncher it gives you a Warning dialog that lets you know you're going to wipe everything you've installed.
I don't use Linux, but the name that always pops up when Linux + Syncing is discussed is JPilot.

Author of TouchSearch -- web searching software for Maemo 5.

Mobile Device lineage: Palm Z22 -> Palm TX -> Nokia N800 -> Nokia N900
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"Oh, and I got to see what really happens when it refused to run AvantGo.. by starting it from the command line I got a Segment Violation message and a large backtrace, which I could presumably email to Access. But I guess AvantGo is a major application they would test themselves sooner or later anyway (and I've already reported to Access that it doesn't run)."

Well, I can tell you for certain that AvantGo was reported as not working with the LAST beta. If reporting it then did no good, why should reporting it now be effective?

It seems SO close, however. I just spent an hour or so trying different options. It says that it has downloaded the articles, but just fails after reporting success with everything.

garnet, palm

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