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I repartiton my MMC boot to make 2.4 G partition on the rootfs. I then dl kde-installer-v3.deb from, the 5th one from top, kde-installer-v3 (boot from SD only), and click on the .deb file, it will automatically install under app manager. It took 40 min for my N810. Reboot, and KDE will be under Extra. Do not turn off tablet while on KDE. Always log out KDE before turn off tablet.

Edit: need more FAT space, re-do another one, with rootfs 1.9 G and free space of 1.47 G, works, installation 45min

KDE358 is a totally different beast then the previous version.

Web browsing is MUCH more stable and smooth. I have yet to encounter a website that does not work! That includes the itt forum. Rendering website is a touch slower than the Hildon. But, hey, it is more stable and smooth.

So far, almost everything from Hildon works, both audio and video, BT, except media player. Of course WorldTV99 and VideoCenter both work.

VNC server worked much smoother.
VNC viewer has a minor problem. It does not automatically refresh, one has to click to the window/full screen to make it refresh. Probably operator's problem, will figure out.

You also have kPIM/kOrganizer and the kOffice suit.

Multimedia gives at least 4 players, smplayer, noatun, Kaboodle, KMid and XMMS

KOffice has KWord, KSpread, KPresenter. They open, MS Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. I tested it.

Overall a very enjoyable platform for the N810. At least you can browse the iTT forum without a crash.

I moved the task bar to the right side to increase height and decrease width, pic enclosed. This increases precious screen estate.

Edit: Excuse me to say it one more time. KDE358 is NOT the same KDE you were playing 3-4 months back. This one is a much refine product and its actually usable.

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Last edited by bunanson; 2008-06-22 at 02:13.
Posts: 4,030 | Thanked: 1,633 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ nd usa
Is there ANY difference in MMC boot then KDE vs boot directly into KDE, speedwise?

Currently I am using SD boot and open KDE from EXTRA.

Just have fun with KDE>Edutainment>Miscellaneous>KGeography. A lightweight reading during breaktime, thanks PB

Just to check things out, switched from wifi to tether with a cellphone and get connected to internet with no problem. However, it only tells you when it failed to connect. When it connects, there is no telling.

What do you want to know about your tablet? System>KInfoCenter has it. Everything.
Cant see the whole screen? You need to move the window,, thread #15.

KWorldClock crashed. Not that I am interested, just to report.
KRandR: not on this server, please upgrade to 4.3. No dice.

Maps has some hicup in handling fullscreen/window, o/w working like a gem. Satellite GPS too.
MaemoMapper working with the N810 built-in GPS, no problem.
Skype works.

KDE rotated, looks good.



Last edited by bunanson; 2008-06-22 at 02:05.
Posts: 4,030 | Thanked: 1,633 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ nd usa
I browsed thru the KDE forum, especially the long sticky one, close to 400 posts. I want to see how other tablet user perceive the platform KDE358, what is good and what is bad, and what fun to have etc. I went thru one thread after one thread, after one thread, after one thread cannot remember anybody talking about the KDE358. The overmajority are about installation problems. Apparantly successful installation is the climax of the game. Of course PCQ is an exception. Boy, am I lonely........


Last edited by bunanson; 2008-06-15 at 03:58.

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PinCushionQueen's Avatar
Posts: 538 | Thanked: 168 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Seattle
Originally Posted by bunanson View Post
I browsed thru the KDE forum, especially the long sticky one, close to 400 posts. I want to see how other tablet user perceive the platform KDE358, what is good and what is bad, and what fun to have etc. I went thru one thread after one thread, after one thread, after one thread cannot remember anybody talking about the KDE358. The overmajority are about installation problems. Apparantly successful installation is the climax of the game. Of course PCQ is an exception. Boy, am I lonely........

Oh Poor Bun! Don't be lonely - I'm glad you've joined the KDE club.

I love KDE 358. In fact when I first installed KDE on my N810, it was a more updated version than my desktop - now I've got KDE 358 on my desktop too.

I don't think I ever tried a previous version on my N810 so don't know how it compares. I have tried 358v1 and am now using 358v2. I need to get enough down time to try the upgrade to 358v3 though. I just graduated from University on Tuesday and started my new Research Scientist/Engineer job on Thursday so it's hard to find the time I need to be able to do without my precious N810 while I re-format, re-partition and then upgrade KDE.

I love how completely customizable it is and how I can make up a keyboard shortcut for just about everything!!

...I know you weren't looking for a post from me though
When you wish upon a star, your dreams really can come true... Unless it's an asteroid hurtling towards earth that will destroy all life.

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Posts: 110 | Thanked: 11 times | Joined on Nov 2006
That is neat! I can't figure out the screen rotation let alone a project like this! When i was in college 37 years ago we used our fingers to count on...

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Originally Posted by PinCushionQueen View Post
...I just graduated from University on Tuesday and started my new Research Scientist/Engineer job on Thursday ...

Congratulation! One of our community member, the beloved PCQ is now a college grad! The whole community share your joyfullness! Please let us know how you doing on your new assignment. Wishing you a big splash with tremendous success on your new assignment.

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Ah, I am missing the obvious!

Every window has an icon on the Left upper corner, click on it, it opens a menu allows one to, OMG, move the window! So, if your window happens to go beyond the tablet border and missing the most import part, "OK, Apply, Cancel?" tap the icon, you can then move the window around. Or, you can always make a shortcut for moving the window,, thread #15. And tapping the window border twice would expand/shrink the window.

KDE tricks for the noobKDE

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HAVA works fine under KDE358. I got the platinum package. With the Hava cabled to your router, and installed config on PC and player on tablet. Voila, you are watching TV from your tablet, be it analog, digital or HDTV. Yes, the config takes care of those painful settings, port forwarding, firewall... and you can stream TV anywhere you have internet access.


Last edited by bunanson; 2008-06-19 at 02:59.

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Is there a way to bring up HandWritingRecognition (HWR) under KDE? Why? Cause I want to use my stored shortcuts, of course, I can always make new ones.




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