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Originally Posted by brontide View Post
Ok... fixed the icons...

please, more feedback especially bugs. By Wednesday I would like to send this to extras.
Don't forget the messages. Otherwise, it's not very useful, IMO.
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Icon shows up if it is copied to /usr/share/pixmaps. For some reason using /usr/share/icons needs some additional tweaking to get icons to show up.

debian/control should use
Depends: python2.5, python2.5-gtk2
because it will save about 5MB of downloads if python2.5 wasn't installed before.

Architecture: all
should be used

Last edited by mikkov; 2008-09-01 at 10:26.

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Hmm, sorry for not catching myself up on this thread.

Evolution support is completely optional. It has a failsafe mode if the bindings are not available. As a side note, Evolution data server (EDS) is what is used on the tablets as far as I'm aware. It works great on desktops but I've heard of some possible issues on tablets but am unable to test on my 770 and I haven't been able to get an SDK to work right quite yet. I've heard the correct tablet approach is using a mix of evolution.ebook and abook. If anyone wants to look into this, in trunk/TODO I have links to the documentation for these libraries with examples.

If you look in svn in trunk/support/DEBIAN/control I have an example control file for packages and have evolution as a recommendation and not a dependency.

@brontide: Have you submitted your changes?
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Originally Posted by mikkov View Post
Icon shows up if it is copied to /usr/share/pixmaps. For some reason using /usr/share/icons needs some additional tweaking to get icons to show up.
Strange, build 7 solved the icons for me, no pixmap moving required.

debian/control should use
Depends: python2.5, python2.5-gtk2
because it will save about 5MB of downloads if python2.5 wasn't installed before.

Architecture: all
should be used

I was following the example by Kheritan, but that makes sense. I tried contacting him on IRC last night to see if that was safe.

@epage: Nope, I still have not ( bad me ). The system I was using for SVN had connectivity issues while I was on vacation and I have no gotten a chance to sync my changed back to the system and into the svn. I think we will have some issues moving forward since I can't use your make files ( sorry, only redhat/fedora systems ) and have been doing all work on tablet. I have been pushing to extras directly from the tablet using py2deb and scp.
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Originally Posted by jhford View Post
Don't forget the messages. Otherwise, it's not very useful, IMO.
That is no a current feature and I don't know when I will be able to get around to adding it. It would be nice to have it before 1.0, but with the summit and life I wouldn't expect a large new feature like that before December unless someone else wants to code it.

Right now my biggest concern is polish, speed, and build issues for the features that are already there.
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Originally Posted by brontide View Post
Strange, build 7 solved the icons for me, no pixmap moving required.
For me icon doesn't show up..

/usr/share/icons/hicolor/ is the right place, but it seems that running
gtk-update-icon-cache -f /usr/share/icons/hicolor
in postinst is still required to get icons show up reliably from there. Icons from /usr/share/pixmaps also seem to always show up as small ones.
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Does the makefile at least let you do all of the processing that the old script did or should I pull that back in (if you haven't)

Also any features/cleanup/polish/etc you'd like me to look into implementing?
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For us Grandcentral people, vote up this enhancement request.
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Originally Posted by epage View Post
Does the makefile at least let you do all of the processing that the old script did or should I pull that back in (if you haven't)

Also any features/cleanup/polish/etc you'd like me to look into implementing?
As part of the speedup I have gone back on the 1 file trick. I create /usr/lib/dialcentral and place our .py files there. The main executable is a short python file that adds that to the system path and imports and runs run_dialpad.
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Icons work with the new version, thanks!

I was using a SVN version until this update, and in the contacts section, there was a little "GC" icon next to each of the GrandCentral contacts. This doesn't seem to be there anymore. Is this a removal, or just a missing icon? Also on contacts, one of the combo box items is "None" which just displays a blank contacts page. Is this on purpose? Finally, I'd like to see an "All" feature on the contacts page, where it displays contacts from GrandCentral, and Evolution. In this case, I think there would need to be an icon denoting a difference between GC and Evolution contacts.
Disclaimer: If a program I wrote doesn't work/breaks your tablet... It's not my fault
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