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Is it possible to add to The GPX Driving Directions web service selection of miles and km:s. I have been editing my routes manually to make that conversion, but the selection of miles/km is allready awailable in maemo mapper and I Ithink (I do not know), that you can get km out of google too!
ReinhardE's Avatar
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Originally Posted by heikki770
Is it possible to add to The GPX Driving Directions web service selection of miles and km:s.
It is possible - it only has to be implemented by gnuite.
When querying google maps, you can add a parameter for locale
&hl=<locale> .

&hl=uk will give you english directions and km, &hl=de german directions, &hl=fr french directions ....
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the news URI??
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Posts: 701 | Thanked: 21 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Italy
I have two questions for you:

- first: how could I manage to download and install the POI patch? I download it but the donwload manager does not give a savename because the file has no extension. Give one as I like, adding .armel.deb at the end, but I'm not able to install. When the file is selected through the application manager and the "Install" window appears, I have a 0 kb dimension, tough it is some 100kbs on the card.
- second: I read somewhere on these threads (I'd bet it was on this one but couldn't find it ) that someone was planning to release a software to automatically download them from the Google Maps page once specified the type. Did I dream about it or is it real? Or do we have to input each POI manually? This is ok for *personal* POIs, but would prefer an automatic procedure for, i.e., restaurants, gasoline, etc.

Last but not least: in a short time I'll receive a Belkin bluetooth GPS with a Sirf II chipset. Is there anyone using something similar? Is it working with Maemo Mapper?

Bye, Omar
Posts: 116 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Jun 2006 @ Warsaw, Poland
Originally Posted by maxilogan
- first: how could I manage to download and install the POI patch? I download it but the donwload manager does not give a savename because the file has no extension. Give one as I like, adding .armel.deb at the end, but I'm not able to install. When the file is selected through the application manager and the "Install" window appears, I have a 0 kb dimension, tough it is some 100kbs on the card.
Did you read "Quick start" *) on my webpage? This is binary not packages; just copy them to /usr/bin (as root!)


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Posts: 701 | Thanked: 21 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Italy
got an error installing libsqlite-3.0
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has anyone had problems with the zoom levels using this url??
Posts: 264 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on May 2006
Originally Posted by tdmajic
has anyone had problems with the zoom levels using this url??
umm, which uri?
Posts: 449 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on Jun 2006
Originally Posted by JonFowler
Is there any intelligence on when Flite will be available for OS2006?

Mapper on a car journey is only an option at the moment when I have a passenger. Voice prompts would be soooo nice!

I am a regular visitor to Moimart's site to see whether there is any progress, but I am begining to think that it may be quicker doing it myself.
I agree, need sound. I was wondering if it would be easy just to put some prerecorded announcements in and just use those by parsing the desc text and playing the prerecorded announcment. Nothing fancy just:

"Turn Left"
"Turn Right"
"Bear Left"
"Continue On"

I don't want to get away from the the original idea of Maemo Mapper being small and nimble, but audible notification is a must have.
Posts: 30 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jul 2006
Originally Posted by BanditRider
umm, which uri? copied it 4got to paste it.. thanks Derrick

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