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Originally Posted by mi_ko View Post
Thank you for your efort to get gphoto2 on n810.
Can you compile last gphoto2 for maemo?
It supports now capture from 400D.

Hello! Well, I am assuming that you meant version 2.4.2 (the newest non-experimental version that I am aware of)?

Anyways, I have tried to assist you (and the others) by again struggling to compile this stuff, and you can find my final results (as always) on this page:

I got rid of references to the older versions on this page.

I have changed the location of the binaries/libraries (see other post), so please read the 'README' file first. Of course, I take absolutely no responsibility if your tablet blows up and your camera melts down

Let me know how it works for you -- my brief experiments suggest that it is much more stable for my own cameras.

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Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles View Post
. . . and fix that .deb package.

Packages should NEVER touch /usr/local and it seems to have totally nuked my PATH.
Hello! Well, thanks for your helpful and gentle hints

I created a new version today -- see my previous post. If you were interested as well, please try it and let me know how it goes.

I don't really know why '/usr/local' is so wrong, but I have tried to take your advise and deviated from the 'default' instructions provided in the source, and used the following to 'configure' the three parts of this (libgphoto2, gphoto2, libtool):

./configure --prefix=/usr

This appears to made everything relative to '/usr' instead of '/usr/local'.

P.S. I have no idea how populating some '/usr/local' directories could have any negative effect on your $PATH -- no one else reported such problems to me
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You have come through again, I have just updated my camera to a Canon 40d and upgraded Gphoto to the new version and it works a treat, many thanks. At the risk of going off the thread, anyone know of a Canon Raw image viewer for the N810.

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Thanks for the feedback, PaulG. I was wondering if anyone actually noticed my latest compile efforts or not

If you have time, I would be curious to hear how you (and others) are actually *using* gphoto2 on your tablets i.e. how does 'remote control' benefit you?

I know that for myself, it would be cool to have half a dozen tablets with cameras, each running gphoto2, spread throughout the wireless range of my router, snapping pics and downloading them to a central server -- but this would be a very extravagant use!
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I intend to put some effort in gphoto2 and see if I can make it part of my robotized observatory. Hooking a DSLR through a notebook is ok, but is way bulky and limited power and performance-wise. Ideally, the plan is to have the N810 connected to the DSLR on one side, and through wifi to my access point on the other side, through which then I can ssh/gphoto2/control from my desktop... I'll post some feedback if there is something that relates to this thread (=if I don't end up rolling my own version).
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That idea is so cool! I am also into astronomy, and have a scope (but not with 'goto' ability). In a perfect world, I would also sit comfortably inside while remote-controlling my scope, taking videos and photos

Going one step further, using the N8x0 to 'slew' to another coordinate would be so cool!

If you care to elaborate a bit more, please go ahead -- although that (perhaps) deserves a new thread
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Hi all, I am experiencing two problems and I was wondering if there are any workarounds:

1) Despite's warning against using root, I have to be root to successfully auto-detect my Canon 20D. I can't get it to auto-detect as a normal user.
2) After it is detected, it crashes and reboots after one command.

My setup:
- N800 running Diablo
- USB host mode using OTG dongle from here
- I tried Canon 20D in both "normal" and "PTP" mode.
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Originally Posted by berobero View Post
... I was wondering if there are any workarounds...

After it is detected, it crashes and reboots after one command.
See the workaround described in this post, and maybe read the next two posts, too.
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For those who are interested: I have done some test with Python+gphoto2 and my program can capture multiple images, change camera configs and then quickly capture new images without crashing tablet. Also you need to initialize gphoto2 only once, meaning that after short "warmup time" you can capture images almost instantly.

I planned releasing this code after it was ready, but I have been quite busy last few months so I haven't had time to develope this any further. When I have more time I might continue. If you feel adventureus you can try to do something useful with my code, but keep in mind that it has only about 10 hours of testing/coding under its belt and about 10 minutes of planning. I'm quite sure that all coding should be redone.

Also note that this is my first python program and I mainly do development for non OOP-language (Matlab) and that I don't have very good knowladge about libgphoto2, so code is quite messy

Code is not stable and will probably still crash your tablet. If you use program as root, it tries to control USB (otg<->host). This should prevent crashing (Problem seems to be related to one (possible) kernel bug, but I can't find my bookmark).

Note that by messing with camera configs you can possible brick your camera. If you try to change camera configs to something that is not supporte by camera, it might freeze (try removing battery). I have done all developing with Nikon D300 and it was capable of recovering from freezes, but don't count on that.

Program needs libgphoto2 and libgphoto2-python bindigs that you can find from
svn co

If you have anything to ask (or you want to pressure me to continue developing , you can contact me by email (it's in the source).

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In a post about using gphoto with Python I found a Python script to control / read out a camera using USB host mode.
The '' is missing
I did install gphoto2 + gphotolib2
Is this missing lib the same a (which is installed) ?
Otherwise, how can I get this missing '' ?
I tried searching by google and this forum but with no avail.

Originally Posted by buq2 View Post
For those who are interested: I have done some test with Python+gphoto2 and my program can capture multiple images, change camera configs and then quickly capture new images without crashing tablet. Also you need to initialize gphoto2 only once, meaning that after short "warmup time" you can capture images almost instantly.

I planned releasing this code after it was ready, but I have been quite busy last few months so I haven't had time to develope this any further. When I have more time I might continue. If you feel adventureus you can try to do something useful with my code, but keep in mind that it has only about 10 hours of testing/coding under its belt and about 10 minutes of planning. I'm quite sure that all coding should be redone.

Also note that this is my first python program and I mainly do development for non OOP-language (Matlab) and that I don't have very good knowladge about libgphoto2, so code is quite messy

Code is not stable and will probably still crash your tablet. If you use program as root, it tries to control USB (otg<->host). This should prevent crashing (Problem seems to be related to one (possible) kernel bug, but I can't find my bookmark).

Note that by messing with camera configs you can possible brick your camera. If you try to change camera configs to something that is not supporte by camera, it might freeze (try removing battery). I have done all developing with Nikon D300 and it was capable of recovering from freezes, but don't count on that.

Program needs libgphoto2 and libgphoto2-python bindigs that you can find from
svn co

If you have anything to ask (or you want to pressure me to continue developing , you can contact me by email (it's in the source).
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