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Does the Youtube support work for anyone? Anything I seem to do in Youtube takes 100% cpu and I get a not responding dialog when I close it.

Posts: 398 | Thanked: 301 times | Joined on Sep 2007 @ Texas
Sorry I was clicking the queue button on top rated, I can play videos. I was looking for a way to find top rated by week/day/etc.


Originally Posted by Frank Banul View Post
Does the Youtube support work for anyone? Anything I seem to do in Youtube takes 100% cpu and I get a not responding dialog when I close it.

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Originally Posted by stl1859 View Post
I think I am missing something with the track view in the music player. Earlier in a SVN version, the track view would sometime show the tracks on the left and cover on the middle, and sometime albums on the left and the tracks in the middle. But after downloading the 0.96 version, I have noticed that nothing happens when I flip between the two views. What I am missing ?
0.96.1 will have the behavior from the earlier SVN versions back. Additionally, it's possible to close an album in the list instead of having it closed by opening another album.
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Originally Posted by abby_normal View Post
I have tried playing a few movies (transcoded DVDs) and I have noticed that after a few minutes, the playback suddenly stops. I play the same files in standalone mplayer and this behavior does not occur. This is the only bug I've noticed, a few other comments are listed below for you to do with as you see fit.
This sounds really bad. Is it always the same time position the playback stops at?

Originally Posted by abby_normal View Post
When I'm in the music list and I add a track to the (empty) queue, it does not start playing. I need to navigate to the queue and start it playing there, which isn't what I expect. If that's the intended functionality, perhaps you could add another button for "play now in queue" sort of like iTunes has? A "play next in queue" function would also be nice down the road.
To sum it up, the enqueue button should start playback in the queue if there's nothing playing at the moment. This sounds reasonable.

Originally Posted by abby_normal View Post
In the image viewer, is there a way to start a slideshow (i.e., automatically advance through images in the queue after a delay)? If not, this is not a high priority but it would be nice eventually. Another thing that would be nice is for the program to preload the next image in the queue so the transition is faster.
There's no slideshow yet in the image viewer. This is planned, though.
Preloading images is more of a problem on the NITs because of limited RAM. I think the N800 and N810 will be able to handle preloading rather well, but definitely not the 770.
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll see how well it can be done.

Originally Posted by abby_normal View Post
It is nice having the onscreen keyboard for searching but I find it a little nonintuitive. Let's say I am browsing music and I want to find a track with a particular name. I type the song name in but nothing happens unless I happen to have the tracklist for that particular album open. Is there some way around this?
The search as you type currently only searches the contents in the current list. Actually, it's up to the particular plugin how to handle the search, so implementing other search-behavior would be possible.

Originally Posted by abby_normal View Post
Finally, while I like the "finger friendly" UI, sometimes it is nice to be able to navigate and start playing solely using the d-pad. Right now if I am browsing, the d-pad up and down buttons seem to be mapped to "flick up" and "flick down," while the center button does nothing. It would be nice if the buttons instead moved the "focus" from one item to the next/previous, and clicking the center button corresponded to "play." The left-right buttons could navigate between the list of items and the types of views ("by album" / "by artist" etc.)
I'm also planning to do it this way, but it will involve some work.

Originally Posted by abby_normal View Post
Once again, great job, I really like how this app is coming along.
Thanks, I'm glad most of you like 0.96 so well.
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Thanks for the responses. I'll try to determine if the playback issue happens at particular points in particular videos.

The Youtube plugin seems to work quite well so far, by the way. One little quirk I've noticed, if I have a queue of youtube videos (which is a great feature!) and I'm viewing them in fullscreen, when the queue switches to the next video it pops out of fullscreen. If you're watching a longer video that has been divided into parts, that can be a little distracting.
Igor: I'm almost sure that was the name.

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Originally Posted by pycage View Post
0.96.1 will have the behavior from the earlier SVN versions back. Additionally, it's possible to close an album in the list instead of having it closed by opening another album.
This works perfectly now - thank you so much !
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still cant get the "car mode" to work, and how do we get the current playlist to show, ive tried everything.
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Originally Posted by munky261 View Post
still cant get the "car mode" to work, and how do we get the current playlist to show, ive tried everything.
When you say you "cannot get the car mode to work", what exactly do you mean ? It seems to be working okay for me - There isn't much to it really ( unless I am missing something ) - you hit the hardware zoom button to get in, and hit it again to get out . Once you are in there, there is not much you can do except pause, skip forward, and skip backwards.

Would it be good idea to automatically flip to car mode after a certain period of inactivity, and then have a software way to go back ?

Also I am noticing that whenever i expand an album in the browser, the tracks in it are automatically played next. Is this on purpose , or a bug ?
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Version 0.96 is very nice. You deserve much praise as usual, Pycage.

I would like to mention one odd thing, though. After scanning my music files, one song in one of the albums (Long Album Name) was listed under an abbreviated name (Long Album), all the other songs in the album were listed under the entire name. I thought that perhaps the tag was wrong, so I checked it using the Audio Tag Tool. It was the only song in the album that had ID3 v2 information. The v2 information had the full album title, but the Audio Tag Tool only showed the abbreviated title without scrolling. I removed the ID3 v2 information, and now the song is listed with the rest of the songs in the album. (Am I being clear or rambling?)
Anyhow, it works fine for me now, but it looks like this may be a (minor) bug.

Back to the main point of this note: The latest release is another impressive version. Thanks!
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Originally Posted by belanger View Post
I would like to mention one odd thing, though. After scanning my music files, one song in one of the albums (Long Album Name) was listed under an abbreviated name (Long Album), all the other songs in the album were listed under the entire name. I thought that perhaps the tag was wrong, so I checked it using the Audio Tag Tool. It was the only song in the album that had ID3 v2 information. The v2 information had the full album title, but the Audio Tag Tool only showed the abbreviated title without scrolling. I removed the ID3 v2 information, and now the song is listed with the rest of the songs in the album. (Am I being clear or rambling?)
Anyhow, it works fine for me now, but it looks like this may be a (minor) bug.
It shouldn't matter if a file is tagged with ID3v2 or ID3v1. But if ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags are present at the same time (technically, this is possible with ID3v1 and ID3v2 because v1 sit at the end of the file and v2 at the beginning), strange things may occur. MediaBox would display the v2 tags in that case.
Maybe this is what happened because the problem went away when you removed the v2 tags.

Originally Posted by belanger View Post
Back to the main point of this note: The latest release is another impressive version. Thanks!
Getting better with each release, hopefully.

fmradio, mediabox, upnp, youtube

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