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TheRealBubba's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
I can say that those doubting the capabilities of smaller screens are in for a very pleasant surprise...
This really bums me out, using Xournal to annotate pdfs is one of the most valuable uses for my N800, and I can just manage to write legibly with my shakey old-man motor skills... I really hope it won't be much smaller...
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interesting information regarding the 5900 with some details
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Originally Posted by luso View Post
interesting information regarding the 5900 with some details
that one is fake
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
I can say that those doubting the capabilities of smaller screens are in for a very pleasant surprise...
You mean Nokia is opening revolutionary optician shops all over the world?

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benny1967's Avatar
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mhm... funny. that's what i wrote in my blog a few days ago about the beta SDK: that it only makes sense if you think of it being used on tiny phone displays.

i'm not sure if i'm going to be pleasantly surprised. if they move towards the phone form factor only, i'll have to use my laptop again. or buy a netbook.

OTOH, they said there'll be more than one device. maybe screen size is one of the differences between the devices and they had to create these monstrosities of widgets to allow for smaller screens.

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Naranek's Avatar
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Originally Posted by benny1967 View Post
OTOH, they said there'll be more than one device. maybe screen size is one of the differences between the devices and they had to create these monstrosities of widgets to allow for smaller screens.
Not a bad idea... If they released only a small device some would bash it for being too small for doing any Serious Stuff. On the other hand a bigger device would cause a bashing for being too big compared to iPhone.

If the size would be the only differentiating factor, it would be really hard to decide between them though

Last edited by Naranek; 2009-05-10 at 14:24. Reason: the hard word
benny1967's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Naranek View Post
If the size would be the only differating factor, it would be really hard to decide between them though
"now listen: if you can't decide between two toys, always take both. this is very important."

(that's what my bf once said to his 5 year old godchild when they went shopping in the toys department... much to the delight of the shop assistants. the boys mother who was with them was less amused.)

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fpp's Avatar
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Didn't he mention you should also take two of each, in case one gets broken or lost ? :-)
benny1967's Avatar
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good idea. i will have to say that next time we see him. i'm not sure he'll listen to me, though. he's very unimpressed by how i fail even on the most simple pre-installed games on my phone... i'm not exactly a role model.
krisse's Avatar
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Nokia have got two choices with how to make Maemo commercially viable.

They can either make it a lot bigger (to compete with mini-laptops):

or make it a lot smaller (to compete with phones and music players):

Staying where they are isn't an option, as it isn't really leading anywhere commercially. People simply aren't buying tablet-sized devices, they are all going for something smaller or bigger.

Obviously a lot of people on are happy with the tablets the way they are, but the new devices need more than just current users in order to survive commercially. The number of people using maemo has to grow a lot if it is to stand on its own two feet.

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