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I Like everyhting except the Lose of the 770 Cover and I really hate the stylus.

Also jsut thoughts here: but if you made the stylus thinner(like 770's) and took out the camera this thing would be pretty thin.
Posts: 177 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Apr 2006 @ Wirral, UK
The left and right buttons click as with the N770 but the up and certainly the down gives a lot less feedback. The key sounds help but without them the down button gives barely any click under my finger. Is it only mine doing this?
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Originally Posted by paulrb02 View Post
Also jsut thoughts here: but if you made the stylus thinner(like 770's) and took out the camera this thing would be pretty thin.
But the thicker stylus helps a lot when doing note-taking (e.g. using Xournal). My handwriting is terrible when using Xournal on Nokia 770 -- granted, I can't use it on N800 yet because there are compatibilities issues.
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Well, its been a few more days since I wrote this initial thread, and I think its is really growing on me. I may "may" have been harsh in my first post, nah, I really do not like the way in looks, I just don't like the silver, I think I prefer black. That said, this thing feels real nice in your hand. I always used my case on my 770, so it felt weird at first. One reason that I really did not like the 770 without the case was the bottom where the USB/power/mic/stereo area did not feel right in my hand. I am really looking forward to some sort of aftermarket case, I dropped my 770 twice both times about 4 feet, both times it landed on the bottom corner, the case had lots of scratches on it. It does concern me, but hey I have to buy a new one next year right?

Its just a matter of time before the software projects catch back up, there is work to be done with many apps but many 2006 apps are working just fine.

The USB host mode does not appear to be included or possibly supported. Its possible that the support was left out of the kernel, I am hoping it was not left off the device. I purchased a battery powered USB hub, a female to female USB adapter and a USB cable with a extra USB power cable. It allowed me to run USB devices on my 770. I used it once and sent in my 770 for repair, I never saw it again, nokia paid me $240 for it and I bought a n800 for $399. I guess if it does not work, there should be some cheap 770's out there? 75$ for 770 ANYONE ANYONE?

Overall the experience on the n800 is more appealing, its faster, and feels cleaner, even when your browser crashes!!!
Posts: 177 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Apr 2006 @ Wirral, UK
Originally Posted by 9a6or View Post
The left and right buttons click as with the N770 but the up and certainly the down gives a lot less feedback. The key sounds help but without them the down button gives barely any click under my finger. Is it only mine doing this?
I am beginning to rationalise the almost quiet operation of the up/down buttons and I am sharing with you some bedroom practices too

I like channel hopping when listening to web radios and with the Internet Radio applet I can single click up/down to hop. With the 770's louder pops this used to annoy my wife trying to sleep next to me so the quiet buttons in fact are welcome

I'd still be interested if anybody else noticed the difference between the feel of the up/down and right/left buttons.
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noticed a quick mention of it elsewhere but just fully discovered the joy of the automatically big/small icons when using finger/stylus - the last upgrade of the 770 os made finger and thumb use much much better, but this little trcik of recognising you're doing it and putting bigger icons up is really cool.

after the best part of a week with the 800, i find myself using it far more around the house than I did the 770, and now my only concern is the screen protection/lack of metal cover aspect of taking it out and about with me.

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