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Moderators note:
Just so the method to my madness is clear:
If a thread is created that requests a game port for a PC game, and no obvious way to achieve that exists (e.g. it's a proprietary PC game), it will be merged here.

In the case where a port is requested and an existing open source version is referenced, or some other distinguishing and noteworthy information, it will probably live on as an independent invitation to would-be maintainers.

So: if you want your request to carry some weight and not be just a "me, too" among many, you can increase your chances greatly with some basic research online.

I strongly recommend reading the Rule and FAQ sticky thread before posting a request to get an idea of the realities of Maemo gaming.

End Moderator's note.

I just thought, what are the odds that these games can be and will be ported to Maemo 5 ? Some good pc games, older ones, which i would like being ported/run on the N900 or future Maemo devices.

Pharaoh (Windows)
Half-Life 1 (Windows)
Sim City 3000 (Windows)
Homeworld 1 (Windows, Linux)
Red Alert 2 (Windows)
Diablo 2 (Windows, Mac OS, Mac OS X)
Atomic Bomberman (Windows)
Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 (Windows)
The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind (Windows)
Grand Theft Auto 3 (Windows)

The N900 does have the HW to run these games (except maybe GTA3)...So i assume its just the matter of programming issues? I don't expect some official publishers/developers to do it, atleast i don't assume they will. But the community could imo. What's your opinion?

Also list which games would YOU want to see !!

Last edited by Flandry; 2010-01-29 at 16:33.

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Bundyo's Avatar
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For most of them - none. Only Homeworld 1 has been open sourced.
Technically, there are three determinate states the cat could be in: Alive, Dead, and Bloody Furious.

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lincity-ng, bzflag, wesnoth, globulation 2, widelands, puzzles(, enigma2, NEVERBALL(with accelerator support), warzone2100, openttd, netpanzer, freeciv, openlierox, wormux, hedgewars, planetpenguinracer(with accelrator support), enigma2(with accelerator support), fillets-ng

I'm guessing most of these might just work out of the box(as in after a recompile) as they are all Free Software.

Yes PC is also Linux, minix and a lot of other x86/x86_64 capable systems... If you meant windows only games you really should state it that way

And yes I do believe atleast some of these are already available on the older tablets

Last edited by ruskie; 2009-09-09 at 10:29. Reason: Just added a note
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UAE (amiga emulator) - that would be bliss...
zerojay's Avatar
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I suggest you look at for a good set of possible games that could be ported to Maemo 5.

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Jack6428's Avatar
Posts: 635 | Thanked: 282 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Black Mesa Research Facility
Originally Posted by Bundyo View Post
For most of them - none. Only Homeworld 1 has been open sourced.
hm..and do you think anyone would be willing to port it? Considering it was ported to Linux and the source code/SDK is free/public? It would be much easier than for example porting it to the PSP imo. We could set-up a team perhaps? I think if we worked together it could be ported within 6 months max.
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Atomic Bomberman (Windows)
There's a Bomberman clone in Extras already...
Posts: 308 | Thanked: 62 times | Joined on Jun 2009 @ Turkiye
hey folks ,have you seen this bounce game video?
graphics are great!!!
Jack6428's Avatar
Posts: 635 | Thanked: 282 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Black Mesa Research Facility
Originally Posted by McLightning View Post
hey folks ,have you seen this bounce game video?
graphics are great!!!
yup, thats the reason i listed the games i listed in this topic, the n900 has the power

desktop, fremantle, game, linux, mac os x, maemo, maemo 5, port, request, speculation, windows, wow for n900

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