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solarion's Avatar
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Are there any plans to get a higher-res screen on the successor to the n900? Although I can use the n810 (and therefore likely the n900) for reading articles (two-column PDFs) in evince (portrait mode FTW), I have to scroll up and down the screen since the res isn't quite high enough for a full page. My EEE 901 can do it just fine, so I suspect that the 1024x600 screen is the minimum resolution for reading a full page of PDF.

So, the question is are there any plans on the table to up the screen size for Harmattan's corresponding device? We can't stay resolution king forever at 800x480!
Umm, what?
ysss's Avatar
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Really? For a 3.5" screen...?
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Absolutely. I can definitely see the difference.
Umm, what?
ysss's Avatar
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Oh, I'm sure the difference will still be visible.

What I meant was, the additional detail between 800x480 vs 1024x600 on a 3.5" screen will need to be seen extremely closely or with a loupe to be useful\practical.
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Who says that all Maemo devices from now on have to have a 3.5" screen?
eiffel's Avatar
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Kate Alhola's "Qt on Maemo" presentation made strongly suggested that Maemo is specifically for "800x480 touch screens" for the foreseeable future.

Originally Posted by lma View Post
Who says that all Maemo devices from now on have to have a 3.5" screen?
Who knows, we might even see a 3.0" Maemo screen in the future. But again, Kate's presentation strongly suggested that we won't see it on "small phones", so I don't expect to find Maemo on (e.g.) a 2.0" screen.

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Originally Posted by solarion View Post
Are there any plans to get a higher-res screen on the successor to the n900?
How much more hires do you want the 3.5" screen to be? It is already unreadable when the fonts are rendered at maximal screen resolution. With a bigger screen, it would make sense.

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The more pixels you have, the slower the device becomes. On some levels it is almost directly (inversely) proportional. The device would be already faster if the display resolution would be lower. So yes, it's fun to dream, but you need to be also aware of what the drawback is.

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I'd be all for it if it's "FREE": in terms of production cost, development costs and operational cost. But that's never the case.

Production cost = higher price per unit
Development cost = there may be a need to make additional UI assets OR longer testing because you're targeting multiple 'platform' (loosely used, meaning 2 different resolutions).
Operation cost = Eats up more CPU\GPU during operation. Uses more RAM and storage space if higher resolution assets are used.

So if the payoff is worthwhile, then by all means go for it.
But if you're not getting significantly better experience from it or if it may even lower the system's performance because it taxes more resources, then wtf?
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Originally Posted by ysss View Post
Oh, I'm sure the difference will still be visible.

What I meant was, the additional detail between 800x480 vs 1024x600 on a 3.5" screen will need to be seen extremely closely or with a loupe to be useful\practical.
I disagree. At least on my n810, a full article page (in portrait mode; full height, because the page is too wide for the display) being accommodated on the screen causes the text to almost but not quite be legible (the letters are smudgey). This is not true on my EEE 901.
Umm, what?

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