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Is there any way to enable debugging of Maemo Mapper?

I tried to use it this weekend with a Bluetooth GPS for trip from Rugby to York (both in the UK) and it crashed so frequently on my N800 to be useless.

Having seen the same sort of thing when run from the command line (difficult to do at <cough> mph on the motorway) it seems to be a combination of seg faults and random quits.

I've not yet plowed through the source (mmm, one big shiny file) but anyone (gnuite <hint> ;-)) know how good it is with buffer overflows etc.? e.g. if it gets dodgy data from the GPS?

If I had a debug log, I'd raise a bug and try and fix it, but there seems to be no rhyme or reason to the crashes, except they seem to occur when I've got the GPS enabled (and "Show info" on).

Thanks in advance,

Andrew Flegg -- |
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Originally Posted by aflegg View Post
Is there any way to enable debugging of Maemo Mapper?
Debug messages is completely disabled in the distribution .deb. Only critical errors are reported on the command line. You can rebuild maemo-mapper with the DEBUG macro defined to get a lot of debug (most function entry points, plus some other debug), and you can enable the vprintf macro to get even more debug.

Originally Posted by aflegg View Post
I tried to use it this weekend with a Bluetooth GPS for trip from Rugby to York (both in the UK) and it crashed so frequently on my N800 to be useless.

Having seen the same sort of thing when run from the command line (difficult to do at <cough> mph on the motorway) it seems to be a combination of seg faults and random quits.

I've not yet plowed through the source (mmm, one big shiny file) but anyone (gnuite <hint> ;-)) know how good it is with buffer overflows etc.? e.g. if it gets dodgy data from the GPS?
The NMEA reading is done with g_io_channel_read_chars(), and a "max # of chars" parameter is passed to the method, so it's unlikely that the char buffer is being overrun. But I could be wrong...

Originally Posted by aflegg View Post
If I had a debug log, I'd raise a bug and try and fix it, but there seems to be no rhyme or reason to the crashes, except they seem to occur when I've got the GPS enabled (and "Show info" on).
Which GPS receiver are you using?

Has anyone else had problems with that receiver?
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The Deluo GPS which was recently discussed and pointed to on eBay. I'll try recompiling the deb with debug enabled (unless you have one to hand already).

Testing it's a bit of a pain, as it's cold outside and there's no GPS lock within my house or office ;-/


Andrew Flegg -- |
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I read in a review that if you have a GPS enabled cell phone with bluetooth - it can be used with the application. I searched the forum but only see actual GPS units listed as source GPS.

Can you shed light on if a cell phone can be used and if so - which models.

Also - does the program look for the GPS using the SPP bluetooth profile or another profile?


I live in the US.
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Ref posts #79 and #80,

I am trying to make this work but an struggling with the way maemo mapper catalogues it's tiles; Gnuite states that the tiles have paths thus:

$HOME/apps/maemo-mapper/[ZOOM]/[LATITUDE]/[LONGITUDE].jpg, but that bears no relation to where I live 51.433623, -1.276541 and the tiling for level 0 starts at 65055 file with tiles named 43656, 43657.....

I found this on mapki about MapCruncher; it may help:

The following code generates a tile file name for your custom tiles using the x,y and z tile parameters that get passed to GTileLayer.getTileUrl

TileToQuadKey ( tx, ty, zl) {
var quad;
quad = "";
for (var i = zl; i > 0; i--){
var mask = 1 << (i - 1);
var cell = 0;
if ((tx & mask) != 0)
if ((ty & mask) != 0)
cell += 2;
quad += cell;
return quad;

Any ideas?


Last edited by kempja; 2007-02-27 at 16:29.
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Originally Posted by jdk410 View Post
I read in a review that if you have a GPS enabled cell phone with bluetooth - it can be used with the application. I searched the forum but only see actual GPS units listed as source GPS.

Can you shed light on if a cell phone can be used and if so - which models.

Also - does the program look for the GPS using the SPP bluetooth profile or another profile?
Yes, Maemo Mapper uses the Serial Port Profile.

As for which cell phones would work: all it has to do is emit NMEA sentences to the SPP. If your cell phone can do that, then it should work with Maemo Mapper.
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Originally Posted by gnuite View Post
I've been a little busy, but here's a quick update on my status...

libsqlite3-0 is now in the gregale repository. There should be no more problems with trying to install Maemo Mapper from a fresh flash of the latest firmware on the 770.

Sorry about the icons - will be fixed in the next release.

I added a dialog box that pops up when Maemo Mapper fails to connect to the GPS receiver. It will be available in the next release.

I'm adding some built-in route generation functionality (right-click menu items to add points and waypoints to the route).

And, finally, I'm adding some on-device documentation, including context-sensitive help and a quick start section. Hopefully, this begins to address the abysmal documentation problem.

Next release should be this weekend.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and the next release will have Finnish localization - thanks to Marko Vertainen.
I'm confused. Version 1.4 download at Garage Maemo has a date of 2-13-07.
Your post is from 2-22-07. So, will the download at Garage Maemo include everything needed for the install, or do I need to still go out and find libsqlite3-0? If so, could you please provide a link to download it. Does it matter in what order I install everything?
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Originally Posted by kempja View Post
$HOME/apps/maemo-mapper/[ZOOM]/[LATITUDE]/[LONGITUDE].jpg, but that bears no relation to where I live 51.433623, -1.276541 and the tiling for level 0 starts at 65055 file with tiles named 43656, 43657.....
The "latitude" and "longitude" that are used in the directory hierarchy are not measured in degrees - it is measured in tile numbers, where 0, 0 represents the "upper-left corner" of the world.

In the mercator projection, the world is a square. Maemo Mapper divides the world into pixels, each pixel of which represents a pixel at zoom level 0. The world is 2^25 (33554432) pixels wide and high.

"Tiles" are 256x256 wide, so at zoom level 0, the world is 2^17 (131072) tiles wide and high. You're near the prime meridian, so your tile number (at zoom level 0) is near (131072 / 2).

At each zoom level above 0, the width of the world (in # of tiles) is decreased by half. So, at zoom level 5, the world is 2^12 (4096) tiles wide.

Now, you have to be careful about what lat/lon you assign to each tiles, because at high zoom levels, the lat/lon of the center of the tile and that of its upper-left corner are very different. And, due to the projection, the longitudes are easy to calculate (-180 + (tile-number / total-number-of-tiles), but the latitudes depend on the tile's distance from the equator.
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That was a piece of very useful information.. stored for later reference. Thanks!
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Originally Posted by nspeer View Post
...will the download at Garage Maemo include everything needed for the install, or do I need to still go out and find libsqlite3-0?
libsqlite3-0 is now included in th gregale repository, so if you install Maemo Mapper 1.4 through the gregale repository, it will automatically install the libsqlite3-0 dependency.

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