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- is there a "mark all new emails as read" option?

- can you quickly navigate through the Artists list with a colupn of alphabetical letters on the right?


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Boy I'm glad you didn't get stalked, knifed or gunned down by being the 1st person in London to have the retail N900

Revenge? N900 drive-by texting on the stalkers
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Congrats on winning it on the meet. I was pissed off that I didn't know there was a meet until it was fulled up(NYC).

Anyway, is it possible that you can make a quick video on the PDF reader. I would like you to know how laggy the zoom in and out is, like how fast does it render the PDF file, and browsing through the pages.
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How about google maps web page ? Can you smoothly use all the tools available in the desktop version like distance measurement tool etc ? It's pure hell on n810 :|
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Originally Posted by MNX1024 View Post
Congrats on winning it on the meet. I was pissed off that I didn't know there was a meet until it was fulled up(NYC).

Anyway, is it possible that you can make a quick video on the PDF reader. I would like you to know how laggy the zoom in and out is, like how fast does it render the PDF file, and browsing through the pages.
I tried this out one the display unit at NYC flagship which had firmware 2009.42.11.002

- I downloaded manbus.pdf (manhattan bus map PDF which is pretty heavy). Kinetic scrolling not enabled, neither is twirl zoom. Panning/Zoom is quite responsive.

It was pretty acceptable, the only thing I didnt like was it was obvious it was a 'separate' application which made no effect to fit in with the rest of Maemo UI design (especially since its a bundled app)

Try the same pdf ( an E71, its pretty horrendously slow.

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Is that the retail fw? If it is, I guess I'll go back to take a look to see how it is. I open a lot of PDF files often because I'm too lazy to lug around my laptop just so I can read my textbook for class, lol. Anyway, my current phone laggs like crazy and loading and rendering is uber slow.
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Originally Posted by peio View Post
- is there a "mark all new emails as read" option?

- can you quickly navigate through the Artists list with a colupn of alphabetical letters on the right?

- i don't see such a feature
- no, you can't but you can filter the results by entering the first letter on the keyboard

42-11 is the software for the retail units with some variant for usa (1.2009.42-11.002) and mea region (1.2009.42-11.003)

OS 2009 version 1.2009.42-11
Maemo 5 Global release for Nokia N900

Last edited by chilko; 2009-11-19 at 07:35.

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Originally Posted by Den in USA View Post
My understanding of "cold start" is when you attempt to get a "fix" in a location that may be hundreds of miles from where you got your last "fix". For instance, if I drive 50 miles from where I got my last "fix", and then started my bluetooth gps, my N800 will typically show location in less than 60 seconds (cold start). If I turn my gps "off" wait a few minutes and then turn it "on" my N800 will typically show my location in about 20 seconds (warm start). I also understand that there are many circumstances that affects a fix so that at certain times even my $700 Garmin gps can have trouble getting a fix.
ok then it is the "up to 12 minutes" we are talking about, no matter what GPS device you've got! could be $20000 hyper-ultra GPS...
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Originally Posted by Venomrush View Post
Boy I'm glad you didn't get stalked, knifed or gunned down by being the 1st person in London to have the retail N900

Revenge? N900 drive-by texting on the stalkers

I'm glad nothing happen as well, I'm getting the crazy eye'd look while at work right now, for laughing out loud so hard...

Originally Posted by convulted View Post
Thanks for the compliment
I've been inside all day so I haven't yet tested the N900 as it should be perhaps. However, there are a couple of things I noticed very soon. The addition of haptic feedback is a case in point: by design it should be hardly noticeable in itself, but the overall effect of having a tiny vibration signal every time you touch the screen is such a leap forward in terms of user experience. Phone quality is good, which I was expecting actually.

I think bloggers and (p)reviewers covered most of the device and its software, so there is a very limited number of things I can think of that are worth mentioning -- let me know if you have any specific questions.

As to how the phone will impact my life... I have a sedentary life during the week and travel weekends. Being able to access the net from the bus or train will bring a massive improvement in these commutes. Mostly, though, it will be the little things, like going online in the uni cafeteria to look something up and prove a point
I see this thread will be mostly questions until others get their device ( myself included ). but yes I understand what your saying about your use case and what you've had time to do with it thus far. I was just like you ( sedamentary habbits ) as well when I got my first one ( smartphone ) and used it for exactly that too ( looking things up on the fly and proving points ) but it eventually became percisely what maemo 5 proclaims to be now, in my case... my constant connection to the world which in turn helped me become more tech savvy after listing to tech podcast (Cent's Buzz Out Loud is awesome), reading/watching reviews on an asorment of things during my commutes or jogging and what not .

but ya I would becarful where I go if i were you since your the only guy to actually own one i guess, for now, becuase they may take you and the device.. fetching pair.. j/k
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Originally Posted by chilko View Post
- i don't see such a feature
- no, you can't but you can filter the results by entering the first letter on the keyboard
Thanks for the answer
This feature (mark all as read) is missing in the iphone OS too, but exists in windows mobile. I'm tired of having to delete one by one all the emails I've already read on my PC (I don't have imap on my work mail)

I hope this can be added later by the community, if a lot of people miss that too?

Another thing: in the email list, there is a huge and ugly "new message" button, maybe it can be removed and add the new message option in the contextuel menu when you click on the upper part of the screen?

How hard is it to do?


Sorry, another question:
Since facebook chat is not directly available in the IM protocols,
1. Can you chat using the desktop facebook website?
2. If yes, do you receive alerts when someone talks to you, even if the facebook window is minimized (or vibrate if the phone is on silent profile)

Last edited by peio; 2009-11-19 at 13:19. Reason: Added a question

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