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Originally Posted by gnuite View Post
By the way, if you ever come across an online map that you'd like to use in Maemo Mapper, .
How about this one that even seems to have a developer api available?
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Originally Posted by joeo View Post
Would it be possible to use the Mapquest "Routing File" in mapper?

The reason I ask is that I have done some routes in mapper (same as Google Earth) and Mapquest.
"For me", the Mapquest routes are much better.
joeo, I couldn't agree with you more. I too prefer Mapquest's routing algorithm to Google's, although I prefer Google's interface. If I could parse Mapquest's directions HTML page into a GPX file, trust me, I would, but I haven't found a way to do so.

The route points themselves may be somewhere in the javascript, but Mapquest seems to have done a very good job of hiding them, plus there doesn't seem to be much connection between the route points and the direction information (e.g. "Turn Right at ..."), so even if I could find the route points, there wouldn't be any waypoints.

Google Maps's maps, on the other hand, are much more easily parseable.
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Originally Posted by gnuite View Post
Not without making modifications to Maemo Mapper. I investigated ViaMichelin's website, and its PNG files are accessed using complex, encoded URLs that look something like this.........P.S. kempja: would you mind removing the "script" code from your post, or at least break it up into smaller lines? It causes the page to render poorly in most browsers.
Have cleared it up; is that any better?

Thanks for the tip about Firefox; I am now using it to investigate another new map server over France, serving IGN Maps.

I have just about finished the cmd scripts that read the xml file from MapCruncher, available here, even for big (50 x 50 km), overcoming a max xml file size of ~100 lines - it extends the quadtree to the max zoom level crunched. I just need to join the scripts together and write some instructions. The results are as almost as accurate as the VE tiles on which they were 'pinned' ~ +/- 5m at 1:25k, showing no discernible stretch to go form UTM to VE's TM projection (although I can reproject using another programme - it's just a pain)

I will make this available after the w/e, if anyone is interested.
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HI Gnuite,

joeo, I couldn't agree with you more. I too prefer Mapquest's routing algorithm to Google's, although I prefer Google's interface. If I could parse Mapquest's directions HTML page into a GPX file, trust me, I would, but I haven't found a way to do so.
Thank you for the reply and for all your help!

Joe O
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Could you help me in defining the repository information for the following map site:

Using the above-mentioned "trick" it seems that the tile URL's are pretty straightforward:
For example:

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First, thanks Gnuite for a great program.

I ran across this mapping site today, and it looks like they use an easily-parseable URL format, but I'm not sure about the actual body of the page - there's a fair amount of javascript, but it doesn't look too complex.

EDIT: There's a link at the top left of the page that takes you to the "Old Site" or "New Site". My comments above are for the "New Site", but the old one might be easier to parse.

Last edited by gsagers; 2007-04-19 at 16:46.
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Can you print on the M800? Thanks in advance, Derrick
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Originally Posted by gsagers View Post
First, thanks Gnuite for a great program.

I ran across this mapping site today, and it looks like they use an easily-parseable URL format, but I'm not sure about the actual body of the page - there's a fair amount of javascript, but it doesn't look too complex.

EDIT: There's a link at the top left of the page that takes you to the "Old Site" or "New Site". My comments above are for the "New Site", but the old one might be easier to parse.
Gnuite, I too have had a look at this site - The new site is working on 256x256 tiles and they are mercator projected, like VE and GE. Additionally they have UK topo 50k maps (similar to USGS ones availble from Terraserver); most useful for hiking etc.

The urls, from Firefox, of the image tiles are thus - for Topo for route/street maps

They seem to be some sort of quadtree, but referenced from bottom left rather than top left. "13" is the zoom level, with map type being the "mi8**".

Any ideas for a URL to go into MM?

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First of all I have to admit that for the past few months I did not really think MM would live up (for me) to the hype it generated in other parts of ITT (and other sites) -- mainly because no maps cover the area where I live in any detail. Plus, I don't have a bluetooth GPS. However, yesterday I downloaded it and spent more time playing with MM than I should have (I am currently during my "exam season" at University )
In any case, I have two small quibbles:
- Most of the time, when I fire up the "Manage Map Repositories" dialog, I find that my list of repositories has been doubled (e.g.: Rep A, Rep B -> Rep A, Rep B, Rep A, Rep B). This behaviour is consistent and seems to happen every time except for the first time I fire up this dialog in a MM session. If I click cancel, the doubled list is not saved.
- Google satellite repository stopped working about 5 minutes ago What is happening is that it either leves a black space or uses the Google street JPEG's. Yes, the maps are downloaded in different directories This happened after I played around with the repository settings ("Download Zoom Steps" and "View Zoom Steps") a bit. MM does not complain about the maps not downloading or anything. Weird.
- I will be going abroad in a few weeks and would like to make decent use of MM. Is there an easy way of downloading all the JPEG's, at particular zoom levels, for an entire selected area? Or do I have to stay going around the whole area at every zoom level?

Thanks for any replies!
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Originally Posted by convulted View Post
- Most of the time, when I fire up the "Manage Map Repositories" dialog, I find that my list of repositories has been doubled (e.g.: Rep A, Rep B -> Rep A, Rep B, Rep A, Rep B). This behaviour is consistent and seems to happen every time except for the first time I fire up this dialog in a MM session. If I click cancel, the doubled list is not saved.
I've never seen this behavior - you're not pushing the "Download..." button, I presume...

Did the dialog always behave this way, or did it happen after a certain (or uncertain?) event? If the latter, I would try using the "Reset..." button in the dialog and/or gconftool-2 to clear all of your Maemo Mapper settings.. (If the dialog has always duplicated, then this won't have any effect.)

Originally Posted by convulted View Post
- Google satellite repository stopped working about 5 minutes ago What is happening is that it either leves a black space or uses the Google street JPEG's. Yes, the maps are downloaded in different directories This happened after I played around with the repository settings ("Download Zoom Steps" and "View Zoom Steps") a bit. MM does not complain about the maps not downloading or anything. Weird.
Weird indeed. Did your repo settings get changed during one of the duplication bouts you mentioned earlier? Are you able to fix the problem by tweaking the repo's settings?

Check your repo directory and see if you can find any text files instead of JPEG files. They won't have a text-file extension, so they may be difficult to find. If you know how to use grep, then you can grep the files for the string "<html>". If you find any, the error message contained therein may give a clue to why the repo is messed up. Some users have done this and found error messages indicating that Google has detected them as a "bot" or spammer, in which case Google might have started denying you satellite images. (I don't think this has ever happened with Google's street maps, and I also don't think that the Satellite repo has ever returned Street maps before.)

Originally Posted by convulted View Post
- I will be going abroad in a few weeks and would like to make decent use of MM. Is there an easy way of downloading all the JPEG's, at particular zoom levels, for an entire selected area? Or do I have to stay going around the whole area at every zoom level?
Use the "Manage Maps" dialog, which allows you to download or delete maps for your current repository. See the Help file for more details.

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