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Originally Posted by login8 View Post
I was really eager to get this phone when I first read about it but now im having second thoughts, why do all new phones focus so much on cramming as much hightech stuff as possible in a phone and let the battery come second? Currently using an n85 wich is supposed to have decent battery life 30 hours playing music and so on but if I stream over 3g the battery is drained in a matter of hours.
I sense contradiction

On the one hand, you say that you want battery life and screw the technology, but on the other hand, you're talking about streaming music over 3G...

You need to pick a device that suits what you want from it, and only you can tell what that is - as for me personally, I'd quite like one device which can serve as a camera, GPS, MP3 player, phone, email, organiser, and quick note taking device.
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Originally Posted by Alex Atkin UK View Post
Sounds unlikely. Surely if the bug is that simple it would have been noticed a long time ago. Is it just certain WiFi connections, new WiFi connections?

It must be more specific than ANY WiFi connection because pretty much everyone would have the problem if it was.
I don't think the problem affects every device, but for "bugged" ones (like mine), every use of wifi leads to the problem.

I tried different routers, different network setups ecc and that's what I found for my device.
I cannot extend the same conclusions to every device, of course; I posted just in case this could help someone.
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Originally Posted by Bratag View Post
Hrmm havent run into that one. This is the little status bar applet as opposed to the widget correct?

yes next to it, shows two little bars one for cpu usage and the other one for memory, when you play with screen shots from that applet it freezes memory to the point you have to reboot
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Originally Posted by Rushmore View Post
When are we going to see a larger battery option from somewhere? The camera lense slider & mechanism adds extra complexity for an after market option.
Imagine what it would cost, when already the "simple" covers seem to add $40-$60...
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Originally Posted by w00t View Post
I sense contradiction

On the one hand, you say that you want battery life and screw the technology, but on the other hand, you're talking about streaming music over 3G...

You need to pick a device that suits what you want from it, and only you can tell what that is - as for me personally, I'd quite like one device which can serve as a camera, GPS, MP3 player, phone, email, organiser, and quick note taking device.
Didnt say screw technology just put it on hold and let the batterys wich power these tech things catch up.

Thing is such a device doesnt exist atleast not that ive seen. Only thing that I can think of is carrying like 3 extra batterys with me (wont happen cant carry that much while im working). Ive been looking for a bigger battery wich fits the n900 like mugen power ones but not found one that seem to fit. Will there be extended batterys to be bought for the n900 or if not why doesnt nokia for example make a standard battery as they have now and one or 2 bigger batteries with new battery covers to fit the size. Not all of us have jobs in an office with unlimited supply of electricity to charge our phones
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Wouldnt' it be a good solution to rmmod the wifi modules rather than reboot?
This could be done with a simple script (maybe with a launcher on the desktop,
if something like that is possible on the n900)
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Originally Posted by qole View Post
eiffel: Seriously, that's not normal. That was happening with Nokia World firmware, but not now.
Thanks, I appreciate the reassurance.

I've been watching load-applet for a couple of days and haven't noticed any unexpected activity, nor do I see anything unusual when I run "top".

Anyway I will turn off WiFi tomorrow and see if that makes a difference.

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Originally Posted by Laughing Man View Post
For those of you using the Facebook widget, how often did you have it set to refresh (if you can set its refresh interval?)
No u can't if u hold the widget it's only settings is to change the user login i think. When ur connected is when it updating i'm assuming and u can't stop it either till u remove the widget.
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Originally Posted by eiffel View Post
I do keep the WiFi on, but in the lowest power mode.
Just to clarify. This is the normal WiFi mode, "On (maximum)", right? Not the lowest power saving mode ("Off")?

Because if it was set to "Off", that would explain everything.
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Originally Posted by Bratag View Post
Hrmm havent run into that one. This is the little status bar applet as opposed to the widget correct?
When did you get yours?

The priority placment apparently helped when you called?

Now- Get to work on a photo / barcode super app!

n900 battery, n900 v. power war, piss poor

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