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I'm sure other people than myself would appreciate a list of people who are willing to undertake paid coding projects for the n8x0 and n900.

I'm looking to find someone who will bring ankimaemi on the n810 up to the capability of full Anki (i.e. it displays images and plays sounds, as well as syncing with Anki Online).Alternatively, I want a new Anki client for the n810 developed. I also want the source code released afterwards. I'm willing to pay and if anyone wants to negotiate a price, can they please send me a PM.

I suggest that this could be a good way for some users to earn a bit of extra cash - there are a lot of people out there who want programs which aren't available. There are a lot of broke maemo developers. Let's bring them together. Leave a reply if you are interested in undertaking this kind of work (or if you are interested in hiring a coder).
Posts: 237 | Thanked: 157 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ San Diego, CA
My roommate would be interested in some paid Maemo work.

He's been developing on the platform since the 770, and developed the MP3tunes desktop widget.
Posts: 529 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Sep 2007
Hi go1dfish,

770 comes with Internet call app
Any chances to start it ?

App is requesting for suitable account.
If one is selected and OKed (Google Talk or Jabber)
app tries to create new account
than finishes
and asks for the creation of an account

if Advanced option is selected, app closes.

Any chance to test it ?

Another issue with 770 repositories
how to configure to get maemo mapper update

selecting direct install file web link from maemo
opens a file as a text in maemo web browser.

any help ?
Posts: 112 | Thanked: 122 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ London, United Kingdom
well.. we could in fact estabilish some "pay for app/feature" system in a way that the buyer submits the problem and whatever he wants to pay gets blocked from his credit card... once the feat is done.. there goes the money...
anyway.. I am hereby assigning me in to thia.. jusp pm me
VDVsx's Avatar
Posts: 1,070 | Thanked: 1,604 times | Joined on Sep 2008 @ Helsinki
Feel free to add a page with names and contacts of the coders/offers in the maemo wiki.

There's already a old page with some Maemo professionals willing to work:
Valério Valério
Posts: 28 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Jan 2009
Hi Blahah,

Originally Posted by Blahah View Post
I'm looking to find someone who will bring ankimaemi on the n810 up to the capability of full Anki (i.e. it displays images and plays sounds, as well as syncing with Anki Online).Alternatively, I want a new Anki client for the n810 developed.
Now this comes a bit late to that thread, but ankimaemi can sync, display images and play sounds. With the new you can also really use the full QT anki, even though I think for reviewing its too slow.

I think there would be a lot of potential for anki on the N8x0/N900 if one would integrate chat and VoIP with anki, so that you could try your new foreign language skills directly with other people learning your language. Should not be too difficult - even video chat is already built-in.


P.S. If you want to, you can of course also pay me...

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