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I am shocked by the outright admission there will be no further OS 2006 releases - after Jaaksi's comments I had hoped for, no, expected at least one more release which addressed the more obvious and annoying bugs in the Nokia source code. Think of this release as a final "thank you" from Nokia and I reckon it would have been accepted by many 770 owners as being the official end of the line. But now they (and me included) will receive nothing.

The last 770 release in January should be forgotten - it really was a waste of time due to the lack of any obvious fixes. Perhaps Nokia saw this as their exit plan for the 770, but it was too soon and too little.

In all honesty, Nokia haven't fixed anything in OS 2006 since at least Q4 2006 - development of OS 2006 ended long before we knew about it. It's just taken Nokia 6 months to admit it.
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Like many good people here have already mentioned, I too would have been happier if Nokia could Fix the bugs they have with OS 2006 before actually washing their hands off of the Nokia 770. When they came out with N800, I felt that this is it, they will not support the Nokia 770 anymore but then Dr Ari Jaaksi mentioned that they would support it a little more time. It is a different fact that this little time ( probably the time it took him to mention falsely that the Nokia 770 will be supported for some more time) mentioned by Ari Jaaksi really meant nothing. So like Milhouse mentioned, essentially we are stuck with it. The feeling of helplessness comes more from the fact that we all have been taken for a ride. Nokia got our money and that is it. Why would they care anymore? They are / were here to sell a product. Well, they did that and did it well. Now why should they bother anymore?

Finally, we see Nokia's ' feet of Clay '. This is so very similar to Sharp's quick exit from USA with their PDA.

I have always been a great fan of Nokia Phones and I still use one but honestly I don’t think that I am going to get a new one after I am done with this one. Also, It is a good thing that I convinced myself that I do not need the N800, because probably this too would go the way the Nokia 770 went.

So in all honesty, this Nokia 770 will be the last Nokia IT that I buy. Some of the things that work with it is fine but, no more. I cannot afford to buy a $ 300-400 device every time it comes out, when I very well know that it will not be supported after a few months.

Goodbye Nokia.

" We had joy, we had fun
we had seasons and the sun,
but you moved on,
leaving me behind."

It was nice knowing you.

Last edited by Arjun; 2007-04-04 at 21:13.
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What I find even more bizarre is that Nokia continue to sell the 770 as if it were a current product yet refuse to fix bugs and will not release any future firmware updates. Talk about having your cake and eating it!

Nokia over produced (or perhaps undersold) the 770 and are happy to sell it to unsuspecting buyers, yet at the same time they refuse to fix any bugs those new customers may find - what kind of support is that, Dr Jaaksi?

While the 770 remains a current item it should receive occasional firmware updates - not nearly as often as the N800 but still every now and again. The continued sales are, after all, funding future development and some of that development should benefit the 770.

As soon as the 770 is officially discontinued and no longer available for sale it should be followed by a final and "last hurrah" of a firmware release - a roll up of all the 770 bugs that could be fixed within a reasonable time-frame and at reasonable cost.
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Originally Posted by cucurigu View Post
Texrat, having read the original post, I agree that the N800 may have a better life than the 770 - and I realize that the open source card has been played quite a few times here, but I would really like to hear an answer - if the 770 has been dropped from active development (and I suppose active fabrication also) is opening the OS a possibility ?

Even if it will not be the party line I would like to know where others stand ...
Of course it's a possibility, and I firmly believe that the guys doing the real work on the tablets support that possibility 100%. Like the improvement of reverse logistics, however, this decision will be in the hands of executive management.

Personally I lean toward a gradual release of control as devices are orphaned, starting of course with the 770. There is precedence in the industry for this, and despite the protests of naysayers (and I do understand the nature of their complaints) Nokia does support OSS.

One comment I think is being overlooked in the quoted comemntary is how the tablet program is re-evaluating certain things. Trust me, in the Nokia world, that is profound.

EDIT: you guys need to keep adding comments (thoughtful, objective, informative, etc) to Dr. Jaaksi's blog-- even if he hasn't posted in a while. Don't let the subject go stale-- that's what executive management counts on. Keep the dialog going. Point out that there are 6000 unique users on this forum-- surely they represent customers!

Last edited by Texrat; 2007-04-03 at 18:45.
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Originally Posted by Arjun View Post
essentially we are stuck with it.
You mean OS2006. Yes OS2006 is dead and no you are not stuck with it completely. As I understand it they simply do not have resources to maintain two versions of the system. I guess that small linux tablet developer group inside big Nokia surprised by its success is still pretty understaffed so they really focus on one goal now - fixing N800 (which is IMO still beta device too). Of course we as customers don't care and shouldn't care about this. What I want to say is that if there is some future, it is OS2007 on n770 currently called hacker edition, not 2006 system. It seems to work reasonably well and is in my opinion even better and more stable than 'stable' 2006 system. From the name you would expect rough edges. I didn't find any so far (except two minor fixable things - internet radio applet and sound in SDL programs). If you are not complete linux newbie, go for it and try it . Also read what Quim said, they are thinking about this too. Officially it will probably stay unsupported (as anything for n770 in future) but it would take them much less resources to keep os2007 on 770 sort of living then trying to maintain dead IT2006. And we will win too since the gap between n770 and n800 will be smaller and most packages for n800 will work on n770 too.

So if you want to push them, maybe better is to push into (officially unsupported) OS2007 direction than the dead 2006 one. Just my opinion.
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Seems too good to be true - especially considering Ari Jaaksi's declarations that OS2007 will never be completely ported on the 770. The hacker edition is a very good solution _IF_ Nokia choses it.

What disapoints me is the response on this thread - from the "almost 6000 users" that this forum has (thanks Texrat, I didn't know the number ) there are only a few responses. With this kind of leverage I don't know if we will ever get any reponse ...

btw, fanoush, thanks for your great effort on the kernel (plus the other stuff, but that one really hits the spot)
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I propose Nokia let 770 users have a upgrade/trade-in option!
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Originally Posted by phi View Post
I propose Nokia let 770 users have a upgrade/trade-in option!

Wow ! ! ! Someone sure is dreaming of a Silver Nokia N800.

Last edited by Arjun; 2007-04-03 at 21:07.
Posts: 30 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Feb 2007
It is a shame that Nokia is ending support for the 770. There is a lot of inventory floating around out there. I guess we have to plead with Nokia to open up the code so the community can continue to support the device. Distributions like debian prove that an OS doesn't need to have a corporation behind it, but help from the hardware manufacturer can really make a difference.
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Originally Posted by bitgeist View Post
It is a shame that Nokia is ending support for the 770. There is a lot of inventory floating around out there. I guess we have to plead with Nokia to open up the code so the community can continue to support the device. Distributions like debian prove that an OS doesn't need to have a corporation behind it, but help from the hardware manufacturer can really make a difference.
That's what I'm hoping for at this point.

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