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Originally Posted by howardcb View Post
You should not be so modest when naming the software. I vote for "GPSnuite", although I'm not sure how to pronounce it.
Agreed, although I'd find "G(nuite)PS" more logical :-)

And thanks, again, for the continuing 770 support !
Posts: 187 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on Apr 2007 @ Southampton, UK
I think the idea of a database cache is good - I personally (having downloaded large maps) wouldn't mind switching and downloading them again. Its a wifi device, its not as if I am paying for downloads.

Thanks for the great work.
There is no place like /home.
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I am going to hold my breath and wait ... :-) MaemoMapper is my top application (with FBReader).
Do not include File system cache - it is why you want to switch to 2.0 version is not it ? So I would purge file system cache and for people owning megabytes of maps would release file system -> database convertor.
I love your work ... still not breathing :-)
Posts: 62 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Feb 2006 @ Italy
Really glad to hear, finally, there's some hope we are getting rid of that filesystem approach for maps. Go, go, do whatever you need to completely remove it and replace with something better: achieving the possibility to move a single file rather than gazillions of tiny files back and forth the card would be super-great! Really it would be a nice boost to the usability of the software, and do what you need to gain best performance, including totally getting rid of backward compatibility.

On 770, I think you should give the user the possibility of turning on/off those eyecandies (antialias, transparency, rotation, perspective) as I suspect they could reduce performance. And I must say the route calculation web service often doesn't respond, so it would be wise implementing that in the software (even if it takes hours to give a response).

Finally, the name: what about "maemaps"? Try searching it with Google, you can see there are 0 occurrencies for it! But I understand you need a "platform independent" name, so what about "2ndPilot"?
Nokia 770 with ITOS 3.2006.49-2, aka maemo 2.2, aka gregale

Last edited by insert_nick; 2007-05-21 at 09:39.
Posts: 449 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on Jun 2006
Originally Posted by insert_nick View Post
On 770, I think you should give the user the possibility of turning on/off those eyecandies (antialias, transparency, rotation, perspective) as I suspect they could reduce performance.
I second that! I have no intention to ever buy an N800 but love my 770 and Maemo Mapper is the whole reason I've stuck with the 770 (even after multiple WSOD!).
Posts: 101 | Thanked: 14 times | Joined on Jan 2007
Originally Posted by lbattraw View Post
Well, unless navicore is free and open source I see quite a few reasons to continue. Competition is good and any time you have a single choice it's not the best situation, whether it be in regards to features or bugs. Besides, MM is quite capable for a from-scratch program for the platform. I've used it many times, and if nothing else a map with a dot "You Are Here" and breadcrumb trail is invaluable.

As far as the RFC I would definitely move away from the file/directory-based structure. If nothing else it would make it easier to a copy a single DB file (i.e. if you went with SQLite) than a million tiny ones. I would also be curious to see which DB engine you might choose since obviously it can't be too big, but performance might be marginal for some of the simplest ones.

Keep up the great work!
I agree with this reply-especially the competition part-but I'm not hung up on the "free and open source" bit. Maemo mapper is an invaluable program to the N800, especially the availability of worldwide maps. As long as Gnuite is compensated fairly (not a voluntary contribution), a 2.0 would be great, especially moving away from the millions of files system. Something other than the mechanical voice would be great for the "routing" feature.
Posts: 344 | Thanked: 26 times | Joined on Jan 2007
I have found MaemoMapper to be a little confusing, and I consider myself fairly a savvy user. I think that using some of the screen real estate to put some basic buttons/shortcuts on the left or right side would be excellent.

Some examples of these shortcuts might be:
(Favorites) - Ala Google Maps, tap it and you get a list of common addresses you use.
(Map to from GPS Location) - So it can map to an address from where you are with just a few touches.
(Map from Address to Address) - With easy access to favorites.

I realize these are built into Google Maps, but I think making these easy to access with a huge touchscreen would be way better than having to use my tiny Blackberry to navigate all the time. You might even be able to tap into their API so you don't even have to code the route calculations.

With the map caching, superior screen and input I think your application can definitely outshine the competition. I will gladly donate to the 2.0 (buy gunite a ferarri fund) if the app moves in that direction.
Posts: 47 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Feb 2007
Hi Gnuite,

To me, the most important feature would be to be able to do routing and rerouting (especially rerouting) without an internet connection! The prices of memory cards are decreasing and their capacity is increasing.

Thank you for version 1.

Joe O
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As for the database vs filesystem issue, I would say go for database only.
If I want to look at individual map pictures I could just get/make a tool
to extract from the database, assuming the format is known.
-- Metalayer-crawler delenda est.
-- Current state: Fed up with everything MeeGo.
Posts: 76 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Jul 2006
The only advantage that I see in the filesystem method is that I can merge map sets together easily. E.g. I can take a low-detail basemap of the country and combine it with detailed maps of several cities by copying them all to the 770.

But if there was an easy way to merge and edit the databases then it could prove to be more versatile approach for that sort of thing too.

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