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Ok, i cant start a thread as i dont have rights so this may be in wrong place, Had to send my n900 back as had faulty mic, bright spots on screen and faulty gps, anyway after seven days i now have it back from nokia care burrell way(posted to me). Sheet it came with says it has been replaced, problem is i have opened the box took out the n900 slid the keyboard out and there is no bloody keybord there to type on, whats my course of action/who should i contact, i bought it throught mobile phones direct.

thanks mark
Helmuth's Avatar
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I got 3 dead pixels (the whole time only mid grey) in the middle of the screen. The device isn't useless, but I can see it.

I have the Device since the beginning of December. So I have to bring it to a Nokia Care center. But a Week without Device?

I'm not sure. Is this the effort worth?
Posts: 306 | Thanked: 566 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Romania
possible cause :
oily traces on screen's backlighting diffuse system ( I do not know the english word/expression ) or some plastic support behind lcd was deformed by heat form a semiconductor IC or a smd too high so it touch the backlight system.
even a small deflection can cause differences of light.
after my n900 honeymoon i will disasemble it to investigate this.

i have same issue with my old FSC T830 after i wash screen with Isopropyl alcohol and it infiltrated behind lcd.
even I drying after complete pda and display dissasemble i don't get perfect clear screen.

Last edited by blue_led; 2010-02-02 at 22:07.
Posts: 14 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Madison, WI
Yep, I have one too. Right in the center of my screen.

I think it's because screen material is not that good. Other then the touch sensitivity being good my screen is soft, clicks and scratches easily.
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i have it on the right in the middle. noticed it a few times. kinda used to it. was very annoyed when i first saw it
Posts: 162 | Thanked: 79 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Finland
Damn. I just noticed that I have two brighter spots on the display. Not so bad, but have to take this to nokia care some day. I already had the same symptom with my fujitsu laptop. Though my laptop had it much worse. This is barely noticeable, but annoying enough.
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Originally Posted by GameboyRMH View Post
Probably not cold weather...cold weather will cause a "laggyness" or "motion blur" effect on an LCD that should go away at normal temperatures.

The N900 seems to have a lot of hardware faults. Weak USB port, varying battery quality, varying CPU quality, memory chips that are easily disloged if it's dropped, and now bright spots...I gotta say you'd expect better quality for something so expensive. It's not a huge issue for power users and tinkerers but these issues would terrify an "Average Joe."
ya, that is true that n900 has a lot of hardware faults.. for example mine has 2 bright spots, 2-3 dead pixels...well that is not much noticeable, but I can see that coz I know where that is. And I am using the phone... And btw, my USB is working on 1.1 when i connect nokia to mass storage, and my all other USB sticks work on 2.0.. well, those are some small problems, but I wanted that top model from nokia work good, without this problems..

Maybe "Made in Korea" has something to do with this??
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Originally Posted by rincic83 View Post
ya, that is true that my n900 has a lot of hardware faults..
there you go, I've corrected your post
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Well said ossip, 0 fault nokia user here.
Posts: 44 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Nov 2009
I also have 2 bright spots.

I purchased this from MPD in the UK - does anybody know what their turn around times are like for repairs / replacements?
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