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No differing opinion as I agree with 95% of what you said.

I did not know that the open platform allows for BOTH free and paid apps so that you for that info. As I said earlier, even after a year of use, I am a NEWB here.

Don't misunderstand me as a consumer who has no coding ability what so ever. Remember, I paid for many apps for my Palm OS Sony Clie device through the ORIGINAL app stores PalmGear and Handmark. The difference is there were easy to find and implement ways to get and pay for what app I needed. That isn't available here in the Maemo community. In the downloads page everything is free. If there were paid options, I probably would have opted for a few of those.

I will also say that back in my Palm user days, when I had an issue with a $20 or more app, those developers damn well better have fixed the problem quick or those customers get very irate (myself included) quickly. Again, it was a different expectation. This is why this platform is really more of a Geek centered arena. Since the apps are all free here, who do I complain to if I can't get something working or need help? Ah yes, the community ala you all. This is why I said I really do appreciate what you all have done for this model and community.

In the above post, I did not mean to allude to the fact that the consumer oriented model I spoke of is how it is supposed to be but rather how it is in reality and I didn't create it that way. I just saw it for what it was and followed along like the others because there were no alternatives at the time. Now alternatives are everywhere for the consumer.

The only thing I would now disagree with you on is the low dollar figure you suggested to get some attention on app creation ($80 - $100). I was under the impression it would be several hundred dollars just for starters.

One more thing, just for the record is that I am not a Linux user at all. I have nothing other than my NIT that I know of that is Linux based (Woops, Samsung Moment). I do however have 5 Windows machines in the house and two additional Windows machines that no longer work.

To me, it is about getting things done with a tool that I need and in this case for media creation Windows has worked for that. It would have been nice to do it in a less expensive way (via Linux) but I haven't had that extra time to invest to learn the back end just to get up and going. I know, Ubuntu is said to be the simple man's Linux. Maybe one of these days I will sacrifice a Windows machine and give it a go.

Thanks again for letting me steal your time in this conversation.

Maybe I will have to start a new thread about hiring a coder to get these other apps I still want
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Originally Posted by coosbaytv View Post
Don't misunderstand me as a consumer who has no coding ability what so ever. Remember, I paid for many apps for my Palm OS Sony Clie device through the ORIGINAL app stores PalmGear and Handmark. The difference is there were easy to find and implement ways to get and pay for what app I needed. That isn't available here in the Maemo community. In the downloads page everything is free. If there were paid options, I probably would have opted for a few of those.
You're correct that the community is more free-app oriented.. but if developers of free apps got more donations they'd be more inclined to continue developing for that platform .

The only thing I would now disagree with you on is the low dollar figure you suggested to get some attention on app creation ($80 - $100). I was under the impression it would be several hundred dollars just for starters.
I specifically followed that with "depending on the complexity of the app" . So it's all going to depend on what you want that will judge how much a developer will determine it will convince them to try.

For example take your app.. I am looking and so far unsuccessful at finding a normal desktop app for for Linux that I can port..

And the API is.. well.. Yeah .. THAT'S useful.. so unfortunately at this time I can't do it unless I just want to re-engineer another interface to Flash, which is what the website uses.. but what would be the purpose of that considering the browser itself has flash and can play it?

So really.. it's going to depend what you want, seconded by what you're willing to pay.
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pyRadio - Pandora Radio on your N900, N810 or N800!
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"So really.. it's going to depend what you want, seconded by what you're willing to pay. "

I agree...

I think the easy stuff (low hanging fruit) has already been developed.

and as far as the thing, thanks for looking into it but don't sweat it. Not a huge priority.

Do you really think that either of my graphics editor or audio editor apps have any sort of possibility of getting created?

Even though I love the Android thing, you can't make precise control gestures with the end of your finger so for editing apps, it just is the wrong direction. But with the precise control of the NIT, it would work very well.

This is why I am frustrated. My freakin phone has an 800 mhz processor that is controlled by my sloppy finger. My NIT works with a stylus but the architecture is so screwed up, no one can develop what should be created...go figure!
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Originally Posted by coosbaytv View Post
Do you really think that either of my graphics editor or audio editor apps have any sort of possibility of getting created?
I must have missed something.. what are your requirements?? Both of these seem possible... Audacity and Gimp immediately come to mind as being on Linux and I believe in Easy Debian - meaning they should be portable.
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pyRadio - Pandora Radio on your N900, N810 or N800!
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been down the Easy Debian road before and was very impressed with the concept but it just wasn't feasible. Come to think of it, that is probably the same experience most people are reporting with Firefox Mobile, which I absolutely love and don't really know why? FF alone has given me hope for really using my NIT full throttle!

So, maybe what I really need is to learn (get help with) the whole Tuning or optimizing my n810 and then trying Easy Debian again? What do you think?

As to requirements, I don't know...something more than the Palm versions but less than the PC counterparts. I mean, there has to be a sweet spot with the processor and memory of the NIT as opposed to the Palm OS limitations.

One other possibility is to actually make Garnet VM a more polished product. for example, use the screen resolution of the NIT as opposed to the 320 x 240 Palm OS resolution that is unbearable to look at on the NIT. It is like looking at an 8 bit gameboy on an the Wii! Yuck!!!!
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Originally Posted by coosbaytv View Post
As to requirements, I don't know...something more than the Palm versions but less than the PC counterparts. I mean, there has to be a sweet spot with the processor and memory of the NIT as opposed to the Palm OS limitations.
Well really we need to know specifically what you want in a image editor and audio editor.

I recall using The Gimp on my N810 and was fine with it. It was a tad sluggish at times but overall excellent. Audacity would probably be much heavier and slower.

The problem you run into isn't the framework involved at this point.. it's the CPU in the N8x0 sucks... heavy duty apps run atrociously slow. So if you layout a specific list of requirements for what you want the app to do it could be easier to find a lighter-weight alternative to port.
If I've helped you or you use any of my packages feel free to help me out.
pyRadio - Pandora Radio on your N900, N810 or N800!
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FYI, I just found this

will give it a look.

thanks to several of you guys this is the most productive Maemo day I've had with getting anywhere...

thanks ya'll (the ya'll is a joke sorry)
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Originally Posted by fatalsaint View Post
If you put up a thread offering $80-$100 for a new app for the N8x0.. depending on the complexity of the app.. I will bet you get at least some answers.
You are talking about hiring a developer to create a new app from scratch. I can only assume you meant $80k to $100k. if you know anyone willing to develop an app for $80-$100 by all means let me know, I will keep them very busy.
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Originally Posted by sgbirch View Post
You are talking about hiring a developer to create a new app from scratch. I can only assume you meant $80k to $100k. if you know anyone willing to develop an app for $80-$100 by all means let me know, I will keep them very busy.
I said new to the N8x0. Doesn't mean it isn't ported from somewhere else. And for the third time I specified complexity.

For example.. I would have gladly done my 2 apps in my sig for $100.. considering I did them for free anyway.. and one of those was a completely new app, and the other a port.

So how about enough with the generalizations and nit-picking here. Depending on the app, for $100 people may be interested. If you want a full new updated operating system on your phone then yeah.. you're prolly looking higher.

There's thousands of completely free software out there... so.. how many people paid $80k to get those developed... oh.. right
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pyRadio - Pandora Radio on your N900, N810 or N800!
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Yes, enough with the generalizations and nit-picking here. I got what you meant.


here is one of those "simple" app ideas I was thinking about...

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