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has anyone used this? i'm sick of my phone dying and need opinions...
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They're far from ideal. I've not used one with my N900 but I used to use one at festivals with my N95 and it would never really charge it to above two bars and even that was temperamental. Basically if you kept it plugged in at all times it would usually keep it powered on. You're far better off just getting yourself a spare battery or two and a desktop charger.
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I just got a cheap desktop charger and spare battery off ebay and it's proved v useful already as i hate using the device with the charger plugged in as I've got paronoid about damaging the usb port and the placement of the port really interferes with how i hold the device to type.

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Originally Posted by zail View Post
I just got a cheap desktop charger and spare battery off ebay and it's proved v useful already as i hate using the device with the charger plugged in as I've got paronoid about damaging the usb port and the placement of the port really interferes with how i hold the device to type.
where did you get the desk top charger?.. woud you mind posting the link, i never bought one and was thinking about it. although, i would also like to have the option to use it with my n810 battery as well.. i guess i'll look into this more now.
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Posts: 171 | Thanked: 59 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Bristol, uk
Originally Posted by jalladin View Post
where did you get the desk top charger?.. woud you mind posting the link, i never bought one and was thinking about it. although, i would also like to have the option to use it with my n810 battery as well.. i guess i'll look into this more now.
Can't post full link as ebay will annoyingly only take me to my bought item page for it whatever I do! Search on item description below and you should find it. You will need a nokia charger to use with it - need mini type connector as used by n80 etc. HTH.

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Originally Posted by QbAnYtO View Post
has anyone used this? i'm sick of my phone dying and need opinions...
Not used that one - it's only a single AA so won't have a lot of power. I have bought (and used) this one though, and it worked fine to top up my battery from about 30% (and there was still charge left). It's nice and compact and doubles as a battery charger, so very useful to have around anyway.
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Does the n900 require 1amp of current when charging (my pro-700 does) or can it go as low as the 500ma that a standard USB port produces? If the latter, then just grab a Tekkeon mp1550 and carry it with you. They're awesome!! Only thing is this. I highly recommend using some either rechargable NiMH batteries in it, or even these NiZn batteries. Word of warning though on the NiZn batteries. They're great for this application, and they have a great level power curve and hold between 1.5 and 1.6v (1.8 top end) constantly throughout their discharge cycle, but they drop off fast at the end. However, you'll get every nickle's worth of power out of them before the quit, unlike other batteries.
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Originally Posted by QbAnYtO View Post
has anyone used this? i'm sick of my phone dying and need opinions...
My best advice for you would be to go to and get the Proporta 3400 turbocharger.
Yes the price is a bit high, but it's a real great portable charging device. I've got 2!!
It can charge N900 a bit more than twice.

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At risk of double-posting on the same topic, but:

I highly recommend the PowerFilm solar panel w/ USB-out. It's:

1) Is compact, lightweight & folding with soft/bendable solar panels (ideal for travel and throwing in a bag).

2) Trickle-charges from the panel to 2 AA Sanyo Eneloop batteries internally, which then discharge at 5V to the USB port.

This means you can decouple sun collection from device charging, store up whatever sunlight happens to be available at the time, and use it later when you need it. OR -- if you have extra already-charged NiMH AA batteries lying around, you can just use it as an external charger.

This is where I ordered mine:

You also probably need the 2-headed Seido cable to get the N900 to charge off of a "dumb" USB power source:


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