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The Quote Train's Avatar
Posts: 64 | Thanked: 20 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Adelaide, Australia
Hi guys, forgive me if there is already a topic on this. I wasn't able to find anything.

Is there a background service that will change your phones profile based on time and location.

I.E if I'm at this location it will change to 'silent'


If it's this time it will automatically change to 'silent'


if it's this time, and this location, it will change to 'General'.

I think I once read that android has a similar background service.
Posts: 80 | Thanked: 33 times | Joined on Apr 2010
The location aware profile switching would be extremely useful; I would also love to know if it is possible.

I imagine time based profiles could be set up with a simple script, if nothing better exists to do it. I thought I read about people setting up scripts to shut off wifi at night, etc, to save battery life -- surely changing profiles wouldnt be much harder.

But at the moment, I have no idea -- because I haven't actually got my n900 yet (hopefully it will arrive tomorrow!)
juanenrique's Avatar
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i'd love something like that, but i'm afraid that having the gps perpetually on might be a bit of a battery drain...
ToJa92's Avatar
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Originally Posted by juanenrique View Post
i'd love something like that, but i'm afraid that having the gps perpetually on might be a bit of a battery drain...
You could have a option to search every x minutes.
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Originally Posted by juanenrique View Post
i'd love something like that, but i'm afraid that having the gps perpetually on might be a bit of a battery drain...
It is not necessary to use gps to know where you are e.g. when at home you could use the your wlan AP existence to know that you are at home, at work you would see different wlan AP. Location would be very coarse but probably enough for profile changes.
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For some uses ACWP could be enough with time.

It should be versatile enough so user could choose a combination on different location methods, battery status, time and/or confirm dialog popup-window method.

Seems like a feature request to alarmed authors.
The Quote Train's Avatar
Posts: 64 | Thanked: 20 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Adelaide, Australia
Could have used this the other week...

Walked into a lecture, 10mins in my phone starts blasting my ringtone through the speaker. :P
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Earlier days I had in Nokia Communicator profile changing application that used network cell IDs for profile activation. That is basically ok, but you needed to find all cell IDs near your home/work (for both 2G and 3G networks). For this WLAN ID as mentioned could be more useful. Another application used calendar to set profiles. E.g. if you had a keyword "meeting" in your calendar the application changed proflie to silent/meeting for that time. This was pretty useful and it also had time based profile setting for handling work/home profiles.
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...the "calendar" option of JKO65 sounds like a good idea...
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Originally Posted by jukkar View Post
It is not necessary to use gps to know where you are e.g. when at home you could use the your wlan AP existence to know that you are at home, at work you would see different wlan AP. Location would be very coarse but probably enough for profile changes.
The problem with that, is suddenly its not accurate enough for you to really trust. And if you want it to be setting to silent while at work, and it doesn't.. Your still going to want to manually set it each time. You'd need an actual GPS check and x minutes check can still have the same issues as well.

Time based, however, sounds very simple and I can't see why not.

Originally Posted by The Quote Train View Post
Could have used this the other week...

Walked into a lecture, 10mins in my phone starts blasting my ringtone through the speaker. :P
Meh it happens quite often. What DOESN'T happen to most quite often is when you silent phone stops ringing.. and resumes music (that you weren't listening to) and blasts it over the speakers... is when you have issues. Happened to me 4-5 times now and I can't wait for PR.1.2.

Last edited by IzzehO; 2010-04-19 at 09:01.

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