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Originally Posted by squirreluk View Post
Yeah i got fed up and sold mine yesterday, total price crash, nokia just let this phone die a death, really as soon as it was launched they killed it.

I sold mine the day meego was announced.
I traded it in at CEX for a good price and guess what, it's STILL sat on the shelf in CEX gathering dust and they've reduced the price many times since.
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I am getting bored with mine now too to some degree

primarily because im waiting for a few things that will undoubtedly never happen or dont appear to be happening anytime soon

When the n900 was announced I thought thats a really cool device that has a phone too

I like the fact that you can do so much with it, root access, open source etc and having a community base too

I feel a little let down that ovi store is pap, the ovi software isnt compatilbe and I have to use an older version of nokia suite which doesnt provide full features, exchange implementation is pap (so we have now continued our blackberry services)

As a phone its too big and heavy and not the best phone in the world, but I got it for its other features primarily as long as I could have decent sms too

and then the whole pr1.2 qt meego, lack of portrait support etc etc

at the end of the day I took a gamble with the n900 and its a 2 year gamble too under contract so I really hope nokia dont f00k it up and leave it to the community
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some people taking this thread too personally and going into defense mode.....its just a discussion.

when i said bored i meant i have done all i can with it but no new apps .or games that is made for n900. yes all toys get boring after while but i remember not feeling like that with n95-8gb becuase it had loads apps and games not many firmware flaws like this.

staying connected is the n900 best feature, microB FTW... its in use every day when not on pc.

for me meego is too far away and want meamo to have the support till meego is ready.
n900 (UK) Global 3.2010.02.8
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"I'm bored please entertain me!" what are you... 14?
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Originally Posted by tk421 View Post
"I'm bored please entertain me!" what are you... 14?
Lol, I was just about to ask same question, I feel like I've seen these convos on the Barrens chat.
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Originally Posted by tk421 View Post
"I'm bored please entertain me!" what are you... 14?
please do not act childish, we are having a discussion!
n900 (UK) Global 3.2010.02.8
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To those poor bored souls... here's something to hopefully entertain and lift your spirits.
Class .. : Power User
Humor .. : [#####-----] | Alignment: Pragmatist
Patience : [###-------] | Weapon(s): Galaxy Note + BB Bold Touch 9900
Agro ... : [###-------] | Relic(s) : iPhone 4S, Atrix, Milestone, N900, N800, N95, HTC G1, Treos, Zauri, BB 9000, BB 9700, etc

Follow the MeeGo Coding Competition!

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Originally Posted by casper27 View Post
The logic behind the fact that the N900 is dead becuse Meego got announced is beyond backwards. The very fact that the N900 and Meego with both run QT applications is a massive possitive.
This is without taking into account that the N900 is the OFFICIAL testing device for Meego. You can even at this very moment run a working Meego image on the N900. Once the next version gets released sometime in May you will see how the 2 will work together.
Please dont talk about N900 vs. MeeGo. It's Maemo vs. MeeGo. The difference is in the software stack, not in the device.

Originally Posted by casper27 View Post
Sure the first true Meego device might not be the N900 but it will be running a full working version long before then and will probably get upgraded to latest version once its out.
As long as the N900 meets the minimal hardware requirements of MeeGo (and I cannot see why it shouldn't), the N900 IS a true MeeGo device.
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all i dislike about the n900 is that the software is buggy and glitchy,

if they fix that then i will be truly happy with the n900. nice hardware. software looks good, they just need to get it running properly.

i want a batterylife of 6+ hours... and not some mediaplayer broken up my *** draining the ****.
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I want more commercial apps. More choice in gps navigation software.
More proper touch / accelerometer games utilizing 800x480 resolution.

I'm sure PR1.2 will improve the phone greatly and fix tons of bugs.
So I just wait and hope they release it SOON. Why such delay? gawd.

It's funny how many of us, including myself to some point, think N900 with Maemo5 OS is a dead end and won't get much support from now on while it is actually due for release in Australia in mid-May. (according to some Oz stores)

btw, this is one funny pic. It's one of Australia's major retailers advert.
They don't have it in stock nor have they started selling the phone yet in Oz.
So it's really weird how they have put it on special sale until May 16th. =P


booooooooooring, please go, please sell

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