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Posts: 107 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Apr 2007
hi tom, ive been reading that the blackjack cant sync with the n800? if so, how to do it?

Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jul 2007
I thought I read somewhere that the script for the 770 can be used to tether the PAN for the 800 but you don't need to use ins mod line because it was already compiled into the kernel.

Everything I read was that out of the box neither the 770 nor the 800 can tether via PAN without running this script posted on this board.

This is the script I am using w/ the 770:

BTADDR='Cingular Blackjack Bluetooth Mac Address'

hciconfig hci0 up

#insmod just to be sure
insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/current/bnep.ko
#start PAN Bluetooth connection
pand --connect $BTADDR

# wait for the interface created by pand
echo -n "Waiting $s secs for $IFACE"
while [ $s -gt 0 ] ; do
ifconfig $IFACE >/dev/null 2>&1 && break
echo -n "."
sleep 1
if ifconfig $IFACE >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
# bring it up
echo "OK, bringing $IFACE up"
ifconfig $IFACE $IP up
route add default gw $GW
echo "nameserver $NS" >/tmp/resolv.conf.lo
echo "Error: $IFACE not available."
Posts: 83 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Feb 2007
V3xx works for tethering the N800. I'm using it now.
GeneralAntilles's Avatar
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I have a Samsung A717 that works perfectly. Little smaller than the Sync with more features. Goes for pretty cheap with a contract right now. I get about 50KB/sec at the low end (EDGE is about 10KB/sec) which goes to around 150KB/sec depending on signal strength. Quite reasonable for browsing and works perfectly with Rhapsody. Unfortunately, there's a blackout area right on my way home from work so I can't really listen to Rhapsody in the car there. Signal strength is pretty good for most of the city (St. Petersburg, FL) even indoors in most places. I really like the phone as it's very small and perfect for voice/data usage and my N800 can do everything else.

The RAZR v3xx has the advantage of having a 3.6Mbps modem (versus the 1.8Mbps modem in every other model in their lineup right now). That said, AT&T hasn't actually turned on the 3.6Mbps speeds and it probably wont happen before the end of the year.

The MediaMAX Unlimited plan will work fine for tethering as long as you change the "isp" in the login info to "wap". Just try to keep your bandwidth usage down and don't tell any reps. :P
iball's Avatar
Posts: 729 | Thanked: 19 times | Joined on Mar 2007
I've tethered my N95 with my N800 successfully....the N800 detects the phone and sets everything up automagically.
Works like a charm. The plan I have is T-Mobile's $40-a-month for 1000 minutes, unlimited nights and weekends and with their $30-a-month unlmited internet.
Yes, their EDGE speeds are pathetic compared to AT&T's newly-revamped EDGE (yes, I've used BOTH in the past 30 days) but T-Mobile is a little more "flexible" with my globe-trotting work/lifestyle.
And having an unlocked N95 with PAYG chips for Europe/Africa/ME works wonders.
Posts: 107 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Apr 2007
hi tom, thanks for the script. so after running that script on the n800, do you just sync normally with the blackjack as if the blackjack is tethering to the pc? do you have to run the script everytime you want to connect to the internet?

ive also read that doing this, opera doesnt work? does all the functionality of the n800 connection work?


Originally Posted by tom504 View Post
I thought I read somewhere that the script for the 770 can be used to tether the PAN for the 800 but you don't need to use ins mod line because it was already compiled into the kernel.

Everything I read was that out of the box neither the 770 nor the 800 can tether via PAN without running this script posted on this board.

This is the script I am using w/ the 770:

BTADDR='Cingular Blackjack Bluetooth Mac Address'

hciconfig hci0 up

#insmod just to be sure
insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/current/bnep.ko
#start PAN Bluetooth connection
pand --connect $BTADDR

# wait for the interface created by pand
echo -n "Waiting $s secs for $IFACE"
while [ $s -gt 0 ] ; do
ifconfig $IFACE >/dev/null 2>&1 && break
echo -n "."
sleep 1
if ifconfig $IFACE >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
# bring it up
echo "OK, bringing $IFACE up"
ifconfig $IFACE $IP up
route add default gw $GW
echo "nameserver $NS" >/tmp/resolv.conf.lo
echo "Error: $IFACE not available."
sparkbox's Avatar
Posts: 51 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Powell, OH
Well I got my 8525 to work see this link for the how-to

But now I have this brand new unlocked Motorola v3xx that is Full-Data Rate for better cell tower connection and is converted to be QUAD band capable and I have no use for it anybody interested? I got it for $280 and would sell it for $250 (firm) including USPS priority mail within the United States. It also comes with 1GB Micro SD card Motorola Phone tools 4.5 (for sync'ing to outlook) and all original packaging.

Last edited by sparkbox; 2007-07-24 at 17:42.
Posts: 28 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Jun 2007
How did you convert it to Quad band? I got one, and it's three band..

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Posts: 51 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Powell, OH
Originally Posted by re2st View Post
How did you convert it to Quad band? I got one, and it's three band..

I didn't do it, but the phone has the capability to be quad, but it is just locked out in the firmware. There are people who can unlock this feature on the web.
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Posts: 28 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Jun 2007
Oh wow! That's awesome! Quad-band GSM and three-band WCDMA! I want it! Hehe..

Any idea where I can have it unlocked like that? Most unlock service only unlocking it from the carrier..

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