Poll: Do you think its possible to overclock the N900?!
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Do you think its possible to overclock the N900?!

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Posts: 19 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2010
I have overclocked too and am delighted with the extra snappiness of the n900.
However even though I set the limit for 250 to 850 it will only go between 500-850 which is draining the battery a little too fast for my liking.

This is what I have done so far: I installed the kernel and settings from app repository then in root loaded 'ideal' and set the limits to 250 850.

Is there anything else I can do to ensure it doesnt idle at 500?
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Originally Posted by Nixmix View Post
I have overclocked too and am delighted with the extra snappiness of the n900.
However even though I set the limit for 250 to 850 it will only go between 500-850 which is draining the battery a little too fast for my liking.

This is what I have done so far: I installed the kernel and settings from app repository then in root loaded 'ideal' and set the limits to 250 850.

Is there anything else I can do to ensure it doesnt idle at 500?
Ideal has a min freq of 500mhz, if you want 250mhz as minimum the easiest way is to set xlv which has min of 250mhz then set max to 850mhz
My N900@1Ghz Rocks
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Originally Posted by matts76 View Post
Ideal has a min freq of 500mhz, if you want 250mhz as minimum the easiest way is to set xlv which has min of 250mhz then set max to 850mhz
Great, will do, thanks. And will it save the settings after a reboot?
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Im trying to edit myconfig to use conservative instead of ondemand and to miss out certian freqs, missing out the freqs is no problem but i cant find where to change the govenor settings, ive tried setting it in cpufreq ui then saving myconfig but when i load it its set at ondemand.
If anyone else can help i would be really gratefull.
My N900@1Ghz Rocks
I wanted a phone, but i ended up with an all encompasing obsession

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Originally Posted by Nixmix View Post
Great, will do, thanks. And will it save the settings after a reboot?
No, all titans kernels revert to default settings at boot for safty, the easiest way to enable the settings you want is to use a queen beecon widget, if you do a power search there is loads of info on how to do this, but make sure you set any overclocking widgets to update when clicked only.

Also thanks is at the bottom right of the post
My N900@1Ghz Rocks
I wanted a phone, but i ended up with an all encompasing obsession

Last edited by matts76; 2010-05-16 at 16:17.

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other governors were not supported until the latest version 0.10.
only ondemand supports avoid_frequencies.

@Nixmix: to load some profile during boot with kernel-power-settings run
sudo kernel-config default <profile>

Originally Posted by matts76 View Post
Im trying to edit myconfig to use conservative instead of ondemand and to miss out certian freqs, missing out the freqs is no problem but i cant find where to change the govenor settings, ive tried setting it in cpufreq ui then saving myconfig but when i load it its set at ondemand.
If anyone else can help i would be really gratefull.

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Originally Posted by titan View Post
other governors were not supported until the latest version 0.10.
only ondemand supports avoid_frequencies.

@Nixmix: to load some profile during boot with kernel-power-settings run
sudo kernel-config default <profile>
Thanks, where can i find version 0.10 i cant find it in the repo's.
My N900@1Ghz Rocks
I wanted a phone, but i ended up with an all encompasing obsession

Posts: 156 | Thanked: 28 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Los Angeles, CA
for titans enchanced kernel, i I've already downloaded the enhanced linux kernel for power users, and enhanced linux kernel for power users (settings)

I restarted
Opened X terminal
Sudo gain root
kernel-config load ideal
Now i get an error message saying i need to reinstall kernel-power and kernel-power-flasher. How do I install it? I tried installing it from the x terminal, but then i get an error about wget. Can i install that via app manager, i've checked extra, extras development, I don't see it.

Sorry if this is a noob question
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you need to completely shutdown your device and then boot it again.
check conky or the command "uname -a" for the kernel version.

Originally Posted by RogerTHAcctant View Post
for titans enchanced kernel, i I've already downloaded the enhanced linux kernel for power users, and enhanced linux kernel for power users (settings)

I restarted
Opened X terminal
Sudo gain root
kernel-config load ideal
Now i get an error message saying i need to reinstall kernel-power and kernel-power-flasher. How do I install it? I tried installing it from the x terminal, but then i get an error about wget. Can i install that via app manager, i've checked extra, extras development, I don't see it.

Sorry if this is a noob question
Posts: 946 | Thanked: 1,650 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Germany
be careful with the latest v28 of the kernel1 it's very experimental.
It works fine for me (including deinstallation) but one user reported problems with LR1.2.
please let me know whether there are any problems.

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